Yaa Handling Of Cotton Fiber Fiber Amongst Chitosan For The Improvement Of Exhaustion During Dyeing Amongst Reactive Dye

Treatment of Cotton Fiber amongst Chitosan for the Improvement of Exhaustion during Dyeing amongst Reactive Dye
Mustaque Ahammed Mamun
Department of Textile Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET)
Cell: +8801723300703
Email: mamuntex09@gmail.com


1.1 Background
Cotton fiber is the almost useable fiber (E.R.trotman et al. 1975). About ninety countries inwards the basis used cotton fiber fiber for various purposes. This fiber is used due to some argue such equally ane of the kickoff advantages of cotton fiber is comfort. Cotton is softer in addition to thus it volition it experience much to a greater extent than comfortable to wear. The advantages of cotton fiber include inexpensive, in that location is an unlimited supply. It tin live worn inwards the summertime (warm days), or winter(cool days). Cotton likewise absorbs H2O in addition to wet easily. The uses of it are wearing apparel, habitation furnishing, hygiene uses, in addition to eventually medical uses. It is a natural fiber in addition to thus it is hypo allergenic, biodegradable, easily cleaned, breathable, low-cal in addition to easily colored. It tin live dyed past times using various colors or dyestuffs (M.Lewin et al., 2010).

Cotton fiber tin live dyed amongst various dyes such equally straight dye, vat dye, sulphur dye, mordant dye, azoic dye, reactive dye. The launder fastness of straight dye is non proficient (2-3) (E.R.trotman et al., 1975). Rubbing fastness of vat dye is non likewise good. Dyeing physical care for of vat dye is difficult. It is costly. Sulphur dye is unhygienic for environment. Shading is non to a greater extent than than 10%. Limited gain of color. Bronziness in addition to Tendering resultant are mutual defects inwards sulphur dyeing. The azoic dyeing physical care for is complicated in addition to time-consuming application procedures. On the other mitt reactive dyes conduct keep proficient fastness properties owing to the covalent bonding that occurs during dyeing (Broadbent et al. 2001).

Reactive dyeing is similar a shot the almost of import method for the coloration of cellulosic fibres. Cotton is made of cellulose molecules which react amongst the dye. During reactive dyeing the hydrogen atom inwards the cellulose molecule combines amongst the chlorine (cl2) atom inwards the dyeing physical care for in addition to results inwards a bond. Reactive dyes used to dye cellulosic fibres. The dyes comprise a reactive group, either a haloheterocycle or an activated double bond, that, when applied to a fibre inwards an element of group I dye bath, forms a chemic covalent bond amongst a hydroxyl grouping on the cellulosic fibre. There are some benefits, because the reactive dye consists amongst chromophores of dye part, bridging groups, reactive grouping bearing parts in addition to reactive groups. Reactive groups are the responsible for the fixation on alkali condition. All of the reactive dyes are organic compounds. Organic compounds are much to a greater extent than harmful than the others.

The psyche disadvantage of reactive dyes is hydrolysis of reactive dye during the application of reactive dyes to cellulose fibers nether highly element of group I conditions, a competing hydrolysis reaction takes place, originating inwards the non-reactive oxi-dye form, which is lost for dyeing in addition to passes into the waste materials water. Unfixed or hydrolyzed reactive dye has to live washed off thoroughly inwards companionship to attain the desired superior wet fastness of the reactive dyeing. As much equally 50% of the full terms 0f a reactive dyeing physical care for must live attributed to the washing off stages handling of the resulting effluent. This aspect of the physical care for should live recognized a major limitation that prevents reactive dyes from achieving the grade of success that was predicted for them at the fourth dimension of their discovery. This hydrolysed dye is discharged equally colored effluent effluent terms is risen up. Reactive dye hydrolysates are non easily adsorbed past times sewage sludge inwards abiological clarification found (D Fiebig et al., 1998). Moreover color is non easily removed past times effluent handling processes in addition to inwards many cases the dyes are non readily biodegradable.this unhydrolysed dyes may pose an environs hazard. So for decreasing hydrolysis tabular array salt is used but late a chemical compound is used earlier dyeing for increasing absorption which advert is chitosan.

Chitosan is a non-toxic in addition to chemically reactive, in addition to biocompatible natural functional polymer, in addition to has long been used equally a biopolymer in addition to natural stuff inwards many fields. Recently, chitosan effects widely studied are antistatic, bacteriostatic, biocompatibility properties conferred on various textiles (M. Sundrarajan et al. 2010). According to some previous experiences, wrinkle-resistance finishing amongst chitosan for cloth tin amend its wrinkle grade but its grip in addition to mechanical holding got worse to a sure enough extent. Chitosan adsorption likewise increased the wet absorption of the fibers. Chitosan amongst lower molecular weight increased the hydrophilicity of the treated fibers, but chitosan amongst higher molecular weight, decreased it.

1.2 Objectives of the thesis
The psyche objectives of the written report to increment the dyeability reactivity dye past times using eco-friendly biodegradable chitosan.
  • To teach desired exhaustion of dye inwards dyeing of cotton fiber cloth amongst reactive dyes past times using salt.
  • To amend depth of shade cotton fiber cloth past times using chitosan.
  • To amend the dye uptake in addition to likewise to trim down the effluent load.
  • To decrease the charge per unit of measurement of hydrolysis of reactive dye.
  • To amend the crimp recovery of cotton fiber fabric.


2.1 Cotton Fiber
Cotton is unique inwards nature which has the highest per centum of cellulose. It varies from 90% to 95%. This concentration depends upon many factors, such that maturity flat in addition to diverseness of cotton, house on cottonseed from where it is drawn. In cotton fiber fiber in that location is sure enough non-cellulosic matter, which plays of import role inwards growth in addition to on forth coming processes. These are located either on the surface of the fiber or inwards middle of fiber way within the lumen. Being a natural fiber, in that location are many factors which touching on the construction of cotton fiber cellulose. There are primary in addition to secondary walls inwards the cotton fiber cellulose. Primary wall or outer wall is less crystalline in addition to has less per centum of cellulose. Whereas, secondary wall is unopen to the lumen in addition to consist of pure cellulose cotton fiber fiber is composed of the crystalline in addition to amorphous structure.

2.1.1 Chemical Structure of Cotton Fiber
The molecular construction of cellulose has ever been of cracking involvement to scientists in addition to over fourth dimension several structures conduct keep been proposed. The linear polymer, β-D-glucopyronose amongst 1,4-glycosidic bonds, is the widely accepted construction for cellulose. Consequently it may live considered equally a polyhydric alcohol. Each glucopyranose band inwards the cellulose chain contains iii hydroxyl groups, a primary hydroxyl grouping inwards the 6- position in addition to secondary hydroxyl groups inwards the 2- in addition to 3- positions.
Figure2.1: Cellubiose Unit.
2.1.2 Cotton Fiber Ingredients
The basic ingredients, that are responsible for complicated interconnections inwards the primary wall, are cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectins, proteins in addition to ions. These components are acquaint throughout the primary wall. The solely divergence is the concentration in addition to nature of each component, equally when approaching the secondary wall. In the secondary wall, solely crystalline cellulose is present, which is highly ordered in addition to has compact construction the cellulose fibrils inwards the secondary wall are laying parallel to ane another.

Table2.1: Typical Composition of Dry Mature Cotton Fiber

Composition (%)
Whole fiber
Outer layer
Pectin substances
Protein  (nitrogensubstances)
Organic Acid
               1.4                                         12
2.1.3 Chemistry of Cotton Cellulose
Cellulose is an insoluble meat in addition to mainly composed of polysaccharide, which holds chains of glucose monomers. It is solely soluble inwards some specific solvents. It is the psyche constituent of found prison theatre cellular telephone walls in addition to equally good equally of vegetable fibers. Cotton is ane of the vegetable fibers which conduct keep the highest per centum of cellulose. There is a various structures in addition to compositions of cellulose of cotton. Its construction makes it divergent from other naturally occurring matters. Cotton cellulose is unique inwards many ways in addition to possesses distinct characteristics which locomote far highly useful for many purposes. It has been assumed that cotton fiber cellulose construction is based on glucose unit of measurement only. However, it is likewise believed that in that location is modest amount of pentose is present, which is removed during scouring process. There is no evidence of the presence of pentose. Cotton cellulose is highly crystalline inwards nature in addition to good oriented in addition to has along in addition to stiff molecular structure. The 1,4-D glucopyranose are the regulation edifice blocks of cotton fiber cellulose chain in addition to are linked past times l,4-glucodic bonds. Free rotation of the anhydrogluco-pyranose C-O-C link is stopped past times steric effects. There are iii hydroxyl groups attached to each anhydroglucose. One grouping is attached at C-6 in addition to ii at C-2 in addition to C-3. Due to the presence of hydroxyl groups in addition to the chain conformation, in that location are many to a greater extent than bonds possible (inter molecule in addition to intramolecular). Such bonds brand the fiber to a greater extent than stiff past times increasing the rigidity of the construction of cotton fiber cellulose.

2.1.4 Cross Section of Cotton Fiber

The prison theatre cellular telephone wall is a dynamic construction which composition in addition to cast tin modify markedly, non solely during prison theatre cellular telephone growth but likewise afterwards the cells conduct keep locomote matured. The cotton fiber fiber is structurally built upward into concentric zones in addition to a hollow key core known equally the lumen.
Figure 2.2: Schematic representation of mature cotton fiber fiber showing its Various layers.
The mature fiber essentially consists of (from exterior to inside) - the cuticle i.e. the outermost layer, the primary prison theatre cellular telephone wall, the secondary wall in addition to the lumen. Figure 1.1 systematically shows the unlike layers acquaint inwards the cotton fiber fiber amongst the compositions of each layer. Cotton contains nearly 90% of cellulose in addition to unopen to 10% of non-cellulosic substances, which are mainly located inwards the cuticle in addition to primary wall of the fiber. Typical components inwards dry out mature cotton fiber fibers almost of the non-cellulosic materials are acquaint inwards the outer layers of cotton fiber fiber.

Figure illustrates schematically the distribution of cellulose in addition to other non-cellulosic materials inwards the various layers of cotton fiber fiber. The outermost layer is the cuticle. It is a sparse cinema of to a greater extent than frequently than non fats in addition to waxes. Owing to non-structured orientation of cellulose in addition to non-cellulosic materials, the primary wall surfaces is unorganized in addition to open. This gives the flexibility to the primary wall, which is required during the prison theatre cellular telephone growth.

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