Yaa Hydroentanglement Bonding Procedure For Production Of Nonwoven Textile (Part-4)

Hydro-entanglement Bonding Process for Production of Nonwoven Fabric (Part-4)
Eng Mohamed Elsharkawy
Dept. of Textile Engineering
Alexandria University
Alexandria, Arab Republic of Egypt
Email: m.elsharkawy.tex@gmail.com

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2.9. Characteristics of geo-textiles
There are iii master copy properties which are required in addition to specified for a geo-textile are its mechanical responses, filtration might in addition to chemic resistance. These are the properties that create the required working effect. They are all developed from the combination of the physical shape of the polymer fibers, their textile structure in addition to the polymer chemic characteristics.

For example, the mechanical answer of a geo-textile volition depend upon the orientation in addition to regularity of the fibers likewise equally the type of polymer from which it is made.
entanglement Bonding Process for Production of Nonwoven Fabric  Yaa Hydroentanglement Bonding Process for Production of Nonwoven Fabric (Part-4)
Also, the chemic resistance of a geo-textile volition depend upon the size of the private constituent fibers inward the fabric, likewise equally their chemic composition – fine fibers amongst a large specific surface expanse are discipline to to a greater extent than rapid chemic assault than coarse fibers of the same polymer. The Characteristics of Geo-textiles are broadly classified as: 
1. Physical properties:
  • Weight - thickness
  • Stiffness - density
2. Mechanical properties:
  • Tenacity - tensile forcefulness
  • Drapability - compatibility
  • Flexibility - violent forcefulness
3.Hydraulic properties: 
  • Porosity - permeability - Permittivity
2.10. Features in addition to benefits of hydro-entanglement
The hydro-entanglement procedure yields the most textile-like production of whatever of the electrical current processes for producing nonwoven fabrics. Hydro-entanglement holds the hope of delivering a soft experience in addition to comfort amongst a manus similar to those of woven in addition to knits at the economic science of nonwovens. Hydro-entangled fabrics accept the next characteristics:
  • Soft, limp, flexible hand 
  • High absorbency
  • High drape 
  • High mass
  • Comfortable in addition to moldable 
  • Low linting
  • Stretchable without loss inward thickness  
  • High forcefulness without binders
  • De-lamination resistance
Hydro-entanglement is a highly versatile procedure [14] because it tin survive used to create nonwovens amongst a broad attain of end-use properties.

These differences are achieved because of a broad attain of fibers that are available in addition to because of the broad attain of possible parameter adjustments.

The versatility of the hydro-entanglement processes is seen equally an payoff because this procedure tin survive used to combine conventionally formed webs amongst melt blown, spun-bond webs, paper, other textiles in addition to scrims inward lodge to croak a combination of properties that cannot survive achieved past times the role of a unmarried web.

Spun-lace fabrics tin survive farther finished, normally dyed and/or printed, treated amongst binders to let for launder durability, or sack retardants tin survive applied to resist burning. The textile tin survive treated past times antimicrobial agents to heighten resistance against microorganisms.

Hydro-entangled non-woven, depending upon the fibers processed, are strong, soft in addition to pliable in addition to tin survive dense or opened upwardly in addition to are typically absorbent. So they are by in addition to large used for fine fiber webs intended for the medical, personal care, babe tending in addition to consumer in addition to hygiene markets.



In this study, nosotros aim to give an take in nearly ane of most of import methods for producing non-woven fabrics which is hydro-entanglement process.

A epitome machine volition survive designed in addition to manufactured to correspond the procedure of hydro-entanglement.

As good as, around of import tests has been carried out to exhibit the properties of textiles used inward geo-textile application of non-woven which tin survive produced on hydro-entanglement machine.

The of import properties to survive investigated are; Tensile strength, puncture strength, H2O permeability, equivalent opening size in addition to violent strength.

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