Now You Know Medical Textile Wound Care (Part-2)

Textile Technology,
Jaya Engineering College, Chennai, India.
2Rajan.S,, Textile Chemistry,
SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal, India.


FT-IR Test Result
Fig 5: FTIR Spectra
The above FTIR spectra clearly shows that the leaves of mimosa pudica have the functional compounds like flavonoids, steroids, glycosides, saponins, proteins, carbohydrates, alkaloids and phenolic compounds. Among all the compounds the flavonoids found to have frequency range from 1600 to 3300, so it has wide range of frequency which has variety of biological activities, the leaf extract contains highest amount of flavonoids and phenolic compounds thus influencing the effect of wound healing and antibacterial activity.

The other compounds which also influence the property of antibacterial effect which also ranges in the desired frequency. The table below shows the frequency range of mimosa functional compounds.
Functional Group
Table I: FTIR Frequency Range Values

SEM Test Result
It can be used to examine micro fabric and crystallographic orientation in many materials.
Fig 6: SEM of Medicated Herbal Bandage coated with Mimosa Pudica extract
The above figures show the morphological structure of the herbal treated cotton gauze where the particles are settled depth into the fibre and the fibres are oriented and crystalline region. The herb particles are well deposited on the fabric surface. Such deposit of herbal extract on the surface of the fibre was found more in mimosa pudica extract treated fabric. The below figures shows the images of untreated and treated fabric. The differences can be clearly seen from the two images that the molecular orientation behaviour is good in treated fabric than the untreated one. The particles are well deposited on the surface of the fabric.
Fig 7 a:Untreated gauze
Fig 7 b: Treated gauze
Absorbency Test Result (Wicking Height)
A well absorbent fabric behaves like a wick and water rises through it against gravity. If the water is tinted with dye, the height of the water level wicked through the fabric strip can be noted. Wicking height is higher for a good absorbent fabric. So the below table shows the wicking behaviour of both treated and untreated sample.
14.8 (cm)
17.5 (cm)

Table II: Absorbency Test Values

The above test is carried for 15 mints for each sample.

For 1 mint the absorbency of treated sample is 8cm

For 5 mints the absorbency of treated sample is 12cm

For 10 mints the absorbency of treated sample is 14cm

The above results show that the treated sample has high absorbency than the untreated sample. Thus the wicking behaviour is high for treated sample. Tests were also carried out for 1 min, 5 min, 10 mints , the absorbency rate decreasing due to the gravity because at the higher wicking height the influence of gravity is higher, therefore lowering the absorption of water.

Phytochemical Test Result
Phytochemical screening of the plant extract was carried to find the presence of phyto compounds present in the extract. To identify the phytochemicals in plant extract chemical tests were carried out.

Test For Saponins
To 1 ml of extract 5 ml of distilled water was added and shaken vigorously. Observed for foam appearance indicates the presence of saponins.
Fig 8: Foam indicates Saponins
Test for Flavonoids
To 1 ml of extract 5 ml of dilute ammonia solution was added, followed by addition of concentrated sulphuric acid along the sides of the tube. Appearance of yellow colouration.
Fig 9: Yellow indicates Flavonoids
Test for Alkaloids
1 ml of sample was taken to that few drops of Dragandoff reagent was added and observed for orange red colour.
Fig 10: Red Orange Indicates Alkaloids
Test for Steroids
1 ml of the filtrate was taken to that 10% concentration H2SO4 was added and observed for green colour.
Fig 11: Green Indicates Steroids
Anti-Bacterial Test Result (Well Diffusion Method) AATCC 147
The sample of cotton gauze is inoculated in the culture plates containing bacteria of staphylococcus aureus and kiebsiella pneumonia. Based on the bacterial growth on nutrient agar plates after 24 hours of incubation with the test specimen, the sample cotton gauze is found to have antibacterial activity as there was a zone of inhibition against the test organisms. As per standard, the fabric material will be considered to have antibacterial activity only when there is no bacterial growth directly under the sample in the contact area.
Fig 12: Zone of Inhibition


Bacteriostatic activity in mm

   Growth under fabric

 AATCC 6538

AATCC 4352

      Cotton Gauze




Table III: Antibacterial Test Result- Zone of Inhibition

Test Summary:

Technique used : Direct inoculation, Well Diffusion Method
Amount of sample taken: 5*2.5 cm for each bacterium
Incubation Period : 37 degree Celsius for 24 – 48 hours

The Mimosa Pudica ethanol extract shows very good wound healing activity. The ethanol herbal extract exhibited good wound healing activity probably due to the presence of phenols constituents.
Fig 13: Albino Rat
 Fig 14: Wound Inflicted on Rat
Fig 15: Medicated Herbal Bandage
Fig 16: Wound Contraction in 5 Wound days
Assessment of Wound Contraction
Wound contraction was monitored by metric measurement of the wound area. This was studied by tracing the raw wound area on a transparent polythene paper and the traced area was measured by using a graph paper. The wound contraction was measured as a percentage decrease of original wound size of 500mm2 for each animal of a group.

Results were expressed as mean ± SEM. The data were analysed by using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnet’s test. P values<0.05 were considered as significant.
Drug Treatment                          
Wound Contraction(days)

Control(Non                   Medicated Gauze)

Test Control
(Medicated Gauze)

Table IV: Effect of Medicated Herbal Bandage on Wound Contraction

Values are in Mean ± SEM; (n=6), *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 Vs. Control.

Wound Healing Activity on Human
Fig 17: Wound on human ankle
  Fig 18:Herbal Bandage tied on the Wound
 Fig 19: Cured wound after 2 days
This research work has given a new idea in finishing of cotton gauze with herbs of mimosa pudica for antibacterial and wound healing activity.

The above FT-IR and SEM analysis reveals that the herbal extract of mimosa pudica has high antibacterial and wound healing compounds when compared to untreated samples. So it promotes better good healing and reduces the risk of bacterial infection. Since mimosa pudica plant are rich in flavonoids and phenols and abundant availability in many of the countries the scope of implementation and commercialization of herbal extract to impart finishes in textile is will be high and raw material is 100% from natural resources, it is eco-friendly having economic, social and environmental benefits. The treated fabrics were found to be very hygienic with no bacterial infection when compared to conventionally finished fabrics. In the present study, Mimosa Pudica leaves extract possesses a strong wound healing activity against acute and chronic wounds.

Also by testing on Rat (Invitro study) it was found that there was a significant increase in the wound healing activity by this medicated herbal bandage. Treatment of herbal bandage showing reduced days of epithelialization period and more contraction.

From the above findings, it could be concluded that the traditional plants may represent new sources of wound healing with stable, biologically active components that can establish a scientific base for the use of plants in modern medicine. This study has open doors for production of better eco-friendly medically treated Band-Aid.

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