Yaa Viva Questions In Addition To Answers For Garments In Addition To Merchandising Labor (Part-1)

Multiple Choice Questions For Fashion Designing, Garments in addition to Merchandising Job (Part-1)

M.A.(SOCIOLOGY), M.L.M.(Labour Management), Pursuing MBA(EXECUTIVE) inwards (FASHION-TECH), MISTE,
Chennai, Republic of Republic of India
Cell: +91-9283182955
Email: rsbalakumar1953@gmail.com


In textile, garments, merchandising or fashion designing sector all textile students are aspect upwards to an interview to instruct a job.So all candidates are instruct to a greater extent than full general cognition in addition to too textile in addition to wearing apparel related terms. Here all of y'all instruct 100 questions in addition to answers therefore instruct training for textile or garments interview.
Interview board
100 Multiple Choice Questions
(Answers are given below of article)

1. Pattern making is basically divided inwards to a)................ b)................

2. ................... is the basic pattern that is used for all adaptions.

3. The block pattern is placed (or) wheeled on to pattern newspaper to reach the .................

4. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 garment is a ............... production

  a) Two Dimensional  b) Three Dimensional

  c) Four Dimensional  d) None higher upwards

5. Pattern is a replica or a garment (say True / False)

6. Black pattern does non included seam allawance, inwards lays in addition to hem allawance. (say True / False)

7. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 scheme of pattern making deperds on a serial figure measuring to consummate the newspaper pattern.

  a) Trueing  b) Basic pattern ready

  c) pattern drathing  d) pattern draping

8. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 2 - dimensional slice or cloth draped or therefore a form, a figure confirming to its shape creating a 3 - dimensional cloth pattern.

  a) Drafting or pattern  b) pattern draping

  c) Trueing  d) ready of pattern

9. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 v - slice pattern set, consisting of a front end / dorsum / sleeve in addition to skirt front, dorsum is called

  a) Drafting b) Draping

  c) Trueing d) Basic pattern ready

10. .................. is the measuring added to the patterns in addition to line for comfort

  a) Test - fit  b) Ease

  c) Figure balance  d) Fabric residuum

11. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 muslin garments cutting from a start pattern is called..............

  a) Sample  b) Template

  c) Test - fit  d) Dress

12. .................. a wedge - shape cutout inwards a pattern used every bit a agency of controlling the fit of the garment

  a) Ease  b) Garment residuum

  c) Tracing  d) Dart

13. The direction inwards which the yarn is passing inwards the fabric.

  a) Fibre  b) Grain

  c) Length wise  d) Cross wise

14. Yarns parallel to selvedge in addition to at correct angler to the cross grain of woven cloth is called .......................

  a) Cross Grain  b) Balance alive

  c) Bias (45’)  d) Length Grain

15. Finding in addition to adjusting the deviation betwixt joining pattern parts to ameliorate the hang in addition to fit of the garment is called ...............

  a) Garment balance  b) Bicep line

  c) Pattern balance  d) Grain

16. ................... is the procedure of matching 2 components to establish, grain line, scane length in addition to pattern is introduced

  a) Garment balance  b) Pattern residuum

  c) Fabric balance  d) Grain

17. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 slanting or diagonal line cutting or sewn across the weave of the cloth is called ...................

  a) Selvedge  b) Bias

  c) Bowing  d) Muslin

18. ................... is a line drawn on each pattern slice to betoken depression the pattern should the aligned alongside the length grain of the cloth

  a) True bias  b) Thick line

  c) Pattern grain line  d) Arrows

19. ................... at the top or the bottom indicates that the pattern must live placed inwards i direction exclusively

  a) Vertical  b) Cross - wise

  c) Grain line alongside arrows  d) Horizontal

20. ...................... grain line is drawn parallel alongside pump for garments to live cutting on guide grain

  a) Cross wise  b) Vertical

  c) Horizontal  d) Bias

21. Garment cutting in addition to manufacturing is based on ...............

  a) Measurements  b) Fit

  c) Style  d) Fullness

22. The report or human in addition to his measuring is called ..............

  a) Anatomy  b) Anthropology

  c) Anthropometry  d) Architecture

23. Drafting of pattern making is i of the ................... methods of garment making.

24. Draping is the ....................method used inwards fashion manufacture

25. To trim back or enlarge a given size pattern technique is called ......................

26. Seam allowance added pattern making is called ..................

27. Component pattern template are used inwards store flooring (True / False)

28. Pattern parts are made without seam allowance is called .................

29. Muslin cloth is used on clothe cast for draping (True / False)

30. Which are the next pattern making is / are widely used inwards garment manufacture inwards Bangladesh?

  a) Draping  b) Template

  c) Industrial pattern making  d) Block pattern

31. Pattern template is made upwards or .................in approved industry.

32. Effectively lay length is reduced piece cloth width is wider (True / False)

33. Effectively lay length reduced piece cloth width inwards wider (True / False)

34. .................. layout is widely used inwards garment manufacture

35. Any production capable of beingness spun/ woven or otherwise made into a cloth is

  a) Fiber  b) Yarn

  c) Thread  d) Cotton

36. Conversion of a yarn is carried out past times a procedure termed every bit

  a) weaving  b) spinning

  c) combing  d) carding

37. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 primary belongings of a textile fiber which refers to adequate strength is

  a) cohesiveness  b) flexibility

  c) density  d) tenacity

38. Find the strange i out

  a) cotton  b) jute

  c) linen  d) silk

39. The footing of poly propylene fibers are

  a) methane  b) propane

  c) propylene  d) ethane

40. The secondary belongings of a textile fiber is

  a) tenacity b) luster

  c) flexibility d) uniformity

41. Fibers that are measured inwards centimeters or inch are

  a) staplefibers  b) filament fibers

  c) shorfibres  d) long fibres

42. Fibres that are measured inwards miles or kilometers are

  a) staplefibres  b) filament fibres

  c) shortfibres  d) long fibres

43. Tenacity is the term unremarkably applied to the strength of

  a) fibre  b) yarn

  c) fabric  d) cotton fiber

44. Denier is the term applied to the strength of

  a) fibre  b) yarn

  c) fabric  d) cotton fiber

45. The belongings of bending without breaking is

  a) bending sterngth  b) flexibility

  c) spinning quality  d) tenacity

46. Cohesiveness is otherwise termed every bit

  a) spinning quality  b) uniformity

  c) adhesivity  d) tenacity

47. Texturizing is the processes that innovate

  a) coils  b) crimp

  c) zigzag shaping  d) all the higher upwards

48. Density is expressed every bit

  a) majority per unit of measurement volume  b) relative majority per unit of measurement book

  c) none of the above  d) both a in addition to b

49. The primary belongings essential for a fibre is

  a) lustre  b) density

  c) length to width ratio  d) resiliency

50. Lustre of fibres tin live trim back through the improver of

  a) sodium hydroxide  b) titanium dioxide

  c) diphosphate  d) pottasium dichromate

51. The might of a fiber to provide to shape next compression, bending or similar deformation is termed every bit

  a) elastic recovery  b) elongation

  c) resiliency  d) spinning character

52. If the organization of molecules inside the fibre are parallel to each other in addition to to the longtitudinal axis of the fibre in addition to then

  a) high orientation  b) depression orientation

  c) crystalline  d) amorphous

53. If the organization of molecules inside the fibre are parallel to each other but non parallel to each other in addition to to the longitudinal axis of the fibre in addition to then it is

  a) high orientation  b) depression orientation

  c) crystalline  d) amorphous

54. When the fibre molecules are arranged inwards random in addition to then it is

  a) high orientation  b) depression orientation

  c) crystalline  d) amorphous

55. An of import type of associative forcefulness inwards textiles

  a) carbon bonding  b) hydrogen bonding

  c) oxygen bonding  d) coo bonding

56. Molecular slippage is probable to live at a maximum inwards

  a) amorphous areas  b) crystalline areas

  c) both  d) none of the higher upwards

57. Molecular slippage is probable to live at a minimum inwards

  a) amorphous areas  b) crystalline areas

  c) both  d) none of the higher upwards

58. Cat tail is a .................fibre

  a) seed hair  b) bast

  c) leaf  d) creature pilus

59. Spot the strange i out

  a) kenaf  b) urene

  c) sunn  d) yucca

60. The foliage fibre is

  a) cotton  b) palm

  c) jute  d) kapok

61. Dupioni is a

  a) creature hair  b) creature secretion

  c) leaffibre  d) none of the higher upwards

62. Sunn is a

  a) cellulosicfibre  b) poly peptide fibre

  c) minarelfibre  d) prophylactic

63. Spot the strange i out

  a) moisture spinning  b) dry out spinning

  c) melt spinning  d) pad spinning

64. Cellulose is made upwards of

  a) C,H,O  b) C,H,N

  c) C,H,COOH  d) C,N,COOH

65. Tenacity of cotton fiber is

  a) 3 - v gms / denier  b) 3 - vii gms / denier

66. ............... are used every bit the garment fasteners

67. ..................... is used inwards front end wing opened upwards

68. This trial is produced past times applying pieces of cloth or dissimilar shapes in addition to sizes to the user aspect upwards in addition to some other cloth

  a) band  b) beads

  c) applique  d) motif

69. This is effectively used on many areas of a garment

  a) riping  c) embroidery

  b) draq string  d) rouleau

70. This is inserted inwards the casing or hem to line surface area or fulled together

  a) a cord  b) claw

  c) velcro  d) elastic

71. This is a decerativelenotting using 2 basic knots, the apartment in addition to the haly hitch, alongside variations

  a) patch  b) macrame

  c) applique  d) mofit

72. One strip is coverd alongside hooks in addition to the other alongside real fine loops.

  a) lace  b) velcro

  c) zippers  d) buttons

73. These are rolls or folds of fabris, used for making loops in addition to pipe for fastening

  a) snap fasteners  b) nada fasteners

  c) rouleau fastening  d) depict string

74. This type of fastening is introduced on sports article of apparel in addition to industrial garments

  a) hook& eye  b) push clit & push clit hole

  c) velcro  d) snap fasteners

75. This is often used at the nack of a dress, or blarse or at the waist every bit a belt, serve every bit a fastener

  a) bows  b) push clit loops

  c) depict string  d) frog fastening

76. These may live made from cording or braid

  a) frog fastening  b) velcro

  c) lacing  d) snap fasteners

77. This is a decreative fastening that tin live introduced into a blueprint inwards many ways.

  a) necktie knot  b) optic lets

  c) lacing  d) zippers

78. An attractive characteristic used inwards blueprint

  a) fringing  b) darts

  c) pleat  d) vent

79. Are used inwards a multifariousness of ways on dissimilar areas or a garment such every bit the yolles, sleeves, skirt or panel lines.

  a) gathering  c) pleats

  b) darts  d) tucks

80. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 round, apartment type of cap clietly associated alongside the basque peasant

  a) Gandhi cap  c) chapeau

  b) beret  d) turban

81. Genarally speaking, this agency made - to - mensurate

  a) prer - a - parter  b) cook - to - article of apparel

  c) bespoke  d) plumbing equipment

82. This type or garment is usrally wear, piece riding a harse

  a) blazer  b) fitted pant

  c) bell bottem pant  d) breeches

83. Gt is used to take fullness from sure enough parts or the garment

  a) gather  b) pleat

  c) dart  d) tuck

84. LEVI’S build is the representative or ...................

  a) swim wear  b) bridal

  c) jeans  d) childrens

85. ‘Olega’ build is the representative for .......................

  a) womens intimate wear  b) suits

  c) sports wear  d) leotards

86. DKNY is the representative of the build advert of ...............

  a) leotards  b) jeans

  c) womens sports wear  d) underwear

87. ‘Van Heusew’ is the representative of the build advert of ................

  a) jeans  b) womens shirts

  c) suits  d) men’s shirts

88. ‘Jockey’ is the representative of the build advert of ..............

  a) underwear  b) ladies article of apparel

  c) pants  d) shirts

89. ‘NIKE’ is the representative of the build advert of ...................

  a) women's swim wear  b) children's article of apparel

  c) bridal  d) sports article of apparel

90. Cotton is affected past times

  a) alkalies  b) potent acids

  c) mutual frigidity dilute acids  d) all the higher upwards

91. “King of fibres” is

  a) cotton  b) jute

  c) silk  d) nylon

92. Which fibre is popularly called ‘Golden fibre’?

  a) cotton  b) silk

  c) jute  d) flax

93. ‘Chain crass’ is

  a) cotton  b) kapok

  c) ramie  d) linen

94. Linen is the other advert given to

  a) cotton  b) flax

  c) ramie  d) kapok

95. The curt fibres are termed as

  a) line  b) tow

  c) filament  d) lint

96. Hacking is the term given to ............... functioning

  a) carding  b) scutching

  c) combing  d) pulling

97. In cloth cast jute is ofttimes called

  a) blended fabric  b) burlap

  c) jute  d) kenaf

98. The tenacity of ramie varies from

  a) 5.3 - 7.6 gms / denier  b) ix - xi gme / denier

  c) vii - eight gms / denier  d) 1 - v gms / denier

99. The fibre abaca is obtained from

  a) sisal  b) banana

  c) pineapple  d) jute

100. The fibre which is mainly used for padding in addition to stuffing specially upholstery is

  a) cotton  b) kapok  
  c) hemp  d) urena

Key Answers of Above Questions:

1. a) drafting, b) draping

2. block pattern

3. working pattern

4. b) 3 dimensional

5. truthful

6. truthful

7. c) pattern drafting

8. b) pattern draping

9. d) basic pattern ready

10. b) repose

11. c) examination fit

12. d) dart

13. b) grain

14. d) length grain

15. c) pattern residuum

16. a) garment residuum

17. b) bias

18. c) pattern grain line

19. c) grain line alongside arrows

20. b) vertical

21. a) measuring

22. c) anthropometry

23. basic

24. oldest

25. grading

26. production pattern / industrial pattern

27. truthful

28. block pattern

29. truthful

30. c) industrial pattern making

31. thick newspaper saltation

32. truthful

33. simulated

34. marsh dam layout

35. a) fibre

36. b) spinning

37. d) tenacity

38. d) silk

39. b) propare

40. b) luster

41. a) staple fibres

42. b) filament fibres

43. a) fiber

44. b) yarn

45. b) flexibility

46. a) spinning character

47. d) all the higher upwards

48. a) majority per unit of measurement book

49. c) length to width ratio

50. b) titanium dioxide

51. c) resiliency

52. a) high orientation

53. c) crystalline

54. d) amorphous

55. b) hydrogen bonding

56. a) amorphous areas

57. b) crystalline surface area

58. d) creature pilus

59. d) yucca

60. b) palm

61. b) creature secretion

62. a) cellulosic fibre

63. d) pad spinning

64. a) CHO

65. a) 3 - 5gms / denier

66. buttons

67. zipper

68. c) applique

69. b) depict string

70. a) a cord

71. b) macrame

72. b) velcro

73. c)rouleam fastenings

74. d) snap fastenings

75. a) bows

76. a) frog fastenings

77. c) lacing

78. a) fringing

79. a) gathering

80. b) beret

81. c) bespoke

82. d) breeches

83. c) dart

84. c) jeans

85. a) women’s intimate article of apparel

86. c) women’s article of apparel

87. d) men’s shirt

88. a) underwear

89. d) sports article of apparel

90. b) potent acids

91. a) cotton fiber

92. c) jute

93. c) ramie

94. b) flax

95. b) tow

96. c) combing

97. b) bur lap

98. a) 5.3 - 7.5 gms / denier

99. b) banana

100. b) kapok

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