Yaa Interview Questions In Addition To Answers For Clothes In Addition To Merchandising Jobs (Part-2)

Interview Questions together with Answers for Apparel, Fashion Designing together with Merchandising Jobs (Part-2)

M.A.(SOCIOLOGY), M.L.M.(Labour Management), Pursuing MBA(EXECUTIVE) inwards (FASHION-TECH), MISTE,
Chennai, Bharat
Cell: +91-9283182955
Email: rsbalakumar1953@gmail.com

In previous article on viva questions together with answers for garments together with merchandising jobs, I receive got got remarkable feed back. So I include to a greater extent than 100 questions together with reply for candidate who are trying to honor task inwards clothes together with merchandising
Interview board

101. The fiber which was popularly termed equally ‘Artificial silk’ is

  a) Nylon b) urena

  c) arnol d) rayon

102. The finest lineament wool is obtained from

  a) Delaine b) merino

  c) rambouillet d) lincoln

103. Shoddy is the term which indicates

  a) reprocessed wool b) wool

  c) reused wool d) none of the inwards a higher house

104. The fibre obtained from Angora caprine animal is

  a) alpaca b) mohair

  c) cashmere d) angora

105. Angora fibre is obtained from

  a) angora caprine animal b) angora rabbit

  c) both d) none of these

106. Solution of sodium hydroxide at .................. per centum dissolves wool.

  a) 2% b) 3% a.good, b.moderate, c.fair, d.poor

  c) 4% d) 5%

107. ‘Queen of fibres’ is

  a) cotton fiber b) silk

  c) rayon d) wool

108. The mucilaginous center which coats the silk fibre is
  a) pectin b) glutin

  c) sericin d) all the inwards a higher house

109. Tram silk is a

  a) depression - twist ply yarn b) medium twist ply yarn

  c) high - twist ply yarn d) none of these

110. Organzine silk is a

  a) depression - twist ply yarn b) medium twist ply yarn

  c) high - twist ply yarn d) none of these

111. In silk, the procedure to where twist is inserted is termed equally

  a) Reeling b) throwing

  c) Spinning d) degumming

112. Degumming is carried out to withdraw

  a) pectin b) gluten

  c) sericin d) none of the inwards a higher house

113. The resiliency of silk is

  a) really adept b) adept

  c) moderate d) hapless

114. The bleach which tends to destroy silk is

  a) chlorine b) nydrogen per oxide

  c) d) all the inwards a higher house

115. Silk is affected past times

  a) alkalies b) acids

  c) chlorine d) all the inwards a higher house

116. The actual fibre poly peptide inwards silk is

  a) sericine b) alanine

  c) tyrosine d) fiborin

117. Tyrex, employed inwards the industry of vehicle tyres is obtained from

  a) rayon b) acetate

  c) nytril d) vinyon

118. The generic mention Azlon refers to

  a) human being - made cellulosic fibres b) human being - made poly peptide fibres

  c) polyamides d) none of the inwards a higher house

119. Azlons gave off disagreeable smell when moisture because were made out of

  a) Chemicals b) nutrient sources

  c) Animal pilus d) animate existence secretion

120. Ardil was made from the poly peptide inwards

  a) casein b) soya edible bean

  c) Peanut d) corn

121. In Nylon 6, vi the numbers vi together with vi refers to the pose out of

  a) Amide b) nitrogen

  c) Oxygen d) carbon

122. Polymerization of caprolactam produces

  a) Nylon 6, vi b) nylon vi

  c) Nylon 6, 10 d) none of the inwards a higher house

123. ‘Brooke brothers’ is the illustration of the build mention of.......

  a) Jeans b) adapt

  c) Sports for women d) pelting coats

124. ‘Bali’ is the illustration or the build mention for

  a) Sportswear b) women’s intimate clothes

  c) Suits d) pants

125. ‘Esprit’ is the illustration of the build mention for ................

  a) junior’s sportswear b) pelting coat

  c) Suits d) wools

126. ‘London fog’ inwards the illustration of the build mention for .............

  a) suits b) sports clothe

  c) pelting coats d) intimate have on

127. Example of private labels

  a) j.c.penny’s Worthington b) hunt social club

  c) The gap’s d) all the inwards a higher house

128. ..................... is the re-create or well-nigh re-create of a pattern nether a unlike build mention

  a) Private labels b) licensing

  c) Knockoffs d) counterfeit

129. .................. are fakes or copies of currently pop branded labels.

  a) Branded labels b) counterfeit goods

  c) Licensing d) knockoff

130. This type of labeling advise to consumers the suitability of a garment for their body dimensions

  a) Wash attention labeling b) build labeling

  c) Size labeling d) province of rootage labeling

131. This is a telephone substitution ingredient inwards the production, marketing, buying together with selling of RTW clothes

  a) Quality b) aesthetic surgical operation

  c) Intrinsic attributes d) attractiveness

132. The French term for cook - to - have on is ...................

  a) Boutique b) pret - a - porter

  c) Couturier d) haute couture

133. .................. refers to high lineament vesture custom made or made to measure, for a specific private

  a) Couture (kootur) b) pret - a - porter

  c) Liz Claiborne d) value priced

134. Couture vesture literally agency inwards French

  a) Designer vesture b) private labels

  c) Mass production d) fine sewing

135. .................. is a comparable term for high quality, custom made men’s suits, unremarkably from London

  a) Ready - to - have on b) private labels

  c) Bespoke c) designer’s vesture

136. .................. is the inter confront betwixt an organisation together with its customers

  a) customer’s satisfaction b) marketing

  c) Fashion forecast d) production assortment

137. ............... that back upward the choices of trend direction, color, stuff together with pattern also live presented.

  a) sloper b) sourcing

  c) Story boards d) drafting

138. ............. is the procedure of estimating together with thence determining the full cost of producing garment.

  a) Merchandising b) manufacturing

  c) Costing d) marketing

139. Dyed color samples also called........................

  a) strike offs b) shade brands

  c) Shade approving d) lab dips

140. ................ refers to how good the garment confirms to the 3 - dimensional human body.

  a) Quality b) plumbing equipment

  c) Inspection d) client

141. The.......................... Consists of all the sizes of graded patterns super imposed on 1 another.

  a) Graded nest b) computerized grading

  c) Marker making d) CAD - systems

142. Black lines together with spaces read past times a Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation beam; used to electronically identity a production

  a) Bar tack b) build

  c) bar code d) Chroma

143. Garments having 2 legs, called

  a) Upper body b) bifurcated garments

  c) Bagging d) bespoke

144. Basic pattern used to hit a basic fitted garment

  a) sloper b) body

  c) Body sizes d) making

145. Equal tension on needle, bobbin together with / or looper threads

  a) Balanced tension b) stitch density

  c) Seam clitoris d) sew together might

146. Temporary stitches, also agency

  a) Back stitch b) over lock

  c) Basting d) feed off the arm

147. Wet procedure using color - removing agents

  a) Bedding b) barcode

  c) Back tack d) bleaching

148. Seam made past times using stuff binding strips to encase raw edges

  a) Run together with savage seam b) over lock seam

  c) Bound seam d) French seam

149. Stiff plastic strips sewn to garment seams to add together shape together with back upward

  a) Boning b) canvass

  c) Fusible inter lining d) buckram

150. Annual gathering of approving manufacturers inwards Atlanta

  a) Bobbin demo b) fashion demo

  c) Trade demo d) build demo

151. Narrow bias strips of stuff used to confront raw edges

  a) Poplin b) bias facing

  c) Alpaca d) canvass

152. Two distinct fabrics glued together equally 1

  a) Canvas b) pilus canvass

  c) Heavy stuff d) bonded stuff

153. Intensity of color - brightness versus dullness

  a) vibgyor b) hue

  c) Chroma d) magenta

154. Pictorial representation of refurbishing instructions

  a) Care symbol b) province of rootage

  c) fiber content d) size

155. Performance wages that results from the garments physical features

  a) Aesthetic await b) durability

  c) Buying hit goodness d) comfort might

156. Tunnel of stuff through which elastic or a depict string is threaded to render shape to the garment

  a) Boning b) casing

  c) Cord d) braid

157. Inter looped stitch inwards also known equally

  a) Lock stitch b) over lock stitch

  c) Chain stitch d) French seam

158. Seam that has separate apart because the stitches receive got broken

  a) Skipped stitch b) broken seam

  c) Seam grain d) puckering

159. Style that takes decades to motion through the whole fashion cycle

  a) Classic b) modern

  c) Traditional d) formal

160. Diamond shaped symbols used for accurate joining of pieces

  a) Awl b) bodkin

  c) Notches d) magic record

161. Heavy outer line on pattern slice is the

  a) Circles b) cutting line

  c) Notches d) pocket-size arrows

162. Straight line ending inwards arrow heads

  a) Grain line markings b) hemline

  c) Darts d) seam line

163. The extra amount of garment looseness is called

  a) Measurement b) wearing remain

  c) Proportion d) dis - proportion

164. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cuff that is cutting doubles the width of a measure cuff, exposing the facing

  a) Shirt cuff b) lapped cuff

  c) French cuff d) fusing

165. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 cuff that has 1 halt projecting from the placket border

  a) French cuff b) lapped cuff

  c) Blouse cuff d) unmarried cuff

166. Three or 4 manus stitches inwards the same topographic point to grip 2 pieces of fabrics together.

  a) Mitering b) lining

  c) Over tacking d) inter facing

167. Suits, tuxedos, over coat, elevation coat together with separate trousers for trouble organisation together with even have on is called

  a) Sportswear b) tailored vesture

  c) Work have on d) furnishings

168. “Furnishings” include the next detail

  a) Hosiery b) ski jacket

  c) Tennis shorts d) wallets

169. Sportswear comprises of

  a) Sweaters b) pant

  c) cuff links d) wallets

170. Scarves, gloves, jewelry such equally cuff links together with eyewear come upward nether the championship or

  a) Active sportswear b) furnishing

  c) Accessories d) tailored vesture

171. Polymerization of podscalcium produces

  a) Nylon vi b) nylon 6, vi

  c) Nylon 12 d) nylon 3

172. The formation of tiny balls of fiber on the surface of the cloth is

  a) Filing b) balling

  c) Raising d) pilling

173. Body armor together with protective vesture are made from

  a) Nylon b) ardil

  c) Kevlar d) vinyl

174. Nomex is a

  a) Nylon b) ardil

  c) Aramid d) vinyon

175. Dacron together with terrene belong to

  a) Nylon b) aramid

  c) vinyon d) polyester

176. Polyester, which does non undergo the procedure tend to shrink at elevated temperatures

 a) Mercerized b) texturized

 c) Heat fix d) tentered

177. Polyester is resistant to

  a) weak alkalis b) weak acids

  c) Strong acid at room temperature d) all the inwards a higher house

178. Mostly crochet together with knitting yarns are made upward of

  a) Acrylic b) wool

  c) Silk d) jute

179. The natural mineral fiber is

  a) Glass b) asbestos

  c) Carbon d) none of the inwards a higher house

180. The human being - made mineral fiber is

  a) Asbestos b) cotton fiber

  c) arnel d) none of the inwards a higher house

181. Glass fiber is made from

  a) Silica b) limestone

  c) Soda ash together with borax d) all the inwards a higher house

182. The procedure past times which either solid colors or prints tin live applied to the drinking glass fibers is

  a) Dyeing b) printing

  c) coronizing d) prototype

183. Which of the next is a matrix fibre composed of 50% poly vinyl chloride together with 50% polyvinyl alcohol?

  a) cord élan b) asbestos

  c) arnel d) none of the inwards a higher house

184. Graphite is the term when the carbon percent is

  a) ninety b) 95

  c) 97 d) 99

185. The ....................fibres are dark inwards color together with receive got a silky sheen

  a) drinking glass b) carbon

  c) asbestos d) arnel

186. Fibres which modify color are

  a) dexon b) chameleon fibres

  c) cord élanfibers d) polychromatic fibers

187. The cloth direct from the loom is

  a) Raw goods b) finished stuff

  c) Gray stuff d) none of the inwards a higher house

188. Thermoplastic belongings is exhibited past times

  a) orlon B) rayon

  c) Cotton d) silk

189. The 2 next silk filament fibers extruded from the silk worm are

  a) fiber b) ply yarn

  c) brims d) braids

190. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 procedure past times which natural fibers are sorted, separated together with partially aligned

  a) combing b) grading

  c) ginning d) carding

191. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 procedure past times which natural fibers are sorted together with straightened is

  a) Combing b) grading

  c) Ginning d) carding

192. Cotton fibers that are also brusk for yarn or stuff manufacturing

  a) Tow b) lint

  c) Linters d) fibers

193. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 bast fibre obtained from agare institute is

  a) Sisal b) jute

  c) Sunny d) kapok

194. Short ends of silk fibers used inwards making rough, textured spun yarns or blends oftentimes termed equally waste matter silk is

  a) brusk fiber b) noel

  c) Fiber d) none of the inwards a higher house

195. The textile fiber made from tetra fluroethylene monomer is

  a) tetlon b) tetran

  c) teflon d) tetraiene

196. Spun yarns are composed of

  a) staplefibres b) filament fibres

  c) tow d) thread

197. Smooth - surfaced yarn spun from long - staple evenly combed wool fibres is

  a) woof yarns b) waffle

  c) wale d) worsted yarn

198. Ceramic fibres are made from

  a) aluminiumsillicate b) sodium sillicate

  c) potassiumsillicate d) sodium hydroxide

199. The fibres composed of amino acids that receive got been formed into polypeptide chains are

  a) cellulosic b) poly peptide

  c) minerals d) acetate

200. Wool taken from the hides of slaughtered animals is called

  a) clip wool b) fleece wool

  c) pulled wool d) all the inwards a higher house

Key Answers of Above Questions:

101. d) rayon

102. b) merino

103. c) reused wool

104. b) mohair

105. b) angora rabbit

106. d) 5%

107. b) silk

108. c) sericin

109. a) depression twist ply yarn

110. b) medium twist ply yarn

111. b) throwing

112. c)sericin

113. c) moderate

114. a) chlorine

115. d) all the inwards a higher house

116. d) fibrocin

117. a) rayon

118. b) human being made poly peptide fibers

119. b) nutrient sources

120. c) peanut

121. d) carbon

122. d) none of the inwards a higher house

123. b) suits

124. b) women’s intimate clothes

125. a) juniors sports have on

126. c) pelting coat

127. d) all the inwards a higher house

128. c) knock offs

129. b) counter feit goods

130. c) size labeling

131. a) lineament

132. b) pret - a- porter

133. a) couture

134. d) fine sewing

135. c) bespoke

136. b) marketing

137. c) even out board

138. c) costing

139. d) lab dips

140. b) plumbing equipment

141. a) graded nest

142. c) barcode

143. b) bifurcated garments

144. a) sloper

145. a) balanced tension

146. c) basting

147. d) bleaching

148. c) leap seam

149. a) boning

150. a) bobbin demo

151. b) bias facing

152. d) bounded stuff

153. c)chroma

154. a) attention symbol

155. c) buying hit goodness

156. b) casing

157. c) chain stitch

158. b) broken seam

159. a) classic

160. c) notches

161. b) cutting line

162. a) grain line markings

163. b) wearing remain

164. c)french cuff

165. b) lapped cuff

166. c) over tacking

167. b) tailored vesture

168. a) hosiery

169. a) sweaters

170. c) accessories

171. c) nylon 12

172. d) pilling

173. c)kevlar

174. c) aramid

175. d) polyester

176. c) rut fix

177. d) all the inwards a higher house

178. a) acrylic

179. b) asbestos

180. d) none of the inwards a higher house

181. d) all the inwards a higher house

182. c)coronizing

183. a) cordelam

184. d) 99

185. b) carbon

186. b) chameleon fibres

187. c) grayness stuff

188. a) orlon

189. c)brins

190. d) carding

191. a) combing

192. c) linters

193. a) sisal

194. b) noil

195. c) Teflon

196. a) staple fibres

197. d) worsted yarn

198. a) aluminium silicate

199. b) poly peptide

200. c) pulled wool 

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