Yaa Essential Abbreviations Of Garments Applied Scientific Discipline

Essential Abbreviations of Garments Technology
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Specialized inwards Apparel Manufacturing
A.M.C.S Textile Ltd (AEPZ)
Email: raju.uttara105@gmail.com


Various abbreviations are oftentimes used inwards unlike purposes inwards twenty-four lx minutes menses to twenty-four lx minutes menses life for stuff engineers. I accept given a listing of almost essential abbreviations of wearing clothing manufacturing technology. I intend it volition hold upward helpful for students, teachers too peculiarly for undertaking seekers inwards stuff too RMG sector.
Garment Industry
Common Abbreviations for Garments Technology
  1. BGMEA = People's Republic of Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers too Exporters Association
  2. BKMEA = People's Republic of Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association
  3. BTMA = People's Republic of Bangladesh Textile Mills Association
  4. BTMC = People's Republic of Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation
  5. BGWUC = People's Republic of Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council
  6. WTO = World Trade Organization
  7. AQL = Acceptable Quality Level
  8. LDC = Least Developed Country
  9. CBL = Center Back Line
  10. CFL = Center Front Line
  11. FOB = Free On Board
  12. GOB = Government Of People's Republic of Bangladesh
  13. GPT = Garments Performance Test
  14. C & F = Cost & Freight
  15. CIF = Cost, Insurance too Freight
  16. EPB = Exporter Promotion Bureau
  17. CMT = Cost of Making amongst Trimming
  18. CMO = Cost of Making Order
  19. NSA = No Seam Allowance
  20. BL = Bill of Lading
  21. CO = Certificate of Origin
  22. L/C = Letter of Credit
  23. BTB L/C = Back to Back L/C
  24. UD = Utilization Declaration
  25. UP = Utilization Permission
  26. AAQC = American Association of Quality Control
  27. LCA = Letter of Credit Authorization
  28. PSI = Pre-Shipment Inspection
  29. M too westward = Men too Women
  30. W too G = Women too Girl
  31. XL = Extra Large (Size)
  32. L = Large (Size)
  33. M = Medium (Size)
  34. S = Small (Size)
  35. CAD = Computer Aided Design
  36. CAM = Computer Aided Manufacturing
  37. PTS = Primary Textile Sector
  38. GDP = Growth Domestic Product
  39. ISO - International Organization for Standadization
  40. GSP = Generalized System of Preferences
  41. GATT = Generalized Agreement on Tariffs too Taxes
  42. MFA = Multi Fiber Arrangement
  43. EPB = Export Promotion Bureau
  44. FY = Financial Year
  45. BY = Bas Year
  46. PTI = Private Textile Industry
  47. VAT = Value Added Tax
  48. TUF = Technology Upgradation Fund
  49. ETP = Effluent Treatment Plan
  50. UNIDO = United Nation International Development Organization
  51. P/C = Polyester + Cotton
  52. T/C = Tetron + Cotton
  53. BQSP = People's Republic of Bangladesh Quartet Support Programme
  54. MOT = Ministry of Textile
  55. MOC = Ministry of Commerce
  56. BFQ = Better Fisheries Quality
  57. FAS = Free Alongside Ship
  58. CNF = Clearing & Forwarding
  59. BWTG = Better Worker inwards Textile Garments
  60. EU = European Union
  61. EPI = Ends Per Inch
  62. PPI = Picks Per Inch
  63. UNEC = United Nations Economic too Development Commission
  64. TU = Trade Union
  65. UNDP = United Nations Development Programme
  66. ILO = International Labor Organization
  67. IFTU = International Federation of Trade Union
  68. IMF = International Monetary Fund
  69. GB = Great UK of Britain too Northern Republic of Ireland
  70. GM = General Manager
  71. AGM = Assistant General Manager
  72. PO = production Officer
  73. PM = Production Manager
  74. CEO = Chief Executive Officer
  75. BE = Bachelor of Engineering
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