Yaa Carbon Footprint Inward Cloth Processing

Carbon Footprint inwards Textile Processing

Dr. Ashok Athalye
G.M. Technical Service,
Atul Ltd (Colors Division), Valsad, Gujarat, Republic of Republic of India
Email: ashok_athalye@atul.co.in

“Global warming” as well as “carbon footprint” are a buzz give-and-take now. Its importance as well as the consequential long term devastating effects of “Climate Change” on the environment, habitat as well as fifty-fifty the existence of our woman nurture basis are widely discussed. This warming of atmospheric temperature is attributed to the emission of Green House Gases (GHG)–Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide as well as Fluorocarbons are the major contributors.

The recent years have got witnessed exponential increase inwards the emission of Green House Gases (GHG) raising the atmospheric temperature. It is reported that in that location is well-nigh vi % rising solely inwards the twelvemonth 2010 (releasing well-nigh 500 mn MT) bulk of which is attributed to the plough over off 3 pollutants of the world - China, the USA as well as India.

The Green House Gas emission is caused past times the production as well as consumption of fuels, manufactured goods, materials, wood, roads, as well as services. For simplicity of reporting, it is oft expressed inwards price of the amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted. Just equally walking on the sand leaves a footprint, burning fuel leaves carbon dioxide inwards the air, which is called a “Carbon Footprint”. Thus the carbon footprint basically relates to the amount of carbon released into the air based on the fuel consumption.

The Carbon Footprint is assessed inwards two layers;
  1. Primary footprint - monitors carbon emission direct through unloosen energy consumption - burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating as well as transportation, etc.
  2. Secondary footprint- relates to indirect carbon emissions (Life cycle of products as well as Sustainability).
Thus, the most effective agency to decrease a carbon footprint is to either decrease the amount of unloosen energy needed for production or to decrease the dependence on carbon emitting fuels.

The textile industry is ane of the major consumer of H2O as well as fuel (energy required for electrical power, steam as well as transportation). The per capita consumption of textiles is well-nigh xx kg/year as well as increasing solar daytime past times day. The world population has reached seven bn out of which almost eighteen % is from India. Thus the unloosen energy requirement as well as consequently the Carbon footprint of the Textile manufacture inwards Republic of Republic of India is considerably high as well as at the same fourth dimension the Textile Industry inwards Republic of Republic of India is expected to grow from an estimated size of US$ seventy bn today to US$ 220 bn past times 2020 which would proportionately increase impact on our Carbon Footprint.

Thus, it is imperative for us to have got immediate steps as well as educate innovative technologies as well as sustainable solutions that tin assist trim back the environmental impact. The Government is also demanding industries to comply amongst stricter weather condition for environmental protection.
The estimated Global consumption as well as processing of textile substrates is shown above. In Republic of Republic of India also, Polyester as well as Cotton constitute to a greater extent than than lxxx % of textile processing.

The textile industry, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, is the fifth largest contributor to CO2 emissions. Thus the textile manufacture is huge as well as is ane of the largest sources of greenhouse gasses on Earth. In 2008, annual global textile production was estimated at lx bn kg of fabric. The estimated unloosen energy as well as H2O needed to create such quantity of cloth is considered to live :
  • 1,074 bn kWh of electricity or 132 mn MT of coal and
  • About 6-9 tn liters of H2O
Thus, the thermal unloosen energy required per meter of cloth is 4,500-5,500 Kcal as well as the electrical unloosen energy required per meter of cloth is 0.45-0.55 kwh

The carbon footprint of the textiles is estimated based on the “embodied energy’ inwards the fabric, comprising all of the unloosen energy used at each pace of the procedure needed to do that fabric. To gauge the embodied unloosen energy inwards whatever cloth it’s necessary to add together all the procedure steps from fiber to finished goods. Based on the fiber used the carbon footprint of diverse fibers varies a lot.

Further, based on the study done past times the Stockholm Environment Institute on behalf of the Bio Regional Development Group, the unloosen energy used (and thence the CO2 emitted) to do 1 ton of spun fiber is much higher for synthetics than for cotton:
Kg CO2 /Ton of fiber
Cotton- conventional
Cotton - Organic
For natural fibers, the unloosen energy consumption starts at planting as well as champaign operations - mechanized irrigation, weed control, pest command as well as fertilizers (manure vs. synthetic chemicals), harvesting as well as yields. Synthetic fertilizer purpose is a major factor of conventional agriculture: making ane ton of nitrogen fertilizer emits nearly seven tons of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gases. In example of synthetics, the fibers are made from fossil fuels, where rattling high amount of unloosen energy is consumed inwards extracting the crude oil from the basis equally good equally inwards the production of the polymers.

The Embodied Energy used inwards production of diverse fibers
Energy inwards MJ / Kg of fiber
Natural fibers, inwards add-on to having a smaller carbon footprint have got many additional benefits: existence able to live degraded past times micro-organisms as well as composted (improving soil structure); inwards this agency the fixed CO2 inwards the fiber volition live released as well as the cycle closed. On the other hand, Synthetic fibers do non decompose: inwards landfills they release heavy metals as well as other additives into soil as well as groundwater. Recycling requires costly separation, spell incineration produces pollutants – inwards the example of high density polyethylene, 3 tons of CO2 emissions are produced for every 1 ton of stuff burnt.

Substituting Organic fibers for conventionally grown fibers considerably helps trim back carbon footprint based on:
  • Elimination of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides as well as genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which is an improvement inwards human wellness as well as agro-biodiversity 
  • Conserves H2O - making the soil to a greater extent than friable as well as so rainwater is absorbed amend – lessening irrigation requirements as well as erosion
An additional dimension to take in during processing: environmental pollution. Conventional textile processing is highly polluting:
  • Up to 2000 chemicals are used inwards textile processing, many of them known to live harmful to human (and animal) health. Some of these chemicals evaporate spell about are dissolved inwards handling H2O which is discharged to our environment. 
  • The application of these chemicals uses copious amounts of water. In fact, the textile manufacture is the largest industrial polluter of fresh H2O on the planet.
Various ways as well as methods for reducing the carbon footprint during textile processing have got been reported as well as widely published. Commercially feasible products are available inwards marketplace as well as existence supplied past times many organizations. Some of the major areas of travel are :

A. Machinery/ Equipment related
  • Use of depression as well as ultra depression liquor ratio machines – to trim back consumption of H2O during pretreatment, dyeing as well as post dyeing launder off sequence. Simultaneously reducing the unloosen energy required for H2O heating at diverse processing steps as well as effective charge on the effluent treatment. 
  • Preheating of procedure H2O past times Solar panels to trim back consumption of other non renewable unloosen energy sources (fossil fuels, wood, husk, etc.) 
  • Adequate insulation of dyeing, drying as well as stenter machines as well as appropriate oestrus recovery systems to avoid undesired unloosen energy loss 
  • Recycle as well as reuse of procedure H2O as well as alkali past times installing adequate filtration procedure
B. Process related
  • Combined scour as well as bleach process, combined peroxide neutralizing as well as bio softening process, ane lavatory ane pace dyeing of P/C blends, etc. as well as so equally to trim back number of textile processing stages as well as thereby trim back consumption of H2O & energy 
  • Cold Pad Batch (CPB) grooming as well as dyeing for unloosen energy conservation 
  • Continuous processing of knits 
  • Pad/dry vs. pad/dry/pad/steam, minimizing steam as well as H2O consumption during washing processes as well as minimizing number of drying processes 
  • Foam dyeing, finishing as well as coating 
  • Improving Right First Time (RFT) as well as Right Every Time (RET) dyeing performance
C. Chemicals as well as Dyes
  • Use of Enzymes – biodegradable & non corroding for desizing, scouring, bleach neutralizing, bio-softening as well as post dyeing launder off. Suppliers as well as formulators of enzymes are offering specialized products for combined processes to trim back no of processing steps. 
  • Cationization of Cotton for salt-free dyeing amongst Reactive as well as Direct dyes 
  • High fixation Reactive dyeing amongst reduced tabular array salt for exhaustion 
  • Digital Ink Jet Printing. 
  • Low temp curing paint printing
D. Waste Water Treatment
  • Use of physical, biological as well as activated carbon systems
  • Waste H2O handling sludge used/sold for fuel
Atul Ltd, pioneer inwards manufacturing of Dyestuffs inwards Republic of Republic of India as well as a major producer of Dyes, Pigments as well as Textile chemicals of International repute is a fellow member of ETAD as well as supplies products conforming to diverse global security as well as Eco Conformance standards similar GOTS, REACh, Blue Sign, etc. Atul has already initiated as well as developed products as well as processes to trim back Carbon Footprint non solely during manufacturing of Dyestuffs but also during the Textile Processing.

Use of renewable unloosen energy root based on Hydroelectric Power of 45 MW, command of gaseous emissions past times purpose of sophisticated containment devices as well as a modern ETP as well as H2O handling constitute for recycling as well as reusing of H2O during dyestuff manufacturing. Atul has reduced greenhouse gas emission past times approx. 150000 MT/year through innovative technologies as well as received host Earth approving for 3 projects nether Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

Being the largest manufacturer of Vat, Sulphur as well as Reactive dyes inwards India, the focus is on Cotton processing as well as products for reducing H2O as well as unloosen energy during coloration as well as subsequent processes. Given below are few initiatives as well as achievements inwards this direction.

Tulacon C process 
These are specialty formulated Vat dyes inwards liquid form, developed for application past times a uncomplicated as well as efficient procedure of Pad-Dry-Cure on woven cotton wool cloth as well as its blends inwards opened upwardly width cast for a broad gamut of pastel shades. The payoff of this procedure over conventional Vat dyeing past times exhaust or PDPS continuous method is mainly inwards price of substantial H2O as well as unloosen energy saving.

The conventional Vat dyeing on Jigger consumes well-nigh 15-20 L/kg (considering MLR of 3 as well as lite shade) consisting minimum steps of - dyeing, rinsing, Oxidation, Soaping as well as neutralization wash. This procedure requires temp of well-nigh 50-60 deg C depending on aeroplane of Vat dyes for 1-2 hrs depending on the cloth length during dyeing as well as farther during oxidation as well as soaping. Additionally, unloosen energy is consumed during cloth drying as well as thermo-chemical finishing. In example of conventional PDPS process, it involves dye padding-drying, chemic padding as well as steaming followed past times a launder off sequence on continuous washing range, drying as well as finishing. This likewise consumes substantial amount of H2O during washing off as well as unloosen energy for intermittent drying, steaming as well as finishing process.

In comparing to this, the specific payoff of Tulacon C gain as well as procedure is inwards price of
  • Ready to purpose as well as tardily to grip liquid cast
  • Simple application procedure
  • No intermittent washing as well as NO post dyeing launder off sequence
  • A combined dyeing as well as finishing process. As the dye lavatory chemicals confer desired soft experience minimizing post dyeing thermo-chemical finishing pace
  • Considerable saving inwards water, fourth dimension as well as energy.
  • Excellent lab to mass reproducibility
  • No launder off – no effluent generation– Environment friendly
  • Tulacon C - X g/l (up to seven g/l)
  • Tulachem ATB - 10-20 g/l
  • Tulachem ATS - 5-10 g/l
  • Glauber’s tabular array salt - 5-10 g/l (optional)
Adjust pH betwixt 5-6 amongst Tulachem Demin C (non volatile, organic acid having buffering capacity). Pad (60-70% expression) – Dry at 110-130°C – Cure at 170°C for 30-45 s (Cotton) / 190°C for thirty s (Polyester / cellulosic blends). Infra-red drying tin live introduced prior to hot flue drying.

A full general as well as indicative carbon footprint inwards price of H2O as well as unloosen energy saving based on estimations of usage during dyeing, post dyeing launder off as well as effluent handling is considered to be:
Vat dyeing Method
Water inwards Ltr
Effluent inwards Ltr
Exhaust - Jigger
5-6 KW/h
PDPS– continuous
2-3 Kw/h
Tulacon C
Almost Nil
0.5-1 Kw/h
Almost nil
Tularevs XL dyes 
A high tinctorial, high fixative, depression launder off, long lasting, sustainable Reactive dyeing system.

Compared to the conventional reactive dyes, which exhibit comparatively depression dye exhaustion as well as fixation levels as well as proportionately high launder off of un-reacted hydrolyzed dyestuffs, the molecular reengineered Tularevs XL Reactive dyes exhibit high color yield as well as less launder off. These warm dyeing dyes have got similar dyeing profile which helps attain uniform aeroplane dyeing as well as correct outset fourth dimension (RFT) performance.

Owing to the high fixation levels, this compact gain of dyes roofing broad shade gamut achieves outstanding moisture fastness properties, long lasting color shades. The depression launder off as well as less ensures depression effluent generation. Though the exact impact as well as saving inwards carbon footprint is non nonetheless ascertained, the overall H2O as well as unloosen energy saving due to curt dyeing as well as launder off cycle is practically proven. Thus the advantages envisaged are
  • Increase productivity: based on shorter procedure cycle, RFT as well as RET (Right-Every-Time) behavior 
  • Cost optimization: high color forcefulness for optimum shade built-up, tardily launder off resulting inwards reduction inwards utility cost. 
  • Eco- conformance : coming together international production security standards as well as eco norms. 
  • Optimum fastness : satisfies stringent fastness as well as character expectations of major brands
Some other products as well as processes providing considerable reduction inwards consumption of H2O as well as unloosen energy include :

Rucoflow CPB
A ready to use, tardily to grip liquid buffered alkali recommended for purpose inwards CPB Reactive dyeing as well as impress fixation for partial or consummate replacement of Sodium Silicate.

Rucoflow CPB confers optimum alkalinity desired for Dye fixation, assists repose of dye penetration within the fiber, improves color yield, ensures uniformity of dyeing as well as is tardily to launder off. Thus, helps inwards optimizing the H2O as well as unloosen energy consuming launder off sequence required during Silicate fixation process. Additionally the costless flowing liquid cast ensures eous for the auto dosing systems.

The specific advantages of Reactive dyeing amongst Rucoflow CPB scheme over the conventional CPB dyeing scheme are : Sodium Silicate existence
  • Viscose fluid, available inwards varying Na2O : SiO2 ratios hard to command desired alkalinity for Reactive dye fixation. 
  • High viscosity as well as presence of impurities inwards commercial grades comport on choking/clogging of dosing systems 
  • Difficult to launder off - requiring large quantity of water 
  • Tends to impart undesired harsh handle, surface experience – requiring subsequent higher dosage of finishing softeners 
  • Difficult effluent treatment, peculiarly inwards example of intended H2O recycling past times RO procedure – blocking of RO membranes.
Rucogen SOP 
A novel washing off agent specifically designed to minimize Reactive dye soaping procedure as well as improve moisture fastness properties. Generally, inwards conventional washing off sequence, depending on the depth of shade well-nigh four to 8 post dyeing launder cycles involving soaping as well as intermittent hot as well as mutual frigidity washes are commercially practiced.

Rucogen SOP (Save Our Planet) is a unique Ter-polymer derivative designed to ensure optimum removal of unfixed, un-reacted or hydrolyzed dye from the fiber without adversely affecting the adequately formed dye-fiber bond as well as avoids re-deposition or dorsum staining. Thus, lowers the carbon footprint past times reducing number of launder off baths as well as charge of colored H2O effluent.

The specific payoff of Rucogen SOP over the conventional non ionic or anionic washing off agents is inwards price of
  • Has affinity for the dyestuff, existence a mildly cationic polymeric chemical compound
  • High emulsifying as well as dispersing belongings helps preclude agglomeration of unfixed dye as well as launder off residues inwards the bath.
  • Forms a stable metallic ion complex as well as avoid adverse number on dyestuff inwards example of presence of H2O hardening agents
  • Exhibits dye transfer inhibition belongings past times non allowing the dye re-deposition or dorsum staining
  • Improves moisture fastness properties
Many such innovative products as well as processes are existence developed past times researches as well as organizations across the globe for minimizing the processing steps, offering alternative sustainable technologies for ultimate reduction, reuse as well as recycling of H2O as well as conservation of unloosen energy to trim back Carbon Footprint. The sustainability aspects, similar H2O as well as unloosen energy saving are fundamental concerns of the textile manufacture as well as novel technologies, inwards turn, demo the ways to attain such savings.

  1. June, 2009 C.K. Chow Textile Asia
  2. www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/aer/txt/ptb1204.html
  3. www.naturalfibres2009.org/en/iynf/sustainable.html
  4. Rupp, Jurg, “Ecology as well as Economy inwards Textile Finishing”, Textile World, Nov/Dec 2008
  5. www.domain-b.com/environment/20090403_carbon_footprint.html 

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