Now You Know Formula for Spin Plan and Weave Plan
Saturday, 19 May 2018
Formula for Spin Plan and Weave Plan
Shubham Dadaso Patil
Dkte’s Textile & Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, India
Dkte’s Textile & Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji, India
As we know textile is a traditional process. Production planning and control is very important factor in case of textiles, as it requires high production with more profit, less expenditure and with minimization of wastage. Inventory control is another fact that has to be performed well for proper inventory i.e. raw material and finished product, so that the market demand will be fulfilled easily. Hence for achieving proper production planning and control (PPC) we should be familiar to some basic formulae of spinning and weaving production.
Fig: Weave plan |
rpm x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
1. RINGFRAME PRODUCTION (KG/SPINDLE/DAY) = ------------------------------------------------------
TPI x 36 x 840 x Ne x 2.2 x 100
Target production (kg)
No. of spindles required for Target production = -----------------------------------------------------
Production per spindle (kg)
Total No. Of Spindles Required
No. of Ringframe machines required = --------------------------------------------------------
No. Of Spindles per Machine
Production Requirement from Speedframe = Target Production + Waste% at Ringframe
Rpm x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
2. SPEEDRAME PRODUCTION (kg/spindle/day) = -----------------------------------------------------
TPI x 36 x 840 x Ne x 2.2 x 100
Production Required from Speed Frame (kg)
No. of spindles required for Target production = ---------------------------------------------------------------
Production per spindle (kg)
Target No. of Spindles Required
No. of Speedframe machines required = -----------------------------------------------------------
No. Of Spindles per Machine
Production Requirement from Drawframe = Production Requirement from Speedframe + Waste% at Speedframe
rpm x1.1 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
3. FINISHER DRAWFRAME PRODUCTION (kg/machine/day) = ---------------------------------------------------
840 x Ne x 2.2 x 100
Production Required from Drawframe (kg)
No. of Machines required for Target production = ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Production per Drawframe (kg)
Production Requirement from Comber = Production Requirement from Drawframe + Waste% at Drawframe
4. COMBER PRODUCTION (kg/machine/day),
Feed per nip (mm) x NPM x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency % x (100- W %) x Lap wt. (g / m) x no. of heads
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1000 x1000 x100 x 100
Production Required from Comber (kg)
No. of Machines required for Target production = ----------------------------------------------------------
Production per Comber (kg)
Production Requirement from Comber Preparatory = Production Requirement from Comber + Waste% at Comber
mpm x1.1 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
= ------------------------------------------------------
840 x Ne x 2.2 x 100
Production Required from Comber Preparatory (kg)
No. of Machines required for Target production = -------------------------------------------------------------------
Production per Comber Preparatory (kg)
Production Requirement from Breaker Drawframe = Production Requirement from Comber Preparatory + Waste% at Comber Preparatory
mpm x1.1 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
= --------------------------------------------------------
840 x Ne x 2.2 x 100
Production Required from Breaker Drawframe (kg)
No. of Machines required for Target production = ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Production per Breaker Drawframe (kg)
Production Requirement from Carding = Production Requirement from Breaker Drawframe + Waste% at Breaker Drawframe
7. CARDING PRODUCTION (kg/machine/day),
mpm x1.1 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
= --------------------------------------------------
840 x Ne x 2.2 x 100
Production Required from Carding (kg)
No. of Machines required for Target Production = ----------------------------------------------------------
Production per Card (kg)
Production Requirement from Blowroom = Production Requirement from Carding + Waste% at Breaker Carding
Production (kg/hr) x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
8. BLOWROOM PRODUCTION (kg/machine/day) = ---------------------------------------------------------------
Production Required from Blowroom (kg)
No. of Machines required for Target production = -----------------------------------------------------------------
Production per Blowroom (kg)
Ringframe | 10s-100s Ne | 13000-22000 rpm | 3.5 | 90-99 | 3.5-5.5 |
Speedframe | 0.8-3 | 1200-1800 rpm | 0.5 | 85-88 | 1-1.3 |
Post Drawframe | 0.10-0.22 | 600-800 mpm | 0.25 | 85-88 | - |
Breaker Drawframe | 0.10-0.22 | 800-1000 mpm | 0.25 | 86-88 | - |
Comber | 0.10-0.22 | 250-400 NPM | 10-22 | 86-88 | - |
Comber Preparatory | 0.010-0.022 | 60-110 mpm | 0.25 | 84-88 | - |
Card | 0.10-0.22 | 200-400 mpm | 3.5-4 | 84-88 | - |
Blowroom | - | 800-1200 kg/hour | 3.5-4 | 80-84 | - |
A. Depending upon Requirement changes can be done in above given values.
e.g. For Production Of Combed Hosiery Yarn:
- TM of Ringframe Is reduced by 20 %
- 20 % Extra Spindles Is Taken In Ringframe
- 20 % Extra Carding Machines Are Taken
C. For producing 100 % synthetic yarn following considerations should be made:
- Blowroom & Card Waste = 1 %
- Waste At All Other Machines = 2 %
- Speed Of All Machines Should Be Kept 20 % Less Corresponding To Speeds Given In Table Above
Rpm x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency%
1. PRODUCTION OF LOOM (mtrs/day/machine) = ----------------------------------------------------
PPI x 39.37 x 100
Target Production (mtrs/day)
No. Of Looms Required = -----------------------------------------------------------------
Production per loom (mtrs/day)
2. WEIGHT OF WARP (g/m),
Total No. of Ends x 1.0937 x (1+warp crimp %/100) x1000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x warp Count
EPI x Width (inches) x 1.0937 x (1 + warp crimp % / 100) x 1000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x warp Count
3. WEIGHT OF WEFT (g/m),
Total No. of Picks x 1.0937 x (1 + weft crimp % / 100) x 1000
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x weft Count
PPI x Width (inches) x 1.0937 x (1 + weft crimp % / 100) x 1000
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x weft Count
(Warp weight (g/m) x target production)
= ---------------------------------------------------------- x Warp waste % at loom shed
EPI x Width (inches) x mpm x 1.0937 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency %
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x warp Count x 100
Production required from sizing (kg/ day)
No. Of Sizing Machines Required = -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Production per Sizing Machine (kg/ day)
Production Required From Warping = Requirement from Sizing + Waste % at Sizing
Ends per beam x mpm x 1.0937 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency %
= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x warp Count x 100
Total No. of Ends
No. Of Warper Beam = ---------------------------------------
Creel Capacity
Total No. of Ends
Ends Per Beam = ----------------------
No. of Beam
Requirement from Warping
No. Of Warping Machines Required = --------------------------------------------------------------------
Production per Machine (kg/ machine/ day)
Production Required From Winding = Requirement of Warping + Waste % at Warping
7. PRODUCTION OF WINDING (kg/drum/day),
No. of Ends x mpm x 1.0937 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency %
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x warp Count x 100
Requirement from Winding
No. Of Drums Required for Warp = --------------------------------------------------------------
Production of winding drum (kg/ day)
8. Total Weft Required From Winding (kg/day),
(Weft weight (g/m) x target production)
= ------------------------------------------------------- x Weft waste % at loom shed
9. PRODUCTION OF WINDING (kg/drum/day),
No. of Ends x mpm x 1.0937 x 60 x 8 x 3 x efficiency %
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
840 x 2.202 x weft Count x 100
Requirement from Winding
No. Of Drums Required for Weft = --------------------------------------------------------------
Production of winding drum (kg/ day)
Total Drums Required = Drums Required For Warp + Drums Required For Weft
Total Winding Drums Required
No. Of Winding Machines Required = ------------------------------------------------------------------------
No. of drums per winding machine
Department | Speed | Waste % | Efficiency % |
Loom | Depends on type of machine used | 0.5-1 | 80-85 |
Sizing | 40-45 mpm | 1 | 45-50 |
Warping | 250-300 mpm | 1 | 15-18 (sectional warping) |
Winding | 800-1000 mpm | 0.5 | 75-80 |