Wool Fiber Features Too Applications

Characteristics of Wool Fiber:

http://textilerawmaterial.blogspot.com/1. Wool is the natural poly peptide fiber obtained from sheep where cashmere from goats, mohair from goats, angora from rabbits together with other wool from camels.
2. It is really fine, soft together with highly elastic fiber which contains upwards to seventy percentage unnecessary stuff other than poly peptide or fiber portion.
3.It is structurally really complex fiber together with composed essentially of 3 tissues, the cuticle, the cortex together with the medulla.
4. Usually its length is i to fourteen inch together with comparatively has depression forcefulness than other natural textile fibers.
5. Scaling together with flexure of wool fiber makes it easier to spin the fleece yesteryear helping the private fibers attach to each other.
6. Due to crimp, wool fabrics bring a greater mass than other other textiles, together with retain air which causes the production to retain heat, hence it is suitable for making warm cloth equally well.
7. Crimp of wool fiber equally similar equally the fineness of the fiber such equally merino(fine wool) cite to 100 crimps together with Karakul(coarse wool) may bring equally few equally i to ii crimps.
8. This fibers are hydrophilic it agency theyr eadily absorb wet precisely are non hollow, touchstone Moisture Regain of wool is fifteen percent.
9. Wool is usually a creamy white fiber, although roughly breeds of sheep attain natural colors, such equally black, brown, silver, together with random mixes.
10. Wool fibers are affected yesteryear burn downwardly at higher temperature than cotton fiber also equally many manufactured fibers.

Quality of Wool Fiber:

Quality of wool fiber depends on fiber diameter, crimp, productivity, color together with staple length. For amend cost fiber fineness is unmarried most of import characteristic. According to the grading of wool, merino wool is typically 3-5 inches inward length together with is super fine equally its diameter is betwixt 12 to 24 microns. The most valuable together with finest wool comes from Merino Hoiggets. Other sheep wools which are collected from heart producing sheep are typically to a greater extent than coarse together with bring a brusque staple length.


1. Wool is really fine, soft fiber equally it is used most lx percentage inward the wearing apparel industry. In add-on to wearing apparel manufacturing, it is existence used for blanks, rugs, carpets, felt, insulating stuff together with domestic purpose.

2. Wool fiber is typically used to embrace wearing apparel diapers.

3. Wool fibers are externally hydrophobic together with internally hygroscopic inward nature, hence it tin hand the axe live used to embrace a wet diaper piece inhibiting working equally a final result outer clothes rest dry.

4. It is used to brand underwear because it to a greater extent than readily absorbs the wet that prevents rut together with travail rashes.

5. The most finest merino wool is used to attain baby article of apparel equally well.a

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