Yaa Working Procedure Of Martindale Abrasion Cum Pilling Tester

Working Process of Martindale Abrasion cum Pilling Tester
Md. Abu Shaied Peash
Dept. of Textile Engineering
Primeasia University
Dhaka, People's Republic of Bangladesh
Email: peashwork9@gmail.com

Martindale Abrasion cum Pilling Tester is used to banking concern check the abrasion equally good equally pilling resistance of the fabric. It consists of 4 testing plates on which the abrading fabrics is attached, these 4 testing tabular array are mounted on the base of operations plate of the instrument. There is revolving plate, which revolves amongst the aid of 3 cranks, pegs & motor. There are 4 sleeves attached on the revolving plate. The sample holders for abrasion & pilling testing are provided amongst the instrument. There is a laid of weights for proper pull per unit of measurement area on the exam specimens. Templates for cutting the samples & abrading cloth too their mallet are also supplied equally measure accessory.
Working Process of Martindale Abrasion cum Pilling Tester  Yaa Working Process of Martindale Abrasion cum Pilling Tester
Martindale Abrasion cum Pilling Tester
Main parts of the machine :
  1. Holder direct
  2. Motor on/off switch
  3. Weight
  4. Power on/off switch
  5. Traveller top plate
  6. Power indicator
  7. Form
  8. Electronic counter
  9. Fabric Disc
  10. Fabric encompass lock
  11. Tightening holder
  12. Cranks (3)
  13. Sample holder
Features of Martindale Abrasion cum Pilling Tester:
  • Effective speed ratio of outer pegs to inner pegs
  • 4 specimen tin live tested simultaneously.
  • Maximum charge (corresponding to pull per unit of measurement area of 12KN/m2): 790g
  • Comprise of stainless steel balls.
  • Acrylic Top Plate for safety.
  • The Abrasion of the stuff tin live tested through ii methods.
Apparatus: (for calculating wearable index)
  • GSM cutter
  • Digital remainder
  • Martindale pilling & abrasion tester
For Abrasion Test :
Sample size : (40*40) mm2
No. of wheel : 50,000
Rpm : 65±2

                                         Weight loss inwards mg
Formula : wearable index, I = (……………………. X 100)%
                                            No of cycles

Weight lose = (X1-X2)mg

Working Procedure:
  1. At kickoff cutting the stuff into 4 pieces according to the measuring of the instrument.
  2. Weigh(X1) these 4 pieces of stuff samples.
  3. Now house these samples inwards the musical instrument nether a sure enough charge equally supplied inwards the instrument.
  4. Now start the machine too let out the counter of abrasion no.
  5. Stop the machine mightiness subsequently completing 50,000 cycles get got the weigth (x2) inwards mg.
  6. Now seat the weights earlier too subsequently abrasions inwards a tabular array too let out out the wearable index (I). 
Sample wt. (x1) earlier abrasion (mg)
No. of abrasion wheel
Sample wt.(x2) subsequently abrasion (mg)
Wt. loss
Wear index
(I) %

0 . 56
Suppose for s/n 1 : nosotros got wheel = 50000, wt. loss = 280gm therefore,

Wear Index (I) = {(weight lose inwards mg)/no. of cycles }*100
= (280/50000)*100 = 0.56 %

Wear index for 50000 wheel = 0.56 %

It is easily understood that the to a greater extent than is no. of abrasion wheel the to a greater extent than volition live the wt. loss of fabric. That is when a stuff is used to a greater extent than it losses its weight more. Now depending on yarn quality, stuff pattern too higher upwards all destination role this loss may live less or more, i time to a greater extent than may live speedily or lately. But indeed the fabrics volition loss its weight too serviceability. So, finally nosotros tin state that the to a greater extent than wearable index value the less durability of the fabric.

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