Yaa Viva Questions In Addition To Answers For Weaving In Addition To Knitting

Viva Questions together with Answers for Weaving together with Knitting

Mazedul Hasan Shishir
Production Officer at Intramax Group
Email: mazadulhasan@yahoo.com

Some years agone textile engineers had many reach for doing job. But at nowadays a days huge no of textile engineers are entering into textile undertaking sector. So ultimately final result is that, scarcity undertaking inwards textile sector. But scarcity from other subdivision of textile, weaving together with knitting are comparatively less. So fresh textile engineers direct maintain chance to make undertaking inwards weaving together with knitting mill. I direct maintain written this article for preparing themselves to larn undertaking inwards weaving together with knitting industry.
Interview Questions together with Answers for Weaving together with Knitting

1. What is weaving?
Ans. the procedure of interlacing 2 sets of yarns namely warp together with weft, at right angle to brand a fabric, according to design.

2. What is knitting?
Ans. It is the procedure of producing textile yesteryear transferring continuous yarns into interlocking loops, each row of loop hanging from the i at nowadays preceding it.

3. How many sets of yarn are used inwards knitting?
Ans. One laid (warp or weft).

4. How many sets of yarn are used inwards weaving?
Ans. Two sets (warp together with weft).

5. Is sizing required inwards knitted fabric?

Ans. No.

6. Write downward the types/ classification of knitting.
Ans. Two types,
  • Warp knitting & 
  • Weft knitting.
7. Is yarn grooming is needed inwards knitting? 
Ans. No.

8. Is knitting textile create yesteryear inter looping? 
Ans. Yes.

9. Is weaving textile create yesteryear interlacing? 
Ans. Yes.

10. In which knitting, a textile is create yesteryear unmarried yarn?
Ans. Weft knitting.

11. What is the other mention of warp yarn? 
Ans. Ends

12. Write downward the loom driving system?
  • Hand driving (hand loom) & 
  • Electric motor driving (power loom)
13. Write down/ what are the unlike types of shed?
  • Bottom closed shed
  • Center closed shed
  • Semi-open shed
  • Open shed
14. What is shedding?
Ans. Shedding is the deed of dividing the warp threads according to pattern into 2 parts, to allow the passage of shuttle/weft inserting chemical element from i side of the loom to the other.

15. Write down/what are the types of shedding mechanism?
  • Paddle/treadle shedding (used inwards mitt loom)
  • Tappet shedding (used inwards ability loom)
  • Dobby shedding (used inwards ability loom, at yesteryear used inwards mitt loom)
  • Jacquard shedding (both mitt & ability loom are used now)
  • Combined shedding
16. Normally tapped shedding machinery produces foursquare pattern (e.g. 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, etc.) (Yes /no)
Ans. Yes.

17. We tin create basic weave structures (i.e plain, twills satin) inwards tapped shedding (yes/no)
Ans. Yes

18. Where opened upwardly shed is used?
Ans. Tapped loom
19. What is fabric?
Ans: Interlacement of 2 or to a greater extent than thread of yarn.

20. What are the primary motion?
Ans. The primary motility are equally follows-
  • Shedding
  • Picking
  • Beating
21. What are the secondary motion?
Ans. The secondary motility are equally follows :
  • Let off
  • Take-up
22. What are the third motility
Ans. The third motility are equally follows-
  • Warp halt motility
  • Weft halt motility
  • Warp protector
  • Weft protector
23. Where bottom & pump closed shed are used?
Ans. Hand jacquard looms to create fragile fabrics.

24. Where semi-open shed is used?
Ans. Double elevator dobby & Jacquard.

25. One shedding + i picking + i beating =?
Ans. One weaving cycle/ loom cycle/picks bicycle

26. One picking tapped insert i pick(True or False)?
Ans. True

27. What is the final result of unequal shedding?
Ans. Wrong pattern & stitching

28. What are the maximum numbers of heald frame controlling capacity inwards tapped shedding mechanism?
Ans. fourteen

29. Dobby shedding machinery tin create both foursquare together with rectangular size pattern (yes/no)
Ans. Yes

30. What types of pattern tin live produced yesteryear Jacquard looms?
Ans. Any pattern

31. What are the maximum numbers of warp threads controlling capacity inwards Jacquard loom?
Ans. 1800

32. What is sizing?
Ans. Sizing is the procedure of giving a protective coating on the warp yarn to minimize yarn breakage during weaving.

33. What materials shape the base of operations of the size?
Ans. Starch or mucilage

34. What are the types of loom?
  • Hand loom & 
  • Power loom
35. What are the types of ability loom?
  • Modern/shuttle less loom & 
  • Conventional/shuttle loom.
36. What is picking?
Ans. To propel the shuttle or whatsoever other weft inserting elements.

37. Write downward the faults of picking

  • Early picking 
  • Late picking 
  • Smash or Bang-off
  • Short picking 
  • Harsh picking 
  • Shuttle flight out
38. Some pregnant
  • PPM = picks per infinitesimal
  • PPI = picks per inch
  • EPI = Ends per inch
  • RS = Reed infinite
39 Actual production of a m/c is ever less than that calculated production (True/False)
Ans. True

40. What is the object of beat-up mechanism?
Ans. To force the newly inserted weft yarn (last pick) to the cruel of the cloth.

41. What is the business office of take-up mechanism?

Ans. To air current the already woven textile on the cloth roller alongside the progress of weaving.

42. What is alternative spacing?
Ans. The infinite occupied yesteryear a alternative inwards textile

43. What is let-off mechanism?
Ans. To unwind the equivalent length of warp canvass from the warp beams alongside the progress of take-up during weaving.

44. What are the basic weave structures?
Ans. (i) Plain (ii) Twill together with (iii) Satin

45. Write down/Classify the types of sett.
  • Warp sett (No. of warp/inch)
  • Weft sett (no. of weft/inch)
46. What is weave?
Ans. Interlacement of the ends together with picks alongside each other produces a coherent structure. The repeating pattern of interlacing is called the weave.

47. What is warp & weft crimp?

Ans. The waviness of the yarns due to interlacing of warp together with weft inwards producing textile is called crimp.

48. What is facial expression upwardly loop?
Ans. The loop where heads are below together with hanks are higher upwardly is called facial expression upwardly loop.

49. What is dorsum loop?
Ans. The loop where heads are higher upwardly together with hanks are below is called dorsum loop.

50. What is the basic knitted structure?
  • single jersey or evidently
  • 1x1 rib
  • 1x1 inter lock
  • 1x1 purl.
51. Write downward the weft knitting elements.
  • Needle
  • Sinker
  • Cam
52. Write downward the types of needle.
  • Latch needle
  • Bearded needle
  • Compound needle
53. Write downward the types of knit wear.
  • Cut together with stitch knit wear 
  • Fully fashion knit wear.
54. Write downward the basic stitches of knitting structure.
  • Knit stitch
  • Miss/ float stitch
  • Tuck stitch
55. How tin y'all seat unmarried jersey fabric?
Ans. In unmarried jersey fabrics, all facial expression upwardly loops are acquaint inwards i side together with all dorsum loops are acquaint in other side of the fabric.

56. How tin y'all seat double jersey fabric?
Ans. In double jersey fabrics, facial expression upwardly & dorsum loops are acquaint inwards every side of the fabric.

57. The size of held loop is ever bigger than knit loop (yes/no).
Ans. Yes.

58. Write downward the warp knitting elements.
  • Needle
  • Cam
  • Sinker
  • Guide.
59. Needle individually industrial plant inwards which knitting?
Ans. Weft knitting m/c.

60. Needles piece of work unitedly inwards warp knitting (yes/no). 
Ans. Yes.

61. What is pitch?
Ans. The distance betwixt i needle together with another.

62. Technical facial expression upwardly together with dorsum is of same inwards rib construction (yes/no).

Ans. Yes.

63. What is a coarse?
Ans. A coarse is a predominantly horizontal row of needle loops.

64. What is a wale?
Ans. A wale is a predominantly vertical column of intermeshed needle loops.

65. What is the outset type of needle?
Ans. Bearded needle.

66. What is the work of bearded needle?
Ans. Presser bar is used equally closing elements.

67. What is the business office of sinker that performed?
  • loop formation 
  • holding down
  • knocking over.
68. What is cam?
Ans. Cams are the devices which convert the rotary machine drive into a suitable reciprocating action for the needles or other elements.

69. Write downward the types of cam.
  • Engineering cam,
  • Knitting cam.
70. What is needle loop?
Ans. The needle loop is the basic unit of measurement of knitted structure.

71. Write downward the types of clearing cam.
  • Knit cam,
  • Tuck cam,
  • Miss cam
72. What is the basic knitting activity of a needle?
  • Rest position,
  • Opening,
  • Clearing,
  • Yarn feeding
  • Landing,
  • Knock over.
73. What is held loop?
Ans. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 held loop is an former loop that the needle has retained

74. Where the interlock fabrics are used?
Ans. Under garments clothing.

75. Inter lock has the technical facial expression upwardly of evidently textile on both side (yes/no).
Ans. Yes.

76. In interlock fabric, contrary or dorsum loop is non seen (yes/no). 
Ans. Yes.

77. Technical facial expression upwardly & dorsum is of unlike inwards unmarried Bailiwick of Jersey textile (yes/no)
Ans. Yes

78. What make y'all hateful yesteryear GSM?
Ans. Gram per foursquare meter.

79. What make y'all hateful yesteryear oz/sq. yd?
Ans. Ounce per foursquare yard.

80. Where GSM is used?
Ans. The term GSM is popularly used inwards knitted manufacture because buying & selling are done on the footing of weight of the fabrics.

81. What is the GSM arrive at for finer fabrics? 
Ans. Below 150

82. What is the pregnant of CVC & PC/TC?
  • CVC = Chief value of cotton fiber (i.e. cotton fiber to a greater extent than than 50%)
  • PC/TC=Polyester&Cotton / Tetron & Cotton (i.e.polyester to a greater extent than than 50%)
83. What types of loops create inwards knitting?
Ans. Interlocking or Interlooping loops.

84. Weft knitting create inwards which form?
Ans. Tubular form.

85. In which/loop, shanks are higher upwardly together with heads are below?
Ans. Face loop.

86. What is sinker loop?
Ans. The loop that joins 2 side yesteryear side needle loop.

87. What is the basic unit of measurement of knitted structure?
Ans. Stitch/loop

88. Legs or shanks are below together with heads are higher upwardly inwards dorsum loop (Yes/No).
Ans. Yes.

89. In where alternate facial expression upwardly together with dorsum loops produced yesteryear 2 sets needle?
Ans. Rib structure.

90. In interlock fabric, is dorsum loop invisible?
Ans. Yes.

91. Which is the exclusively movable cam inwards the cam box?
Ans. Stitch cam.

92. What is the principal chemical element of knitting m/c?
Ans. Needle.

93. What textile produced yesteryear adhesive together with punching?
Ans. Non-woven fabric.

94. Write the procedure sequence of woven textile production?
(A) Yarn grooming
  • Winding 
  • Drawing inwards together with denting
  • Warping 
  • Leasing
  • Sizing  
  • Tyeing inwards / Knotting
(B) Weaving
(C) Inspection
(D) Folding
(E) Transfer to DPF (Dyeing, Printing & Finishing)

95. The weave alongside long floats of threads create let on construction together with curt floats create work solid structure (True/False).
Ans. True

96. What are the types of fabric?
  • Woven fabric 
  • Knit fabric 
  • Non woven textile
97. What is non woven fabric?
Ans. Sheets of fibers are held together yesteryear adhesives, stitching or needle punching to give a usable fabric.

98. What make y'all hateful warp & weft yarn?
  • Warp yarn = the lengthwise laid of yarn
  • Weft yarn =the widthwise laid of yarn.
99. Write downward the classification of woven textile alongside example.
  • According to raw stuff e.g. cotton fiber fabric, wool fabric, silk textile
  • According to processing e.g. solid dyed, yarn dyed
  • According to their weaves or construction e.g. evidently fabric, twill fabric, satin textile
  • According to their structures e.g. unmarried cloth, double cloth, pile textile
  • According to destination uses e.g. Clothing, flooring covering, furnishing
100. In weaving process, which is first, sizing or winding?
Ans. Winding (winding → warping → sizing)

101. Why yarn grooming is required for weaving?

  • To air current the yarn uniformly on suitable parcel
  • To direct maintain desired length of yarn on the parcel
  • To amend weaving efficiency.
102. What are the classifications of winding m/c?
  • Pirn winding m/c
  • Cop winding m/c
  • Spool winding m/c
  • Cheese winding m/c
  • Cone winding m/c
103. What are the types of warping?
Ans. Two types
  • Direct or high speed or beam warping
  • Sectional or pattern or drum warping
104. What types of traversing method?
  • Reciprocating
  • Rotating
105. Ribboning is a winding error (yes / no) 
Ans. Yes

106. Write downward the types of yarn tensioner used inwards winding.
  • Capstan Tensioner
  • Additive Tensioner
  • Combined Tensioner
  • Gate Tensioner
  • Lever Tensioner or automatic command tensioner.
107. Write downward the types of guide.
  • Type Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 → Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 yarn destination is required for threading
  • Type B→ Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 yarn destination is non required for threading
108. What is the principal characteristic of twill weave?
Ans. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 twill weave is characterized yesteryear diagonal lines of warp & weft floats on the facial expression upwardly of the fabric.

109. What are the derivatives of twill?
  • zigzag / pointed / waved twill 
  • combined twill
  • Herring os twill 
  • Fancy twill
  • Broken twill 
  • Continuous twill
110. Write downward the classification of drafting?
  • Straight draft 
  • Special draft
  • Pointed draft 
  • Skip draft
  • Flat pointed draft 
  • Mixed draft
  • Broken draft
111. What is color & weave effect?
Ans. Simple weaves such equally plain, twill together with matt may live used inwards conjunction alongside 2 color warp together with weft patterns to create pocket-size geometrical designs inwards 2 colors that is called color & weave effect.

112. Where double cloth is used?
Ans. Decorative fabrics, such equally sofa cover, furnishing cloth.

113. What is denim fabric?
Ans. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 potent warp faces cotton fiber cloth used for overalls, jeans, skirts etc. largely made inwards 3/1 twill weave.

114. Some textile detail.
  • Jean = 2/1 twill cotton fiber cloth made warp or weft face.
  • Poplin = Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 evidently woven warp rib textile alongside fine warp together with thick weft.
115. What is winding?
Ans. The transferring of yarn from i parcel to only about other is called winding.

116. Write downward the classes of winding?
A. On the footing of parcel hardness/softness-
  • Soft winding 
  • Hard winding
B. On the footing of your whorl on the parcel (traversing)
  • Precision winding together with
  • Non-precision winding
117. What are the types of packages?
Ans. Fundamentally 3 unlike types of packages
  • The parallel would package.
  • The near-parallel injure packages together with
  • The cross injure packages.
118. What are the classes of winding m/c footing on parcel of yarn produced?
  • Pirn winding m/c
  • Cop winding m/c
  • Spool winding m/c
  • Cheese winding m/c
  • Cone winding m/c
119. What are the ways inwards which a yarn parcel may live unwound?
Ans. There are 2 ways inwards which a yarn parcel may live unwound-
  • Side withdrawal and 
  • Over destination withdrawal.
120. What are the faults of winding?
Ans. Faults-
  • Too soft or difficult parcel
  • Improper knots.
  • Dirty parcel
  • Incorrect winding speed
  • Unsatisfactory parcel shape.
  • Ribboning
  • Balloning
121. Mention the Auxiliary functions of winding machine?
Ans. The Auxiliary functions of a winding machine include-
  • Creeling 
  • Piecing 
  • Doffing.
122. What is warping?
Ans. The parallel winding of a laid of warp yarns from many yarn packages (cone/cheese) on a flanged bobbin (warping beam) at uniform spacing, tension together with length is called warping.

123. How many types of warping?
Ans. There are mainly 2 types of warping-
  • Direct or high speed or beam warping
  • Sectional or pattern or drum warping.
124. Write the components of warping machine?
Ans. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 warping machine consists of 3 principal parts:
  • Creel 
  • Headstock 
  • Control unit.
125. Classify the sizing method?
Ans. On the footing of size % on the yarn-
  • Light sizing- 10% - 15%
  • Pure sizing - 16% - 25%
  • Medium sizing - 26% - 50%
  • Heavy sizing - 50% - 100%
On the footing of application process-
  • Surface sizing
  • Core sizing
  • Optimal sizing
126. What are the argue of clothing?
  • Modesty
  • Protection against adverse climate weather
  • Adornment
  • Identification
  • Aristocratic argue
127. What the breaks that used to halt the loom?
  • Mechanical
  • Pneumatic (used air)
  • Hydraulic (used liquid)
128. Some of import price -
  • * The ratio of RPM of crank shaft together with bottom shaft is ever 2:1
  • ** RPM of crank shaft = PPM of the loom
129. Can nosotros mountain to a greater extent than than 2 shedding tappet inwards a loom? 
Ans. No

130. What is dwell?
Ans. The stationary menstruum of heald frames inwards opened upwardly shed status during which time, the shuttle go from i side of the loom to the other side.

131. How many heald frames tin live controlled yesteryear Dobby shedding mechanism?
Ans. Theoretically maximum 48 but practically 36 tin live controlled. But for cotton fiber yarn weaving 24 controlled.

132. Minimum how many heald frame is controlled yesteryear Dobby shedding?

Ans. Minimum 12.

133. Maximum how many heald frame is controlled yesteryear Jacquard shedding?
Ans. 1800

134. What is efficiency?
Ans. The weaving efficiency describes how effectively a laid of looms piece of work inwards normal working environment.

135. What is bastard reed?
Ans: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 reed inwards which dent infinite at each side is slightly greater than inwards the center.

136. What is apartment bed?
Ans: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 bed which provides a apartment surface inwards a same pane equally the tabular array inwards which it is mounted.

137. What is Brocade?
Ans: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 woven, patterned textile using multi-colored threads

138. What is Damask?
Ans: It is similar to brocade but is finer, thiner. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 woven, patterned fabric, using all i color - recollect fancy white cloth napkins. Usually silk, linen, cotton, rayon or synthetic blends.

139. What is voile?
Ans: Soft fine sheer fabric.

140. What is worsted?
Ans: Fine closely-woven wool.

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