Now You Know Factors Affecting Appearance After Wash Test Result
Sunday, 3 February 2019
Factors Affecting Appearance After Wash Test Result

Md. Shafiqul Islam (Newton)
Manager soft lines
Epyllion Testing lab ltd
Gazipur , Dhaka, Bangladesh
Manager soft lines
Epyllion Testing lab ltd
Gazipur , Dhaka, Bangladesh
Consumer buys textiles such as clothing fabric, bed linen, home furnishings or any other related material. He or she expects it to perform satisfactorily during use in terms of color stability and appearance retention, including shape, pilling/fuzziness etc. The problems associated with durability of color and appearance on wet treatments such as washing and wet rubbing are of global nature, which eventually leads to consumer dissatisfaction and complaints.
Textile Fabric’s ability to retain its original color is one of the most important properties of a textile product. The colorfastness or color retention or appearance is influenced by a number of variables that occur both pre-consumer and post-consumer. Fiber Quality, yarn formation, fabric construction, textile wet processing. Of these variables, the choices made during textile wet processing have the most significant effect on the colorfastness properties. Dye selection is also of the utmost importance.
On the other hand consumer practices such as Washing Machine, detergent selection and laundering techniques also play a major role in the color retention of a fabric.
The following factors are considered important in the appearance after washing of garments:
- Washing machines and washing programs.
- Use of wash loads consisting of whites and colored.
- Different fiber materials, such as cotton, polyester, nylon etc.
- Low energy program in washing machines low liquor, low temperatures and higher detergent activity.
- Ingredients of detergent formulations.

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Customer complain also make a confusion for the test result. As per care label and country of destination product should be go to that particular country and wash as per care label with standard machine .But we found sometime ,customer bought a garments from one country and send it to another country to his/her relatives where garments is not wash as per standard and got a confusing result.
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