Yaa Modern Developments Inward Sizing

Modern Developments inwards Sizing
Sherin Parmar
VJTI, Mumbai, India
Email: shrnparmar8@gmail.com

Sizing is the procedure of giving a protective coating on the warp yarn to minimize yarn breakage during weaving. It is called heart of weaving. Sizing is the most of import performance inwards preparing warp yarn for weaving specially amongst cotton wool yarn. The main usage of sizing is to make warp yarns that volition weave satisfactorily without suffering whatsoever consequential impairment due to abrasion amongst the moving parts of the loom. Besides it develops properties to the fabric, such equally weight, feel, softness, together with handle. To preclude warp yarns from excessive breakage nether such weaving conditions, the threads are sized to impart meliorate abrasion resistance together with to improve yarn strength.

Modern sizing process is based on diverse factors: modern command organisation for reproducible, optimal character together with slow handling. In this article I volition hash out virtually modern developments inwards sizing.

Two needs of the modern times:

1) Conservation of unloose energy
  • Rising prices of fuels
2) Keep surroundings construct clean together with pollution gratis
  • Reclaiming H2O together with the sizing materials from desizing launder H2O
  • Sizing inwards a medium other than H2O or no medium at all
Method to Save Energy:

Energy requirements:

1. Normal slasher operating at 83m/min, unloose energy consumption comes to live virtually 1500 kilo calories per kg of warp sized.

2. This unloose energy is required
  • Preparation of size
  • Storage at a warm temp
  • Heating the size paste
  • Drying the sized yarn
Steps for the conservation of energy:

1. In the size preparation, a lower temp, lxxx c instead of 100 c for cooking relieve 25% of unloose energy (8% of total unloose energy required for sizing)

2. 10% of the total unloose energy require to shop the size at high temp. this tin sack live minute yesteryear
  • Arranging the rattling brusque menses of storage
  • By using non retrogradable size (store at depression temp)
3. Use of i mash roller instead of 2 (save 3% - 7% of total energy)
  • A harder mash curl tin sack relieve five % - 10%
  • The high pull per unit of measurement area curl organisation (save twenty – 50% of unloose energy required for drying )
  • High viscosity size mixture require to a greater extent than unloose energy than depression viscosity sizes
  • Mechanical unloose energy required for stirring during cooking together with storage.
  • In the training of size to a greater extent than unloose energy is required for stirring than heating.
Emulsion size mixture:

Advantages claimed:

1. Liquid emulsions of gear upwardly made sizes,
  • Not require cooking
  • Not involve to live heated during sizing
2. In their industry no pace of
  • Drying a solid
  • Grinding into fine pulverization
Hot melt sizing:
  • As pey has mentioned a production inwards his question called Beveloid 6554, which has a depression melting signal together with quick setting properties.
  • In this method, the warp receives size during warping of a department beam ( done at 550 m/min), so rewound on weavers beam.
  • Need grooved metallic element roller ( heated 205 c )
  • Each groove has i warp halt passing through it.
  • Size inwards the shape of solid block presses against the roller.(melting signal 125 – 155 c)
  • It melts inwards contact amongst the hot roller together with coats the warp end.
  • Molten size has depression viscosity so it penetrates into yarn.
  • When warp is detached from roller, size speedily sets.
  • At to the lowest degree 3 divide grooved roller are required ( 12 to 120 tex )
***Size has:
  • Good forcefulness
  • Elongation
  • Desized yesteryear commons aqueous wash
  • Very economical inwards unloose energy consumption
  • Requires 80% less unloose energy than conventional organisation
  • Simple to move
  • Require depression investment cost
  • Slow average speed of application
  • 12% less than conventional sizing
  • Need to get together sized warpers beam into weavers beam.
  • Difficulty inwards reclamation of size from aqueous solution later desizing
  • High H2O contamination later desizing
High mash pull per unit of measurement area system:
  • Use of high pull per unit of measurement area squeezing decrease inwards the unloose energy requirement for drying.
  • Idea is to usage higher concentrations of size mixture together with higher squeezing pull per unit of measurement area to give normal size add together on.
  • Heat unloose energy (HE)required for drying is several times to a greater extent than than mechanical energy( ME ) required yesteryear mash curl for pressing.
  • Low squeezing pull per unit of measurement area - high HE & depression ME
  • Cotton yarn, irksome speed running together with high squeezing pull per unit of measurement area gives best squeezing consequence together with requires to the lowest degree unloose energy for drying of the yarn. (more ME)
  • Polyester yarn or poly/ cotton wool blend yarn high pressure, high speed organisation was establish to a greater extent than economical inwards abide by of amount of HE & ME.
  • High pull per unit of measurement area squeezing, Ensure meliorate add together on regularity, which permit lower add together on, hence atomic number 82 to farther saving inwards size consumption.
  • As high concentrated size mixture is to live used, the adhesive used such that viscosity of paste volition non live likewise high.
***High pull per unit of measurement area squeezing allows usage of to a greater extent than concentrated size paste than usage for conventional i
  • To larn same % of size add together on
  • Same character of size warp
  • This leaves less H2O to live evaporated
  • Thus effecting a saving inwards rut unloose energy
  • 22% of total
***As the speed of the yarn passage increases, unloose energy consumption per kg of yarn decreases.
  • Low pull per unit of measurement area – 1/7 its value
  • High pull per unit of measurement area – 1/8 its value
***For this usage modern synthetic adhesives similar
  • Vinyl acetate copolymer
  • Acrylic copolymers
  • Blend of 2
  • With polyvinyl alcohol
Comparison of normal together with high pull per unit of measurement area squeezing:
 is the procedure of giving a protective coating on the warp yarn to minimize yarn breakage  Yaa Modern Developments inwards Sizing
Table: Comparison of normal together with high pull per unit of measurement area squeezing
  • Decrease inwards the unloose energy required for drying (save energy)
  • Ensure meliorate add together on regularity, which permit lower add together on, hence atomic number 82 to farther saving inwards size consumption.
  • Higher tensile forcefulness
  • Abrasion resistance is at to the lowest degree same, if non meliorate
  • Improves weaving efficiency yesteryear meliorate size penetration
  • Economical procedure
  • When high pull per unit of measurement area squeezing coupled amongst the device to automatically vary the squeezing pull per unit of measurement area amongst alter inwards speed, gives much economic scheme inwards sizing stuff consumption.
  • This method involves a special blueprint of the squeezing roller
  • Smaller diameter together with harder surface give to a greater extent than effective squeezing pressure.
  • After long use, because of heavy pull per unit of measurement area at that topographic point is bowing of roller.
  • This bowing results inwards uneven together with inadequate squeezing effect.
  • To avoid this, specially designed squeezing roller are advised.
  • Central shaft of lower squeezing rollers is quite wide at the centre together with tapered at both end.
  • There is also a fundamental metallic element support, gives back upwardly to fundamental seat of condom cover.
  • Prevent the formation of cavity at centre.
*** Squeezing consequence depends on 2 properties of roller
  • The diameter
  • Hardness of the rollers
Foam sizing:

Objectives of foam sizing:

  1. Reduce moisture selection upwardly
  2. Conserving unloose energy for drying
  3. Increase production speed inwards sizing
  4. Small book of H2O required for making the paste.
General features of foam sizing:
  • The foam has payoff of having a large mass amongst a rattling lite density.
  • Some of novel synthetic sizes, when blow through amongst air, make quite a stable bulky foam through which the warp sail tin sack live passed together with so squeezed.
  • With the high concentration of size paste, add together on tin sack live obtained amongst a rattling small-scale selection up.
  • Ex. Instead of using 13.3% concentration (90% moisture selection up) 25% conc. (48% moisture selection up) was used. There was saving of nearly 54% of the drying energy.
  • Polyester type of sizes shape bulky foam, but are likewise costly.
  • Mixture of conventional sizes amongst PE size together with sodium lauryl sulphate equally a foam stabiliser are establish to live quite convenient.
  • Partially hydrolyzed PVA
  • Cellulose together with starch derivatives
  • Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
  • Polyester resins
***From sizing signal of view, of import properties of foam are
  • Viscosity of the foam
  • Its density
  • Stability
Advantages of foam sizing:
  • No size cooking required
  • No size box needed
  • Energy saving inwards drying
  • Increased production speed
  • Use of shorter drying ovens instead of cylinders
  • Improved size utilization
  • Ease of removal inwards desizing
  • Less color haemorrhage on dyed yarns
  • Less yarn hairiness
  • Higher weaving efficiency
  • Higher productivity inwards sizing
  • Improved chemic utilisation
Use of silica dispersion:
  • Introduction of a novel additive to the size mixture to farther improve the sizing performance
  • The additive is a colloidal dispersion of silica inwards condom latex emulsion
  • Siotexise is the call given to the additive.
  • It improves the abrasion resistance of the size cinema also the softness together with pliability of the film.
  • The thought has been adopted from the finishing technology, where it has been used to improve the softness together with wearability of the fabrics made from cotton, rayon, jute.
  • The condom latex cinema has expert adhesive forcefulness
  • When applied inwards sizing, gives expert fibrelay together with improves forcefulness of yarn, preclude fiber slippage.
  • When colloidal silica is added to the latex the microfine fibres of silica larn embedded inwards the cinema together with farther improve its performance.
  • The quantity of the auxiliary inwards sizing is iv – 6% on the weight of the adhesives inwards size mixture
  • Not solely forcefulness of the warp increased but also the surface characteristics of the yarn are improved, reducing the hairiness together with imparting lubricity.
  • On cotton wool warp the breakage charge per unit of measurement is establish to live reduced yesteryear 25 – 33%.
  • In spite of the novel add-on the cost of the size mixture has been slightly reduced ( reduction inwards the proportion of CMC, gum, tallow)
  • The same draw solid introduced a similar production called Forcylor.
  • Which is meant to live added to the concluding launder later dyeing of yarn
  • It is good known that, coloured threads inwards a warp sail make non deport good during sizing equally compare to grayness ones.
  • Forcylor add-on to the yarn, to the extent 1% on the weight of the yarn, improves their performance
  • The coloured threads, without this addition, gives to a greater extent than breakages on the loom.
Heat stupor treatment:
  • If the warp yarn is passed unopen to a heated roller earlier entering into the size, the sizing consequence is farther enhanced
  • Increase forcefulness of the yarn
  • Warp breakages reduced yesteryear 29%
  • Loom productivity increased yesteryear 6%
  • Elongation is some what decrease
Fusion of the yarn surface fibers:
  • This technique usage for thermoplastic fibres similar nylon or polyester, whether 100% or blended.
  • It is proposed to dependent plain such a yarn to a momentary rut treatment, at a temp only inwards a higher house the melting signal of the fibre, so that the surface fibres melt together with larn fused together to brand a compact, resistance surface layer.
  • Increase abrasion resistance
  • Strength together with dyeing properties are non affected.
Combining sizing amongst other moisture processes:
  • Combined dyeing together with sizing
  • The milnerised organisation of dyeing, resin finishing together with sizing
  • Combined sizing together with bleaching
Combined dyeing together with sizing:
  • Dyeing together with sizing inwards the same bathroom
  • One later other inwards 2 baths
  • Azoics, vats, reactives, pigments, disperse dyes etc. are dyed simultaneously amongst sizing.
  • In BTRA has successfully formulated methods for sizing together with dyeing azoic combinations simultaneously.
  • Combining the dyeing of mutual frigidity dyeing reactive dyes along amongst sizing amongst P.V. alcohol
  • Here reactive dye retains its fastness properties, the P.V. alcohol size also becomes to a greater extent than lasting.
  • The organisation using Padazoic colours ( azoic color combination mixtures, similar Rapid Fast colours) inwards which usage of 2 slashers inwards tandem.
  • In the start padding through a solution of the Padazoic color is taken. ( sol is made amongst colour, caustic soda, methanol together with petty paste to preclude the migration of color during drying)
  • After that dried.
  • In 2d box is a mixture of starch, tallow together with a buffer, similar a mixture of sodium acetate together with acetic acid.
  • If CMC is used solely acetic acid is requied
  • Temp 96 c
  • Then dried
  • Another is the opened upwardly width indigo dyeing advert sizing hit
  • Scouring, rinsing, padding through indigo sol, squeezing, oxidation yesteryear airing, so repeated padding together with airing several times, washing amongst H2O several times, drying, passing through the size paste, drying winding on loom beam.
  • The Milnerised organisation of dyeing, resin finishing together with sizing
  • Combined sizing together with bleaching
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  7. Add-on Materials on Sizing Ingredients | Binders | Lubricants
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  12. Textile Sizing: Important Process of Weaving Preparation
  13. Parameters of the Process Control of Yarn Sizing
  14. Sizing Faults | Causes of Faults of Sizing
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