Yaa Dyeing Cotton Wool Knit Goods Without Bleaching (Part-4)

Scope of Dyeing Cotton Knit Goods without Bleaching Operation for Energy Saving as well as Cost Reduction (Part-4)
Md. Palash Hossain
Department of Textile Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET)
Email: palashsakal@yahoo.com

Previous Part


4.1 Graphical representation of chemicals distribution:
Figure-17: Chemicals distribution of pretreatment procedure amongst bleaching
Figure-18: Chemical distribution of pretreatment procedure without bleaching
Graph shows that amongst bleaching procedure needs nine types of chemicals as well as without bleaching procedure needs alone v types of chemicals. So procedure without bleaching saves extra four chemicals.

4.2 Cost of chemicals (Source: Purchasing subdivision of PPC )

Table 11: Cost inward chemicals saves without bleaching procedure
Chemicals name
Anti-creasing agent
6 kg
1.8 kg
Hydrogen per oxide
18  kg
Peroxide killer
0.3 kg
Total saves
From the tabular array it is clear that procedure without Bleaching saves 1093Tk/1000kg (approx.) fabrics.

4.3 Graphical representation of amount of fourth dimension
Figure-19: Comparison of amount of fourth dimension required for amongst bleaching as well as without bleaching pretreatment process.
The graph showed that procedure amongst bleaching needs 255 min as well as procedure without bleaching needs 188 min. So procedure without bleaching saves 67 min. As a number procedure without bleaching provides next benefits:
  1. Production volition live growth
  2. Labor toll volition live decrease
  3. Product tin live delivers to the buyer within for certain time. So buyer volition satisfy to the company’s authority.
  4. Save machine running cost. i.e. electricity, gas, as well as ability cost.
4.4 Energy toll calculation for MCS dyeing machine [3]

1kw hr = 1 unit of measurement of electricity
1 unit of measurement toll =5.5Tk (Approximately)
Dyeing machine is sixty KW capacity
So it swallow 60×1=60 unit of measurement per hr
Cost =60×5.5 =330Tk/hr

Since procedure without bleaching salve 67 minutes, So it saves 67×5.5=368.5Tk (approx.) issue energy cost.

4.5 Graphical representation of required H2O for pretreatment procedure
Figure-20: Comparison required amount of H2O betwixt bleaching as well as without bleaching pretreatment process.
From the graph it tin live stated that inward conventional pretreatment procedure 30000lt H2O is required; whereas without bleaching pretreatment procedure required 24000lt. So proposed procedure saves extra 6000lt of water.

4.6 Required toll for extra H2O [4]

A. Cost inward WTP :
Table 12: Cost for H2O handling flora
Dip cost
1.04Tk/1000Lt (10 years)
Power cost
- Surface
- Under ground


Man power
Total WTP cost
So for 6000 lt of H2O procedure without bleaching saves 6x5.415 = 32.49Tk(approx.)

B. Cost inward ETP :
Table 13: Cost for effluent handling flora
Power cost
Chemical cost
Installing cost
6.39Tk/1000lt (10 years)
Man ability cost
Total ETP cost

So, for 6000Lt of H2O procedure without bleaching saves 6x18.66=111.96Tk (approx.)

Total toll for 6000lt water=32.49+111.96=143.97Tk

= 144Tk (approx.)

4.7 Total saving inward toll
Table 14: Total saving inward toll
Chemical cost
Water cost
Energy cost
Total cost

So proposed procedure saves 1605.5Tk/1000kg (approx.) as well as 67 min duration .

Detailed experimental information were manipulated through the interrogation work. As the elimination of bleaching results the grayness retaining inward cotton fiber fabric, So CMC pass/fail comparing amongst conventionally treated stuff were investigated. Consequently color fastness to wash, rubbing as well as perspiration create got been tested. During this experiment dyeing is performed for shade percentages of 2, 1.75, 1.5, 1.25, 1.00, 0,75, 0.50, 0.25, 0.10 amongst bleaching as well as without bleaching for Red, Yellow, Blue as well as combination sheds. For Red, Blue as well as combination color upward to 0.5% shade has been passed inward information color number but below 0.5% the number inward information color did non pass. It was passed upward to 0.1% shade inward representative of yellowish color. Besides, samples passed inward information color results create got been shown adept color fastness (washing, rubbing as well as perspiration) values. Some volume dyeing has been performed inward manufacturing flora later on successful completion of laboratory trials. Experiments were done on 2 dissimilar combination shades % i.e. 2% as well as 2.5% as well as the results create got been derived successfully. It tin live concluded that dyeing amongst ruby-red (0.5%), bluish (0.5%) as well as yellowish (0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%) colors, excluding bleaching procedure passed at information color 650 (CMC pass/fail) amongst conventional (including bleaching) dyeing process. In representative of specific combination shade it was establish that 0.5% shade is possible without bleaching operation. Cost analysis displays that 1605Tk (approx.) was saved per M kg stuff dyeing through the proposed way.

5.1 Limitations:
  1. Due to insufficient laboratory facilities all testing parameters could non live performed.
  2. Due to Limitations inward manufacturing flora accessibility as well as fiscal support, it was non possible to follow all laboratory trials inward volume production below 2% shades.
5.2 Future scopes:
Wet processing is responsible for wasting lots of H2O as well as energy, straightaway the fourth dimension came to growth performance of existing utility as well as to salve to a greater extent than to cut the production toll to remain inward a tremendous competitive market. There are lots of scopes to operate on the same topic to honor out the to a greater extent than acceptable zone inward combined shade expanse to avoid the bleaching process; thence create goodness volition come upward on 2 ways, ane is saving environs as well as or as well as then other is reduction of production cost. From this experiment nosotros tin forecast that dyeing tin live performed inward volume production below 2% of unmarried shade. Another interrogation tin live made past times implementing this interrogation number on dissimilar kinds of fabrics.

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