Yaa Drafting Too Cutting Procedure Of Walking Breeches

Drafting together with Cutting Details of Walking Breeches

M.A. (SOCIOLOGY ), M.L.M.(Labour Management),
MBA (EXECUTIVE) inwards (FASHION-TECH), MISTE., Chennai, Republic of Republic of India
Cell: +91-9283182955
Email: rsbalakumar1953@gmail.com

Walking breeches:

Many gentlemen similar to vesture these walking breeches. The characteristic of this garment is designed amongst to a greater extent than repose together with equally good equally the comfort to the wearer. In the waist to hip component considerable amount of repose is included inwards this wear. In western countries men together with women prefer to vesture this active vesture for longer menstruation together with inwards recent fourth dimension people belongs to hilly areas by together with large prepared to vesture this vesture inwards together with roughly the world.
Drafting together with Cutting Details of Walking Breeches Yaa Drafting together with Cutting Process of Walking Breeches
Walking breeches
Measurements Required:
  • side seam = 43”,
  • inside leg = 31”,
  • waist = 32”,
  • seat = 38”,
  • knee = 141/2,
  • small = 13,
  • calf = 14”,
  • working scale = 19”.
Drafting Process of Walking Breeches:
Drafting together with Cutting Details of Walking Breeches Yaa Drafting together with Cutting Process of Walking Breeches
Fig: Drafting of Breeches
Draft Details of Top Side:

Square lines from 0.
  • 1-0 = 1/3rd scale.
  • 1-2 = 1/6 thw.scale.
  • 3-2 = 1/6th scale+1/4.
  • 4-3 = 3/4 Inch.
Square upwards from 2 to6, the amount of the body-rise.12 1/2 inch. 5-2 is 1/3rdw, scale summation ¼”

6-7 = 2”drop ½ “ from half-dozen equally shown inwards to a higher house fig.

Square out from half-dozen together with seven from seven is one-half waist mensurate , “spring” out almost 3/8 “ from eight to 9.

A from 2 , diagonally , is one-half 2-3 summation ¼ “ sort the front end , 7-5-A-3. Square downwards from 1 to produce the centre line.

10 from 1 is 1” .for the petty extra length required inwards these garments
11 from 10ia one-half leg mensurate less 2”.
12 from eleven is 2 ½ “ xiii from 12 is 3.
14 from eleven is 1”; foursquare downward to locate 15.
B from eleven is ¼ knee articulation ; half-dozen from 12 ia ¼ pocket-size ; D from xiii is ¼ calf.
16 from 0 is 1 ¾ “ ; pull aline from sixteen to 14.

On this job 17 is midway betwixt fourteen together with sixteen ; score out almost 2” . to J . [ This amount may live on varied to taste]. The topside is immediately consummate ; cause got out “dress” equally dot – dash lines.

Draft Details of Underside:

Using B equally pivot, sweep out from iii to 18.

18 from iii is 1/12 scale summation ¼”.

Draw the spot job from four through five to xx , making the final dot 1/6 scale summation 1” . to a higher house H , located on the master copy summit job of the topside.

Mark out 3/8” at xx together with sort the seat-seam from this dot through nineteen

[2” below 20] together with H , equally shown ; proceed through five together with hollow from this dot downward to xviii , indicated.

Draw 2 lines from dot ½” to a higher house eight together with 9, respectively, to locate 21 together with 22.

Now mensurate the topside waist from seven to eight , house this amount at nineteen together with proceed to 21 , one-half the waist mensurate summation 2” ; brand 3/8” “spring “ to 22. These points are best fixed past times placing the angle of foursquare at the best fixed past times placing the angle of foursquare at spot job at points nineteen together with 20.

M from xx is 1 ½ “ ; K from 1000 is 1”.

Measure from B to 14, house this amount at B ane time to a greater extent than together with proceed to 24 the knee articulation mensurate summation 1 “.

Measure from C to L together with from D to fifteen inwards the same means , placing the amounts equally described together with continuing to 25 together with 26 , apply pocket-size together with calf measures summation 1 “.

P together with northward are ½” below the knee articulation job for the dorsum cut; connect these points amongst slight hollow.

Draw the underline leg-seam from xviii to F, which is almost ½ “ inwards from northward together with ¼” below it .

23 from sixteen is 2” .measure along the contour sixteen -J-14 of the summit side together with brand the same distance, less ¾ “m from xiii to27.

due east from eleven is 1” Measure along the contour N-P together with brand F-E-27 the same. The run of this contour should cross the job at 28 , one-half the knee articulation mensurate from northward .

Place residue marks at the side , equal distance from sixteen together with 23. the topside is fulled into the underside where indicated past times the wavy line.  

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