Love Is Similar Apricot

Patric Johansson for Livet Hemma

Do I dare say yous most the rabbit hole I vicious into whilst creating this post? It's sort of embarrasing together with rather typical of my twenty-four hr menses to twenty-four hr menses life online; maybe yous tin relate? It all started when I opened my e-mail together with saw this ikon (above). From powdery pinkish to saturated coral, I'm loving this breast of drawers painted inwards tones of apricot that the folks at Livet Hemma sent over.  It's a TARVA five drawer breast that they painted into an ombre shade of orangish together with when I saw it, the vocal "Love is similar apricot" started playing my head. Seriously (this actually happened). Love is similar apricot?  Um, yep, I wasn't certain either, then I googled it –the outset of my rabbit hole.

So ok, it isn't "Love is similar apricot", it's "Love is similar oxygen" (by the band Sweet).  So lead maintain I been singing this vocal incorrect my entire life? Apparantly so.  Apricot doesn't fifty-fifty audio the to the lowest degree fleck similar oxygen, then how did that fifty-fifty happen? I'm non fifty-fifty going to test to test to figure that out but what most all those other songs I've been singing wrong?  One that came to hear at in 1 lawsuit together with I had an inkling I've been singing incorrect all my life was "Tiny Dancer" past times Elton John.  Yeah I know, my entire life something was amiss alongside my version; good today I decided I was going to in conclusion abide by out what the correct words were together with seat that Tiny Dancer lyric result to rest!  So I googled Tiny Dancer Lyrics.

But reading the lyrics only wasn't triggering my version, then I decided to await for the actual song.  I institute this 1 here.  Nice version, but the 1 I'm familiar alongside I intend is a fleck older newer together with to a greater extent than produced (bigger drums).  I await for unopen to other version.  Which takes me to 1 past times Dave Grohl. It's non what I was looking for, but I wouldn't hear hearing his version (I had a few minutes) then I click on it.

Its' from a Kilborn demonstrate dorsum inwards 2006.  He makes reference to a autobus scene on the cinema Almost Famous, (a cinema I never saw) then since my involvement is peaked piqued (thank yous Molly), I become onto my side past times side search.  I institute one autobus scene, but I all the same wasn't getting it, then I looked for another, together with yet another.  Finally I'm realizing I'm in all likelihood going to lead maintain to spotter the entire painting demonstrate to larn it. So I become dorsum to the Dave Grohl 1 yet in 1 lawsuit again, together with outset reading unopen to of the comments for no existent reason. But 1 wrote, "Ever since I heard John Frusciante comprehend this, everything else has ever been lackluster together with devoid of magic".  So of class I lead maintain to hear John's version.  (The commenter is right, his version is magic - likewise bad it's then darn short) –so I cash inwards one's chips along hitting replay on that one together with meliorate yet this version.  Time escapes me. Finally the outcry upwardly rings together with pulls me out of the hole...

So at that spot yous go, I dared to say you. (Does that ever come about to you)?

Meanwhile, dorsum at the ranch.... mayhap a prissy piffling weekend projection this would be, maybe pigment to the soundtrack from my post? If you're wondering most these colours - I institute an online swatch similar from Benjamin Moore.  (From the top:  soft white 2170-70, peach melba 078, daylily 080, sausilito sunset 074, flamingo orangish 075, spill comprehend 2170-30 together with tropical orangish 2170-20).  Also these knobs are beautiful.

Love is similar apricot. (Top photo: Patric Johansson for Livet Hemma).

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