Yaa Grooming Of Mill For Iso, Wrap, Compliance & Accord Alliance Audit

Preparation of Factory for ISO, Wrap, Compliance & Accord Alliance Audit
Muzammel Hossain Ananda
B.Sc. inwards Knitwear Manufacturing Technology
BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
E-mail: muzammel.ananda@gmail.com

The objective of the Assignment is to Preparation of Factory for ISO, WRAP, Compliance, Accord &Alliance Audit. This manual provides the procedures to laid upwards Code of Conduct According to ISO, WRAP, Compliance, Accord &Alliance to whatsoever Garments Industry.

It volition also assist inwards making meliorate environment. Ensure motivational activity inwards the organization/ Factory.This volition also assist to maintain a goodness employee human relationship as well as a audio working environs inwards the organization.

The tremendous success of ready made garment exports from People's Republic of Bangladesh over the finally 2 decades has surpassed the most optimistic expectations. Today the clothe export sector is a multi-billion-dollar manufacturing as well as export manufacture inwards the country. The overall acquit on of the readymade garment exports is sure ane of the most important social as well as economical developments inwards contemporary Bangladesh. With over ane as well as a one-half meg women workers employed inwards semi-skilled as well as skilled jobs producing have on for exports, the evolution of the clothe export manufacture has had far-reaching implications for the club as well as economic scheme of Bangladesh.

Current Export of RMG inwards the dissimilar countries of ground are increasing hateful solar daytime past times day. The Last Export resultant of People's Republic of Bangladesh RMG…

To consider how implement ISO & WRAP, Compliance as well as Accord & Alliance regulation inwards our garments industry. And also to fulfill the undertaking working status as well as ensure Proper Safe Workplace to them past times Maintaining all the Code of Conduct.

We Write this assignment past times targeting RMG Sector of Bangladesh. People's Republic of Bangladesh is the side past times side “China” According to McKinsey Report as well as Also nosotros have got xxx years of sense & reputation inwards garment manufacturing. That’s why it is of import to Keep the Glorious reputation inwards Future past times ensuring this Following code of conduct.

“The International Organization for Standardization” widely known as ISO is an international standard-setting torso composed of representatives from diverse national standards organizations. Founded on Feb 23, 1947, the organisation promulgates worldwide proprietary, industrial, as well as commercial standards. It has its headquarters inwards Geneva, Switzerland.

“Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production” (WRAP) is an independent, global non-profit organisation dedicated to the certification of facilities engaged inwards lawful, humane as well as ethical production. Headquartered inwards Arlington, Virginia, WRAP has offices inwards Hong Kong as well as People's Republic of Bangladesh amongst staff inwards the UK, United Mexican States as well as East Africa.

History of ISO:
Standards are of import inwards international merchandise because inwards congruent standards tin can live on barriers to trade, giving some organizations advantages inwards sure areas of the world. Standards provide clear identifiable references that are recognized internationally as well as encourage fair contest inwards free-market economies. Standards facilitate merchandise through enhanced production character as well as reliability, greater inter operability as well as compatibility, greater ease of maintenance as well as reduced costs. ISO covers a broad diversity of standards amongst the exception of electrical as well as electronic engineering scientific discipline standards covered past times the International Electro-Technical Commission (IEC), telecommunications standards covered past times the International Telegraph Union (ITU) as well as information engineering covered past times JTC 1 (a articulation commission betwixt ISO as well as IEC).

The organisation which today is known as ISO began inwards 1926 as the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA). This organisation focused heavily on mechanical engineering. It was disbanded inwards 1942 during the minute World War but was re-organized nether the electrical current name, ISO, inwards 1946.

Even the yell of the organisation is standardized. The name, “ISO” is non an acronym but was derived from the Greek news “iOS’s” important “equal”. (The relation to standards is that if 2 objects come across the same standard, they should live on equal.) This yell eliminates whatsoever confusion that could resultant from the translation of “International Organization For Standardization” into dissimilar languages which would Pb to dissimilar acronyms.

ISO is a voluntary organisation whose members are recognized criterion authorities, each ane representing ane country. The mass of the operate of ISO is done past times the 2700 technical committees, subcommittees as well as working groups. Each commission as well as subcommittee is headed past times a Secretariat from ane of the fellow member organizations. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is the the States representative to ISO. The ANSI ASC Z-1/ASQ Standards Group coordinates the the States representation inwards the ISO Technical Committees 176 as well as 207 which are concerned amongst the ISO 9000 as well as ISO 14000 standards respectively.

History of WRAP:
Recognizing the potential for private manufacturers to adopt inconsistent standards as well as unnecessarily duplicate monitoring efforts, several prominent clothe producers approached the American Apparel Manufacturers Association to coordinate the industry’s role inwards addressing these issues. In August 2000, the AAMA merged amongst the Footwear Industries of America as well as The Fashion Association to move the American Apparel as well as Footwear Association, the fashion association. The AAFA is the largest as well as most representative sewn products merchandise association inwards the the States amongst over 700 fellow member companies, including blueish chip manufacturers Sara Lee Corporation, Jockey International, VF Corporation, Russell Corporation, OshKosh B’Gosh, Tropical Sportswear International, Gerber Children’swear. AAFA members make to a greater extent than than 85% of sewn products sold at wholesale inwards the U.S.

Almost 10 years ago, the manufacture began a physical care for to demonstrate its commitment to responsible concern practices as well as to ensure that clothe is produced nether lawful, humane as well as ethical conditions. The physical care for has reached out to many interested constituencies exterior the clothe manufacturing community, including retailers, human rights advocates, populace involvement organizations, evolution agencies, as well as the licensing community.

The commencement resultant of this physical care for was the evolution of the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production Principles — basic standards that address undertaking practices, manufacturing works life conditions, as well as environmental as well as customs compliance. The WRAP Principles received the populace endorsement of the AAMA Board of Directors inwards 1998. Later the Principles were endorsed past times groups representing clothe manufacturers from eighteen countries approximately the world. Global back upwards for WRAP from consumers, manufacturers as well as governments grows monthly.

In add-on to the endorsement of the WRAP Principles, the manufacturing associations as well as fellow member manufacturing companies are actively participating inwards the WRAP Certification Program. The WRAP Certification Program is the only independent as well as globally supported manufacturing works life certification computer program requiring manufacturers to comply amongst the 12 universally accepted WRAP Production Principles assuring safe as well as salubrious workplace conditions, as well as observe for workers’ rights.

Many manufacturers have got commented that WRAP has non only resulted inwards to a greater extent than reliable social compliance, but has contributed to greater productivity, lower turnover, improved communications betwixt administration as well as employees, safer working weather as well as improved morale. Today, WRAP is existence recognized past times many retailers as well as manufacturers as the most reliable, yet economically efficient manufacturing works life compliance scheme to assure lawful, ethical as well as humane manufacturing.

Work Procedure of ISO:
Each fellow member torso who has an involvement inwards the operate of a commission is entitled to live on a fellow member of that committee. Standards are reached past times consensus amongst each fellow member organisation representing the interests of the vendors, manufacturers, consumers, professionals, as well as regime of its country.

Each criterion goes through a vi phase physical care for before existence published as an ISO standard. The commencement phase is the proposal phase inwards which a demand for a criterion is determined as well as members are identified who are willing to operate on it. The standards as well as so larn inwards the preparatory phase where a working draft of the criterion is developed. When the working draft is completed, it enters the commission phase as well as is sent out for comments until a consensus is reached. The output of this phase is the Draft International Standard (DIS). The DIS as well as so enters the inquiry phase where it is circulated amid all fellow member bodies as well as and so voted upon. If a DIS does non have 75% of the vote, it returns to lower stages as well as operate on it continues. If it passes the inquiry stage, it becomes a Final Draft International Standard as well as enters the approving stage. During this phase it volition ane time again circulate through all fellow member bodies for a finally vote as well as ane time again it must plow over this phase amongst 75% of the vote. If the criterion passes this stage, it enters the publication phase as well as is sent to the ISO Central Secretariat for publication

Because sure technologies are changing so rapidly, ISO has instituted a Fast Track physical care for that allows a criterion which has been proven inwards the marketplace to larn inwards the approving physical care for at the inquiry stage.

Work Procedure of WRAP:
WRAP encourages all commercial as well as civil club organizations that are qualified to perform professional person as well as objective evaluations of manufacturing facilities to apply for accreditation. These organizations are referred to as “monitors” inwards the next discussion. Their principals, employees, consultants, et al. who volition live on straight involved inwards WRAP monitoring activities are called “designated personnel.

Monitors as well as their designated personnel cannot ain whatsoever fiscal involvement (including but non limited to equity, debt, or assets) nor handle legal, titular, membership, occupation or representational interests or relationships inwards either the companies or the facilities that participate inwards WRAP’s Certification Programs.

Monitors as well as their designated personnel cannot live on straight or indirectly related inwards a legal or familial capacity to the facilities as well as companies that participate inwards a WRAP Certification Program.

I. Monitors as well as their designated personnel are prohibited from receiving, at whatsoever time, whatsoever compensation or hope thereof beyond the reasonable inspection fee negotiated amongst a manufacturing works life (which must live on reported to WRAP: consider below). This does non foreclose the monitor from receiving additional fees for additional legitimate inspections.

II. The monitor must provide WRAP amongst all relevant materials that back upwards the qualification requirements for accreditation, including but non limited to:
  • Description of the organisation as well as its juridical status inwards the Blue Planet or countries inwards question, as well as inwards the Blue Planet of its headquarters.
  • Relevant sense as well as operate history of the enterprise, including yell as well as description of some of its electrical current clientele.
  • Three professional person references for services performed that tin can live on independently verified past times WRAP.
  • Names as well as qualifications of all designated personnel (see above) including a one-page Curriculum Vitae for each.
  • Affidavit signed past times the main executive officeholder attesting to the accuracy of all information provided for accreditation, as well as to the monitor’s compliance amongst the higher upwards requirements (including “Independence” as well as “Skills”).
  • The monitor transfers the appropriate fee to WRAP. For the fee as well as duration of accreditation.
III. For each WRAP Certification Program, a listing of all countries for which it seeks accreditation.

IV. All designated personnel (see above) must consummate a WRAP authorized Monitor Training Course. (WRAP may grant Provisional Accreditation until such fourth dimension as a course of study becomes available to a given monitor.)

V. Based on the monitor’s performance inwards the course of study as well as on its compliance amongst the higher upwards requirements, WRAP decides whether or non to grant accreditation.

Principle of ISO:

Principle 1: Customer focus
Organizations depend on their customers as well as so should empathise electrical current as well as time to come client needs, should come across client requirements as well as strive to transcend client expectations.

Principle 2: Leadership
Leaders constitute unity of role as well as administration of the organization. They should create as well as maintain the internal environs inwards which people tin can move fully involved inwards achieving the organization’s objectives.

Principle 3: Involvement of people
People at all levels are the essence of an organisation as well as their total involvement enables their abilities to live on used for the organization’s benefit.

Principle 4: Process approach
A desired resultant is achieved to a greater extent than efficiently when activities as well as related resources are managed as a process.

Principle 5: System approach to administration
Identifying, agreement as well as managing interrelated processes as a scheme contributes to the organization’s effectiveness as well as efficiency inwards achieving its objectives

Principle 6: Continual improvement
Continual improvement of the organization’s overall performance should live on a permanent objective of the organization.

Principle 7: Factual approach to determination making
Effective decisions are based on the analysis of information as well as information.

Principle 8: Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
An organisation as well as its suppliers are interdependent as well as a mutually beneficial human relationship enhances the mightiness of both to create value.

Compliance for a Factory Now day’s a Most of import number for the RMG inwards Bangladesh. Some of The most of import Compliance Are Discussed Below…

Social Accountability:
In today’s fast changing global market, it is non only the character of garments which cherished the retailers as well as manufacturers but also the working environments of the organisation wherein the products were produced. Those are as of import to gain as well as strengthen consumer confidence as well as to build-up to a greater extent than reliable relationships amongst vendors. In other words, specific code of demeanor that protects the basic human rights of the workforce engaged inwards the merchandise is to live on respected to satisfy consumers as well as to add together social value to the product. Basic awareness of the social accountability helps to empathise as well as monitor the compliance component of it inwards protecting the icon of a especial create of product.

In monastic state to make so, the reputed as well as leading marketplace players inwards the garment merchandise have got imposed compulsion on the related factories to attain those objectives as a status of the export contract. Even the exports were either withheld or cancelled elsewhere inwards the lawsuit of non-compliance to such issues.

Code of Conduct (COC):
Social Accountability standards have got been developed past times the international organizations such as Fair Labor Association (FLA), Worldwide Responsible Apparel production (WRAP) , Council on Economic Priorities Accreditation Agency (CEPAA), The Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) as well as Business for Social Responsibility (BSR).

Reputed create buyers inwards large render chain have got taken the guideline from those organizations as well as formulated their ain criterion of COC as well as also the credence criteria.

The basic principles of COC have got been derived from the principles of international human rights norms as delineated inwards International Labor Organization Conventions, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

It has Eight inwardness areas to live on addressed upon. These are as follows:
1. Compliance amongst Laws as well as Workplace Regulations
2. Labor
  • Child undertaking
  • Contract undertaking (if Applicable)
  • Discrimination
  • Forced undertaking
3. Freedom of Association as well as the Right to Collective Bargaining
4. Human Treatment
5. Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse
6. Working Hour
7. Working Condition
  • Occupational Health as well as Safety
  • Environment
8. Management systems

Compliance amongst Laws as well as Workplace Regulations
Facilities volition comply amongst laws as well as regulations inwards all locations where they demeanor business. Factories that make goods shall operate inwards total compliance amongst the laws Of their respective countries as well as amongst all Other applicable laws, rules as well as regulations.

1. The manufacturing works life operates inwards total compliance amongst all applicable laws, rules as well as regulations, including those relating to labor, worker wellness as well as safety, as well as the environment.

2. The manufacturing works life allows Gap Inc. and/or whatsoever Of its representatives or agents unrestricted  access to its facilities as well as to all relevant records at all times, whether or non notice is provided inwards advance.


Child Labor
Facilities volition non hire whatsoever employee nether the historic catamenia of 14 or nether the minimum historic catamenia established past times police for employment, whichever is greater, or whatsoever employee whose occupation would interfere amongst compulsory schooling.

Violation: Child undertaking was found at the factory. It was confirmed from the verification of personal document as well as the appearance of the employee. From the workers interview, it was understood that ane worker was virtually thirteen years old.

Corrective Action: According to The Factory Act of 1968 inwards the People's Republic of Bangladesh Labour Code, whatsoever somebody who has non completed xvi years of historic catamenia is defined as a child. Article 66 prohibits the occupation of whatsoever children nether the historic catamenia of fourteen. Factory administration agreed to take attention of this matter. 

Most kid laborers have got been cleared out of Bangladesh’s RMG sector nether international pressure, but sporadic cases nonetheless be due to economical reason.
The  objective of the Assignment is to Preparation of Factory for ISO Yaa Preparation of Factory for ISO, Wrap, Compliance & Accord Alliance Audit
Child undertaking inwards rmg industry
Contract Labor Requirements (if applicable)
Factories that recruit or employ unusual contract workers shall ensure that these Workers are treated fairly as well as on an equal footing amongst workers.

1. Factories that recruit or employ unusual contract workers must comply amongst the provisions of Gap Inc.'s Contract Labor Requirements attached hereto as an addendum.

Factories Shall workers on the footing of their mightiness to make the job. non on the footing Of their beliefs. Facilities volition employ, pay, promote, as well as terminate workers on the footing of their mightiness to make the job, rather than on the footing of personal characteristics or beliefs.

1. The manufacturing works life hires, employs, provides to grooming as well as retirement to workers without to race, color, gender, nationality. religion, motherhood marital status, indigenous status, social origin, disability, orientation, membership inwards workers • organizations including unions, or political affiliation.

2. The manufacturing works life pays worker’s reward as well as provides benefits without regard to race, color, gender. nationality religion. age, maternity, marital status. indigenous status. social origin, disability sexual orientation.
Forced Labor
Facilities volition non occupation involuntary, trafficked labor. Factories shall non occupation whatsoever prison, indentured forced labor.

1. Does non occupation involuntary laborof whatsoever kind, bondage or forced undertaking past times governments.

Freedom of Association as well as the Right to Collective Bargaining
Workers are complimentary to bring together associations of their ain choosing. Factories shall non interfere amongst workers who wishing to lawfully as well as peacefully associate, organize deal The determination whether non to make so should live on made alone past times the workers.

1. Workers are complimentary to select whether or non to lawfully organize as well as bring together associations, if liberty of association and/or the right ta collective bargaining are restricted past times law. workers shall live on complimentary to develop parallel agency or independent as well as complimentary association as well as collective.

2. The manufacturing works life does non threaten. restrictor interfere amongst efforts to bring together Of their choosing or to deal collusively.

Human Treatment
Factories shall care for all amongst observe as well as dignity Factories Shall non penalization other cast of physical psychological coercion.

1. The manufacturing works life does non engage inwards permit physical acts to punish or coerce worker.

2. The manufacturing works life does non engage inwards o' permit psychological whatsoever Other cast of non-physical abuse, including threats of Violence, sexual harassment. screaming or Other verbal abuse.

Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse
Facilities volition provide a operate environs complimentary of supervisory or co-worker harassment or abuse, as well as complimentary of corporal penalization inwards whatsoever form.

Compensation/Wages as well as Benefits
Facilities volition pay at to the lowest degree the minimum total compensation required past times local law, including all mandated wages, allowances &benefits. Factories shall pay reward as well as overtime premiums inwards & compliance amongst all applicable laws.

1. Workers shall live on paid at to the lowest degree the minimum legal Wage that meets local manufacture Standards Whichever is greater.

2. The manufacturing works life pays overtime as well as whatsoever incentive (or piece) rates come across all legal requirements the local manufacture standard. Whichever is greater. Hourly wage rates for overtime must live on higher than the rates for the regular operate shift.

3. The manufacturing works life provides paid annual leave of absence as well as holidays as required past times police or which come across manufacture Standard, Whichever is greater.

4. For each pay period, the manufacturing works life provides workers an understandable wage contestation which includes days worked. slice charge per unit of measurement earned per day, hours of overtime at each specified rate, bonuses, allowances as well as legal contractual deductions.

5. The manufacturing works life shall non modify or terminate workers' contracts for the sole role of avoiding the provision Of benefit.

Working Hours
Factories shall laid working hours inwards compliance amongst all applicable laws. While it LS understood that overtime is oftentimes inwards garment production factories shall carry out operations inwards a Ways that bound overtime to a that ensures humane as well as productive working conditions.

1. The manufacturing works life complies amongst all applicable laws. regulations as well as manufacture standards on working hours, Except inwards extra ordinary concern circumstances. the maximum allowable working hoursin whatsoever calendar week shall live on the lesser of a) what is permitted past times national law, or b) a regular calendar week of 48 hours plus overtime hours non inwards excess Of 12 hours.

2. Workers may turn down overtime Without whatsoever threat of penalty, penalization or dismissal.

3. Workers shall have got inwards seven.

Working Condition:

Occupational Health as well as Safety
Factories Shall comply With all applicable as well as regulations regarding working weather as well as Shall provide workers With a safe as well as salubrious environment.Facilities volition provide a safe as well as salubrious operate environment. Where residential housing is provided for workers, facilities volition provide safe as well as salubrious housing.

1. The manufacturing works life complies amongst all applicable laws regarding working including worker wellness as well as safety, sanitation, burn safety, take chances protection, as well as electrical, mechanical as well as structural safety.

2. Work surface lighting inwards production areas—such as sewing. knitting. pressing as well as cutting—is sufficient for the safe performance of production activities.

3. The manufacturing works life is good ventilated. There are Windows, fans, conditioners or heaters inwards all for adequate Circulation, ventilation temperature control.

4. There are Sufficient, clearly marked exits allowing for the orderly evacuation of workers incase of burn or emergencies. Emergency move out are posted as well as dearly marked inwards all sections of the factory.

5. S. Aisles. exits as well as stairwells are kept clear at all times of inwards process, finished garments, bolts of fabric, boxes as well as all Other Obstruct striking Id Obstruct the orderly evacuation Of workers inwards illustration Of burn Or Other emergencies. The manufacturing works life indicates With a "yellow box" or Other markings that the areas inwards forepart Of exits. burn fighting equipment. panels as well as potential burn are to live on kept Clear.

6. Doors as well as Other exits are kept accessible as well as unlocked during all working hours for orderly evacuation inwards Case Of burn or Other emergencies All main move out doors opened upwards to the outside.

7. Fire extinguishers are appropriate to the types of possible fires inwards the diverse areas of the factory, are regularly maintained as well as charged, display the appointment of their finally inspection, as well as are mounted on walls as well as columns throughout the manufacturing works life so they are visible as well as accessible to workers inwards all areas.

8. 8, Fire alert are on each flooring as well as emergency low-cal are placed higher upwards as well as on stairwells.

9. 9, Evacuation drills are conducted at to the lowest degree annually.

10. Machinery is equipped amongst operational security devices as well as is inspected as well as serviced on a regular basis.

11. Appropriate personal protective equipment such as masks, gloves, goggles, ear plugs as well as condom boots is made available at no Cost to all workers as well as inwards its occupation is provided.

12. The manufacturing works life provides portable Water for all workers as well as allows reasonable it throughout the working day.

13. The manufacturing works life places at to the lowest degree ane well-stocked commencement assistance kit on every manufacturing works life flooring as well as trains specific staff inwards footing commencement aid. The manufacturing works life has procedures for dealing amongst serious injuries that require medical handling exterior the factory.

14. The manufacturing works life maintains throughout working hours create clean as well as sanitary can areas as well as places no un reasonable restriction on their use.

Factories shall comply amongst all applicable environmental laws as well as regulations. Where such requirements are less stringent than Gap Inc.'s own, factories are strongly encouraged to come across the standards outlined inwards Gap Inc.'s contestation of environmental principles attached hereto as an addendum.

1. The manufacturing works life has an environmental administration scheme (EMS).

2. The manufacturing works life has an environmental emergency computer program (EEP) that includes procedures for notifying local community authorities inwards illustration Of accidental discharge Or release or whatsoever other environmental emergency.

3. The manufacturing works life stores hazardous as well as combustible materials inwards secure as well as ventilated areas as well as disposes of them inwards a safe as well as legal manner.

Security Service’s
Facilities volition maintain facility security procedures to guard against the introduction of non-manifested cargo into outbound shipments (i.e.drugs, explosives biohazards as well as /or other contraband).

Classification of ISO (9000):
ISO 9001: this criterion is applicable for companies, which are involved from designing to manufacturing of goods. This is the most comprehensive standard.

ISO 9002: this criterion is applicable for companies, which manufacturing goods amongst buyers or others specifications. this is applicable for export oriented clothe industries.

ISO 9003: this criterion is applicable for Final inspection.

Advantages of ISO:
ISO standards have got been steadily gaining popularity since their introduction inwards 1947 past times the International Organization for Standardization. Companies approximately the ground utilize ISO certification to attain a competitive reward inwards efficiency, marketing, profitability as well as international concern relations. Keeping your companionship upwards to appointment on international standards tin can give your concern the border it needs to succeed inwards global markets.
  • Well defined as well as documented procedures improve the consistency of output.
  • Quality is constantly measured
  • Procedures ensure corrective activeness is taken whenever defects occur.
  • Defect rates decrease
  • Defects are caught before as well as are corrected at a lower cost.
  • Defining procedures identifies electrical current practices that are obsolete or inefficient.
  • Documented procedures are easier for novel employees to follow.
  • Organizations retain or increase marketplace share, increasing sales or revenues.
Management Systems:

Factory paid reward inwards installment throughout a calendar month instead of disbursing the payment within especial catamenia of the side past times side month.

Corrective Action:
This is considered as a delayed payment. To comply amongst The Payments of Wages Act of Bangladesh, 1937, reward shall live on paid past times seventh of the side past times side calendar month upwards to M workers.

Employees punched their fourth dimension cards 2 hours before (7 p.m.) than the actual fourth dimension of difference (9 p.m.) from the factory. Factory administration wanted to cover the actual working hours.

Corrective Action:

To comply amongst The Payment of Wages Rules, 1936 of Bangladesh, all working hours shall live on recorded inwards the fourth dimension card.

Advantages of WRAP:
The WRAP Certification computer program is grounded inwards the belief that manufacturing works life based certification is the most effective way to ensure that operate house comply amongst the WRAP Production Principles. The WRAP computer program places primary responsibleness for improving operate house weather on those who ain as well as operate sewn production manufacturing facilities. WRAP Certification Offers Market Advantage. Acceptance of WRAP Certificate past times multiple brands as well as Retailers eliminates duplication of monitoring efforts.

Preparation of Factory for Accord Alliance Audit:
These Audit are done past times Three Steps. The next Steps are Discussed below broadly…

  1. As Built Electrical Drawing is the most vital dot of electrical audit. This is also yell as unmarried Line Diagram (SLD). This demo all Of Yours Electrical Equipment’s seat as well as distribution.SLD has to live on approved from alliance before work.
  2. Lightening protection amongst ear thing of entire manufacturing works life to live on done.
  3. All SDB, MDB, TL panel,PFL panel etc are corrected as well as modified amongst placement as per SLD.
  4. Thermo Graphic scan to seat hot areas as well as to indentify category 1,2&3 take chances areas amongst temperature mensuration past times 3rd party.
  5. Transformer petroleum examine written report from 3rd political party to seat as well as armful material.
  6. All cables insulation mensuration examine to live on dine from 3rd party.
  7. Placing of electrical insulation stuff nether DBs as well as other electrical equipment.
  1. Factory layout computer program to live on approved from metropolis Corporation/Rajuk as well as Factory Inspector.
  2. Detail Structural assessment newspaper from Structural Consultant Of the companionship who has constructed the edifice itself.
  3. Load calculation to live on prepared past times ain charge managing director to back upwards the charge plan.
  4. Soil examine report.
  5. Means of egress as per charge plan.
  6. A charge managing director to live on appointed preferably a structural engineer who volition have got to monitor loads everyday as per approved calculation.
  7. An electrical engineer has to live on appointed inwards the manufacturing works life to regular monitor of electrical issues.
Fire Safety
  1. Fire con panel which has to live on addressable.
  2. Separate burn con room.
  3. Fire security officeholder from FSCD or deference to live on appointed.
  4. Fire security diagram to live on approved from Alliance before operate
  5. Illumination low-cal to seat to move out routes.
  6. Clear move out signs both inwards Bengali as well as English.
  7. Fire assembly point.
  8. Fog low-cal inwards the floors.
  9. Fire see automatic as well as manual
  10. Huge H2O reservoir (50,000 gallon) to occupation during fire.
  11. Fire Hydrants.8 kg pressure level of H2O to live on produced during burn safety.
  12. All burn equipment’s as per depression to procured.
  13. Fire security computer program as well as evacuation computer program to live on approved for FSCD. 
The C-T PAT agency the Customs - Trade - Partnership against Terrorism. It is an initiatory of the U.S. of A. customs service inwards the wake of the events of Sept - 11th inwards monastic state to upgrade the security of commercial shipments against terrorist infiltration. It is also a Government / merchandise articulation initiatory to build co-operative relationships that resultant inwards the strengthening of overall sup I chain as well as border security.

C-T PAT is a recognition that customs cannot provide the top bird of security without involving the ultimate owners of the render chain (importers, carriers etc.). The customs services is yell for concern partner to implement improved as well as transparent physical security practices as well as communicate their requirement to their concern partners within the render chain. Areas of consideration include: Procedural Security, Physical Security, Personnel Security, Access Control, Training etc.)

1. CTPAT Conduct.

A. Packing Area (Physical Security):
  1. 1. All entry to live on restricted inwards the Packing Area other than authorized personnel.
  2. 2. The entry ascendancy inwards the Packing Area is hanged inwards the entrance amongst photograph.
  3. 3. The somebody working inwards the Packing Area has to live on checked past times security every hateful solar daytime so that they cannot carry whatsoever unwanted material.
  4. 4. The entry & move out of persons working inwards the Packing Area to live on noted inwards the Register maintained past times security.
  5. 5. All packed goods to live on checked past times a Needle Detector before packing.
  6. 6. Packing Area to live on kept nether lock & fundamental when non inwards use.
  7. 7. The Packing Area to live on kept nether physical security monitoring.
  8. 8. The Packing Area to live on kept nether the supervision of Close Circuit Camera (CCTV) as well as to live on recorded amongst a recording device.)
B. Loading & Unloading Area (Physical Security):
1) The Loading / Unloading surface area must live on separated from other / private vehicle area. No other / private vehicle tin can larn inwards in the Loading / Unloading area. The private / other vehicle surface area must live on separated from Loading/ Unloading as well as Shipping vehicle area. There must live on physical as well as visible barrier along amongst active guard to monitor which volition maintain Unloading as well as Shipping surface area separated as well as secured from whatsoever form of unwanted entry. That volition ensure security of the goods, containers etc. The Loading/Unloading as well as Shipping surface area to live on addressed as "Restricted Area" as well as no unauthorized personnel entry is accepted inwards whatsoever circumstances. Both physical, visible barrier as well as the presence of security guard jointly must add together value to ensure this protection as well as safety.

2) All Entries to live on restricted inwards Loading / Unloading Area other than authorized person.

3) Loading & Unloading Area to live on kept nether physical security monitoring.

4) The Loading / Unloading Area to live on kept nether the supervision of Close Circuit Camera (CCTV) along amongst a recording device.

5) Before loading whatsoever container the next to live on considered:
  • The status of the container.
  • The Fitness & Tax Token of the transport.
  • The valid Driving License of the Driver.
6) The Loading & Unloading of the container to live on checked as well as maintained past times security.

7) Container to live on sealed past times prescribed seal. subsequently loading.

8) All labels as well as seal of the container to live on examined spell loading & unloading.

9) The container itself to live on checked as per the next criteria (7-point checking system).
  • Right side.
  • Left side.
  • Front side.
  • Outside.
  • Inside.
  • Ceiling.
  • Floor.
C. Access Control:
1. Stick monitoring is done inwards monastic state to improve the access command of the factory.

2. No unauthorized entry of somebody / vehicle is allowed inwards the factory.

3. For permanent employee of the manufacturing works life the private ID Card is checked spell entry to the factory.

4. If anybody of such employee fails or forgets to convey ID, as well as so he / she is identified past times subdivision caput before entry.

5. All visitors are to demo their Photo ID Card, Visiting Card inwards the security Gate to evidence their identity.

6. After their identity is proved as well as so they are to register their yell inwards the security register.

7. After the entry of their yell inwards the security register they are issued amongst a visitor's carte which to live on carried past times them spell visiting.

8. All the vehicles to live on checked before entry.

9. All the asset / bags of visitors to live on checked past times mitt detector.

10. After the see terminate the visitor's carte to live on handed over to the security gate before departure.

11. In spite of above, if nosotros expose whatsoever unauthorized, unidentified somebody inwards the premises, to live on dealt amongst real rapid as well as definite challenging procedure. Any somebody entering or exiting the premises or acting suspiciously or found improperly badged to live on questioned/ interrogated. Primarily this is the chore of security personnel of the factory. If security personnel tin can expose whatsoever such suspicious person/ outsider/ improperly badged somebody inwards the manufacturing works life to live on captured/ arrested as well as preliminary investigation to live on done past times security subdivision inwards consultation amongst GM (Admin). After preliminary investigation, the suspicious/ unauthorized somebody to live on handed over to the next security agencies for farther disposal.
  • Gazipur Police Station - 9252682, 9802682
  • Gazipur Police Station - 01711337363
  • Gazipur Police Station (Sl) - 01711663357
  • Mr. Aziz (DSB) - 01712460005
Never the less, it is the responsibleness of all members also of the manufacturing works life to challenge whatsoever ane found suspicious / outsider / improperly badged. If whatsoever fellow member other than the security personnel of the manufacturing works life finds whatsoever such suspicious / outsider / improperly badged person, they volition written report directly to the security personnel through their departmental heads.

D. Personal Security Related to CTPAT.
  1. Personal document to live on checked strictly before recruitment.
  2. Police investigation for some private tin can live on obtained if require, subsequently recruitment.
  3. Person who is identified as mentally imbalanced cannot live on recruited.
  4. Addicted persons to live on identified.
  5. All members to demo their ID carte spell entry as well as volition carry ID carte inwards the entire duty catamenia to evidence their identity completely.
In illustration of Employee Termination, The designation/ identification of Terminated Employee are removed
immediately. The listing of terminated employee (if any) to live on handed over to security subdivision amongst photograph as well as security subdivision has to maintain tape of it. The termination of such employee to live on informed past times internal pedagogy which is to live on given to all departments. Special attending to live on given on his (terminated employee) access to the facto subsequently termination. The security depository fiscal establishment check posts are to live on made ale virtually his access to the factory. In the lawsuit of such access the clearance of manufacturing works life Top Management to live on taken prior the entry. Re- occupation of Terminated employee is non done normally. However, the re-employment tin can live on done amongst the approving from Chairman/MD/Director of companionship inwards special cases, The Termination physical care for is maintained real strictly.

E. Procedural Security (Integrity of Data)
In the lawsuit of shipment, the packing in-charge / Edi Co-coordinator send the finally packing listing to commercial subdivision as well as concerned Merchandiser for approval. After receiving the approved packing listing from commercial subdivision the Edi Co-coordinator informs to GM (Prod.), GM (Admin), Store Manager, Finishing Manager as well as Packing In- charge. Store Manager loads the cargo / container as per the finally approved packing list. The finally approved packing listing is a classified document as well as it remains amongst only authorized subdivision (Store, Commercial, Finishing as well as Merchandising department). No Unauthorized entry to this document is accepted. No modify of this document is allowed. If whatsoever changes to live on made has to live on permitted from commercial subdivision of caput office. Any unauthorized changes of finally approved packing listing to live on dealt amongst severe administrative activeness against the individual/department. If at that spot had been whatsoever modify past times commercial department, the written document / permission to live on obtained as well as tape to live on maintained.

F. Material Security Related to CTPAT:
  1. No stuff volition entry inwards or move out out from the manufacturing works life without authorized "Challan".
  2. No materials volition entry within manufacturing works life without security check.
  3. In illustration of Chemical, strict adherence to live on mentioned. No unauthorized chemic volition larn inwards in the manufacturing works life without MSDS.
  4. All items of the manufacturing works life to live on maintained as per maintenance schedule.
  5. Materials to maintain nether lock & fundamental when non inwards use.
G. Information Security Related CTPAT
  1. Information circulation inwards the Factory should live on on "need to know" Basis.
  2. Every figurer most have got a password to open.
  3. The password to live on selected as well as given past times information technology Manager.
  4. Password to live on changed quarterly.
  5. All members to that they empathise virtually non disclosing the Factory Internal Information to exterior people.
K. Usage of Seal for Covered Van Container Security
1. All export & import carry carry shipment goods / imported goods must have got security seal.

2. The security seals are issued past times commercial department.

3. This security seal is fixed inwards the presence of shop representative (Store In-charge), security personnel (Security Supervisor), Escort as well as Driver of the carry during export. This security seal is also removed inwards presence of same grouping of personnel inwards the fourth dimension of Import.

4. In illustration of broken security seal found inwards the fourth dimension of import, the incident to live on informed directly to commercial department, C & F Agent as well as Transport Agency. Without their concern the import carry
rest close.

5. These seals are to live on kept nether lock & fundamental as well as strict surveillance to live on kept so that it does non autumn on the mitt of whatsoever unauthorized person.

6. The Truck drivers are strictly prohibited from participating inwards the loading. The truck drivers cannot larn inwards in to the loading / unloading surface area as it is declared as "Restricted" for all unauthorized personnel entry. The truck drivers to live on kept, away from the designated as well as restricted loading / unloading surface area which to live on monitored as well as guarded past times security personnel so that they cannot larn inwards in that higher upwards mentioned restricted area. That volition ensure to protect the integrity of the goods as well as lower the take chances of unauthorized persons accessing or tampering amongst or damaging goods for Shipment.

I. The CTPAT Re Regulations During Loading

1. In illustration of whatsoever shipment the shop subdivision volition prepare 3 copies of Challan as well as all 3 copies to live on sent to security. Security In- accuse as well as so handover ane photocopy of challan to the security guard on duty

2. After the carry is found tally inwards all observe that volition live on sent to the loading area.

3. After parking of the carry to the loading surface area the security in-charge and guard to live on introduce physically.

4. The duty guard volition allow the goods to live on loaded inwards the carry as per challan. He volition also depository fiscal establishment check vogue no, yell of buyer, cartoon no, weight of the cartoon before loading into the transport. Any form of difference inwards compare to challan the security guard volition directly inform the security in-charge.

5. After the termination of loading of all cartoon inwards the carry ane time again the security in-charge as well as security guard volition finally depository fiscal establishment check it physically as well as confirm past times counting against challan.

6. Any ambiguity to live on reported as well as if require to live on counted ane time again before giving clearance for the motility of transport.

7. If all clear, as well as so the carry volition live on sealed amongst authorized seal.

8. The security in-charge as well as guard volition notation the vehicle registration no, yell of driver, the driving license no of the driver as well as fourth dimension out inwards a register as well as volition give permission of difference of the transport.

9. The escort nominated past times factor/ volition accompany amongst each carry upwards to the destination of shipment. Before the difference of the carry the escort is handed over a re-create of challan. The other 2
copies rest inwards the factory.

10. In the fourth dimension of vehicle difference the C & F agent to live on informed virtually the details of shipment vehicle, time, drivers' particulars etc.

11. After reaching of the carry to the destination the escort volition inform the fourth dimension of gain to the manufacturing works life as well as that volition live on noted inwards the register.

12. Any unwanted incident to live on addressed immediately.

J. Education as well as Training awareness:
The facility has offered incentive of Taka: 200 for security personnel as well as take: 300 for other personnel who would have got encountered a suspicious somebody or protected the manufacturing works life from whatsoever stealing of goods. That volition accelerate as well as encourage the total employee participation against whatsoever suspicious incident which tin can impairment the overall situation.

H. The overall CTPAT begins amongst the pick of Truck Provider Company as that play a vital role inwards monastic state to ensure physical security of the carry carrying goods on the way from manufacturing works life to the port of shipment. In monastic state to select a goodness carry companionship our companionship followed a laid physical care for as well as to this CTPAT SOP. that physical care for is attached hither as Annexure H5N1 B C D To this CT-PAT SOP.

However, the demand for compliance-related executives has gone up, all on a sudden, at a fourth dimension when the RMG sector is itself facing shortage of skilled manpower. Personnel having proper academic background as well as appropriate sense inwards related matters, are at nowadays inwards high demand past times both RMG as well as non-RMG industries, especially subsequently the Tazreen burn incident. Most of the country's export-oriented factories are inwards a rush to appoint 'compliance experts' to their factories. The pressure level from their overseas buyers for ensuring criterion working weather at the factories is at nowadays mounting.

But the render of local qualified manpower to deal amongst compliance matters relating to labour standards, is brusk of the electrical current requirements. This province of affairs is compelling the factories to recruit relevant manpower from countries similar India, Sri Lanka etc.


From the findings it is clear that, the annual turnover is much higher for compliant factories than the non-compliant factories amongst the same investment. The RMG industries of People's Republic of Bangladesh Have to to a greater extent than aware of the importance of social as well as environmental code of conduct. The government, private sector as well as evolution partners are demand to Regularly pushing for total compliance amongst mandatory requirements as specified inwards the law. The People's Republic of Bangladesh undertaking police 2006 is a strong slice of legislation as well as covers most international standards. By complying amongst this law, manufactures are only a few steps away from coming together international standards, a dot they should capitalize on. If these next Task are maintain & monitored properly as well as so the quota complimentary apparels market, People's Republic of Bangladesh must compete amongst all major players to sustain its existing part as good as expand into novel territories.

  1. https://apparelbrief.wordpress.com/merchandising-term/importance-of-iso-wrap-in-apparel-industry/
  2. /search?q=process-flow-chart-of-garments
  3. http://textilefashionstudy.com/what-is-compliance-compliance-in-garment-industry/
  4. http://www.fibre2fashion.com/industry-article/market-research-industry-reports/social-compliance-issues-in-the-apparel-sector-of-bangladesh/social-compliance-issues-in-the-apparel-sector-of-bangladesh3.asp
  5. http://apparelbrief.wordpress.com/merchandising-term/compliance-of-apparelgarment-industry-in-bangladesh/
  6. http://www.thefinancialexpressbd.com/index.php?ref=MjBfMDFfMzFfMTNfMV8xXzE1ODY3Ng==

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