Yaa Evolution Of Natural Additives Inward Dyeing Of Cotton Fiber Stuff Using Reactive Dyes

Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
1 & Mrs.C.Premalatha2
 M.Tech inwards Textile Chemistry1
Professor as well as Head2 
Dept of Textile Chemistry
SSM College of Engineering, Komarapalayam – 638 183
Emai: cpl.aap104@gmail.com


The major environmental number inwards textile manufacture is caused past times the textile moisture processing unit. Effluent handling has move deadening as well as ineffective because of the diverse toxic chemicals used inwards the moisture processing as well as it hence affects the eco-friendly impact of the process. Their impact on the surroundings tin give the axe live minimized past times bringing roughly changes inwards the processing technique adopted as well as past times replacing the chemicals used with biodegradable alternatives. In this work, the existing reactive dyes are dyed with Natural materials every bit additives to encounter the color yield evaluation as well as Environmental effects on the same.


Reactive dyes are typically azo-based chromophores combined with dissimilar types of reactive groups. The relative large chromophores identify reactive dyes inwards the tooth weight expanse of 700-1000 g/mol. The reactive groups tin give the axe live based on dichlortriazin or vinyl sulphonic acid as well as volition live negatively charged. Beside the reactive groups, other negatively charged groups are found, also typically sulfonic acid groups. The reactive groups react with hydroxyl groups inwards the cellulose fibre during the dyeing reaction every bit shown inwards Figure 2.1.
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Figure.2.1 Reactive dyeing machinery
Reactive dyes are H2O soluble inwards nature. Dyeing is commenced inwards neutral solution, oft inwards the presence of tabular array salt to promote exhaustion of the dye onto the cotton. During this period, the dye does non react with the fibre as well as migration from fibre to fibre is possible. Then, an appropriate alkali is added to the dye bathroom to increment its pH. This initiates the desired dye–fibre reaction. The hydroxyl groups inwards cellulose are weakly acidic as well as absorption of hydroxide ions causes roughly dissociation, forming electron deficient group. It is these that react

In the conventional reactive dyeing method, the add-on of tabular array salt is carried out inwards 3 stages for the uniform dye uptake. The alkali is added at the terminal phase as well as its treated for an hr for consummate fixation of the dye molecule.

In the novel reactive dyeing method, instead of the add-on of tabular array salt inwards 3 stages for the uniform dye uptake, a natural extract is added a unmarried fourth dimension initially. Then 1 time again a natural extract is added after working for roughly fourth dimension for fixation.

The usage of non allergic, non toxic as well as eco friendly natural dyes on textile has move a affair of pregnant importance due to increased environmental awareness inwards guild to avoid roughly hazardous synthetic dyes. In addition, when properly applied, natural dyes are fast, resisting fading due to exposure to sunlight. Natural dyes make really uncommon, soothing as well as soft shades every bit compared to synthetic dyes .

Mordants are substances which are used to ready a dye to the fibres. They also improve the take-up character of the stuff as well as assist improve color as well as light-fastness. The term is derived from the Latin mordere, to bite. Mordant volition to a greater extent than oft than non give much better, brighter as well as to a greater extent than permanent colours. The most commonly used mordant is alum, which is usually used with cream of tartar every bit an additive or assistant. Other mordants are Fe (ferrous sulphate),tin (stannous chloride), chrome (bichromate of potash), copper sulphate,tannic acid, as well as oxalic acid.

Mordants tin give the axe live classified past times the next ways:
  • Metallic mordants,
  • Tannin as well as tannic acid, as well as
  • Oils mordant
They are a number of plants as well as minerals which volition yield a suitable mordant for application. Tannin constitute inwards many plants as well as also functions every bit a mordant. Tannin acid is the most mutual mordant for cellulose fibres such every bit cotton. Tannin is oft combined with alum as well as iron.The tannins are somewhat heterogeneous grouping of astringent vegetable principles which receive got inwards mutual the properties of precipitating collagen, of yielding bluish or dark-green colourations with ferric salts, of precipitating chromium, copper as well as Pb salts nether for certain status of acidity, as well as of precipitating many organic bases, including a number of alkaloids compounds. Some tannin appears to live glycosidal inwards character.

Tannin includes inwards many flora sources. Plant sources hateful root, bark, wood, twig, leaf, fruit, flower, as well as seed. The vegetable tannins are produced during the metabolism of plants as well as trees. The parts of the flora inwards which the tannin occurred vary with the species. They receive got been constitute inwards the bark as well as trunks, inwards leaves, roots, as well as rhizome fruits. Typical materials used for bark tanning include whatever of the oaks, fir, for certain willows, chestnut, sumac leaves, oak galls, canaigre root, birch, alder, hemlock. Bearberry (leaves), heather, bloodroot, alfalfa, tea, sugariness gale, pomegranate rinds, for certain fern's rhizomes as well as wood-hops receive got also been used

MyricaNagi trees are constitute inwards North Punjab, Garhwal, Kumau hills, Khasiya mount as well as Silhat inwards Republic of Republic of India upward to 2100 metres as well as also inwards Nepal, China etc. It is an evergreen, medium sized tree, with a large crown, giving shade. The bark is reddish, really fragrant, with bark peel nearly 10 cm inwards thickness, with oval dots on its inner surface. The torso core is grayish as well as hard. The leaves are simple, 10-12 cm long, 3-5 cm wide as well as fragrant. The fruits, berries, 1.5cm, move ruddy when ripe as well as are sugariness – sour inwards taste. The flowers are ruddy inwards color, with pocket-size stem as well as covered with tiny hairs. MyricaNagi blooms inwards wintertime as well as bears fruits afterward on.
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Figure 2.2. Myrica Nagi
The botanical cite of kayphal is Myricanagi (Synonym – M. esculenta) as well as it belongs to household unit of measurement Myricaceae. Other names include kainaryamy (Andhra Pradesh); nagatenga (Assam); kaiphal, satsarila (Bengal); kariphal (Gujrat); kaphal, kaiphal (Himachal Pradesh); kaiphal (Hindi); kaphal (Jaunsar); kirishivani (Karnataka); maruta (Kerala); soh-phi (Khasi); kaphal (Kumaon); keiphang (Lushai); kayaphala (Maharashtra); kobuli, katphala (Nepal); kaiphal, kahela, kahi (Punjab) kathphala, aranya, krishnagarbha (Sanskrit); masudam (Tamilnadu).

The bark reveals the presence of steroids, tannins, glycosides, saponins as well as volatile oils. The hexane extract of the flora roots shows presence of sitosterol as well as friedelin. New metabridged biphenyls – myricanol as well as myricanone – isolated from stem as well as bark as well as their construction elucidated. Myricanol glucoside, isolated from stem bark together with myricanol as well as myricanone. Kayphal contains 14% tannin.

Nelumbo nucifera, known past times a number of names including Indian Lotus, Sacred Lotus, Bean of India, or exactly Lotus, is a flora inwards the monogeneric household unit of measurement Nelumbonaceae. The Linnaean binomial Nelumbo nucifera is the currently recognized cite for this species, which has been classified nether the quondam names, Nelumbiumspeciosum as well as Nymphaea nelumbo, with others. Names other than Nelumbo nucifera are obsolete synonyms as well as should non live used inwards electrical current works. This flora is an aquatic perennial. Under favorable circumstances its seeds may rest feasible for many years, with the oldest recorded lotus germination existence from that of seeds 1,300 years old recovered from a dry out lakebed inwards northeastern China. Native to Tropical Asia as well as Queensland, Australia, it is commonly cultivated inwards H2O gardens. The white as well as pinkish lotuses are national flowers of Republic of Republic of India as well as Vietnam, respectively.
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Figure 2.3. Nelumbo nucifera
The roots of Nelumbo nucifera are planted inwards the soil of the pond or river bottom, spell the leaves float on overstep of the H2O surface. The flowers are usually constitute on thick stems rising several centimeters inwards a higher identify the water. The flora commonly grows upward to a tiptop of almost 150 cm as well as a horizontal spread of upward to 3 meters, but roughly unverified reports identify the tiptop every bit high every bit over five meters. The leaves may live every bit large every bit sixty cm inwards diameter, spell the showy flowers tin give the axe live upward to twenty cm inwards diameter.

Researchers study that the lotus has the remarkable mightiness to regulate the temperature of its flowers to within a narrow gain exactly every bit humans as well as other warmblooded animals do. Dr. Roger S. Seymour as well as Dr. Paul Schultze-Motel, physiologists at the University of Adelaide inwards Australia, constitute that lotus flowers blooming inwards the Adelaide Botanic Gardens maintained a temperature of 30–35 °C (86–95 °F), fifty-fifty when the air temperature dropped to 10 °C (50 °F). They suspect the flowers may live doing this to attract coldblooded insect pollinators. The study, published inwards the mag Nature, is the latest regain inwards the esoteric land of heat-producing plants. Two other species known to live able to regulate their temperature include Symplocarpusfoetidus as well as Philodendron selloum.

The traditional Sacred Lotus is distantly related to Nymphaea caerulea as well as possesses like chemistry. Both Nymphaea caerulea as well as Nelumbo nucifera comprise the alkaloids nuciferine as well as aporphine.

Aporphine is 1 of a bird of quinoline alkaloids. Many dissimilar analogues of this chemical compound receive got been purified from plants. The chemic formula of aporphine is C17H17N.
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Figure 2.4. Chemical construction of Aporphine
Nuciferine is an alkaloid constitute within the plants Nymphaea caerulea as well as Nelumbo nucifera. It has a profile of activity associated with dopamine receptor blockade. It induces catalepsy, it inhibits spontaneous motor activity, conditioned avoidance response, amphetamine toxicity as well as stereotypy. It is structurally related to apomorphine. The chemic formula of nuciferine is C19H21NO2.
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Figure 2.5. Chemical construction of Nuciferine
The flora is indigenous to Republic of Republic of India as well as constitute all over the province inwards deciduous forests upward to 900 meters. The pocket-size tree, 9-12 meters inwards tiptop as well as the bark pale, grayish inwards color. The leaves, 9-18 cm long as well as 4-8 cm broad, broadly ovate to elliptic. Flowers inwards terminal corymbs cymes, white, slightly fragrant. The fruit pod, twenty to twoscore cm long, inwards pairs, cylindrical as well as narrow. The seeds are linear-oblong, 1 cm long. 25-30 seeds per pod, smoky inwards color. Parts used are Bark, seeds as well as leaves.Bark as well as seeds comprise an non-oxygenated alkaloid wrightine or conessine or kurchisine as well as holarrhenine. Wrightine or conessine is an amorphous pulverization soluble inwards water, alcohol as well as dilute acids. Holarrhenine crystallizes from ethyl acetate inwards silky needles is insoluble inwards alcohol or chloroform. Kurchisine is a white crystalline substance; it is bitter to taste. conessine is an alkaloid from the seeds at melting signal of 125˚c (empirical formula C24H40N2). Some derivatives of conessine are Apoconessine(empirical formula C22H33N) at melting signal 68.5˚c as well as Picrate at melting signal 100-111˚c. the contents of alkaloids inwards the bark is constitute to live almost 1.25% , .025% inwards the seeds and. 22% inwards the leaves. It is constitute that at that spot are 2 other alkaloids present, namely, kurchicine as well as kurchine. The alkaloid, kurchine is characterized past times a depression melting signal of 75˚c as well as it is the most abundant alkaloid nowadays inwards the bark. Both kurchine as well as kurchicine receive got the molecular formulas of C23H38Nand C20H36ON2 respectively.

The seeds as well as the peel of the bark is used for medicinal purpose. Kutaja flora is used both internally every bit good every bit externally. Externally, to promote healing, the wounds are cleansed with the decoction of its skin. The glue of the peel is also applied on the boils. The oozing wounds are dressed with its seed powder. It works good inwards the handling of diarrhea as well as dysentery, associated with haemorrhage every bit well. Since centuries, it has been used every bit a household remedy for the same.
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Conessine is a steroidalkaloid constitute inwards a number of flora species from the Apocynaceae family, including Holarrhena floribunda, Holarrhenaantidysenterica as well as Funtumiaelastica, several of which are used inwards traditional herbal medicine every bit a handling for amoebic dysentery. It acts every bit a histamine antagonist, selective for the H3 subtype. The chemic construction of conessine is C24H40N2.
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Figure 2.7. Chemical construction of Conessine
The kokosnoot palm is grown throughout the torrid zone for decoration, every bit good every bit for its many culinary as well as non-culinary uses; virtually every component of the kokosnoot palm tin give the axe live utilized past times humans inwards roughly manner. However, the extent of tillage inwards the torrid zone is threatening a number of habitats such every bit mangroves; an illustration of such harm to an ecoregion is inwards the Petenes mangroves of the Yucatan.

The kokosnoot has spread across much of the tropics, belike aided inwards many cases past times seafaring people. Coconut fruit inwards the wild is light, buoyant as well as highly H2O resistant, as well as evolved to disperse pregnant distances via marine currents. Fruit collected from the body of body of water every bit far due north every bit Kingdom of Norway are viable. In the Hawaiian Islands, the kokosnoot is regarded every bit a Polynesian introduction, get-go brought to the islands past times early on Polynesian voyagers from their homelands inwards Oceania. They are instantly almost ubiquitous betwixt 26°N as well as 26°S except for the interiors of Africa as well as South America.

Coconut H2O contains a diversity of inorganic ions as well as these ions contribute to the therapeutic value inherent inwards kokosnoot water. As the basic ion composition of kokosnoot H2O tin give the axe replenish the electrolytes of the human body excreted through sweat, such every bit sodium, potassium, magnesium as well as calcium, it tin give the axe serve every bit an effective rehydration drinkable . The concentration of these electrolytes inwards kokosnoot H2O generates an osmotic line per unit of measurement area like to that observed inwards blood , as well as it also does non behaviour on hemostasis (plasma coagulation) . As a result, kokosnoot H2O tin give the axe live used every bit a curt term intravenous hydration fluid nether for certain emergency situations. Interestingly kokosnoot H2O has cardioprotective effects inwards experimental myocardial infarction induced inwards rats as well as this was belike attributed to the rich content of mineral ions inwards kokosnoot water, specially potassium
Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes Yaa Development of Natural Additives inwards Dyeing of Cotton Fabric Using Reactive Dyes
Figure 2.8. Tender kokosnoot
Materials & Methodology

Specifications of fabrics
  • Type: Plain
  • Count: 30s X 30s
  • EPI-88
  • PPI-76
  • GSM-117
Fabric was purchased from Super Spinning Mills, Coimbatore.

Dyes used
Three Reactive dyes namely
  • C. I. Reactive Red 120A
  • C. I. Reactive Yellow 81 as well as
  • C. I. Reactive Blue 198
Supplied past times Jaysynt Chemicals, Bombay were used.

Chemicals used
Laboratory bird sodium chloride (NaCl) as well as sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) were used inwards dyeing of the fabrics.

Natural Materials used
Natural materials namely
  • Kayphal
  • Kutaja
  • Lotus as well as
  • Tender Coconut were used.
The dry out extracts namely Kayphal, Kutaja as well as Lotus were supplied past times Konark Herbal & Health Care, Republic of Republic of India as well as Tender Coconut was made avail from the local market.


Preparation of dyed samples
Each dye was used individually at dissimilar proportions for dyeing of the stuff samples for dissimilar put of combinations. Dyed samples were produced with 0.5%, 2.0%, 3.5% shades. Liquor to stuff ratio of 1:50 was used. The stuff was introduced inwards a bathroom containing the required quantity of dye as well as the extracts required for that detail combination as well as shade was added every bit shown inwards the Tables 4.1 to Table 4.3 . Temperature of the bathroom was gradually raised to 95ºC as well as the dyeing was continued for sixty min. During this duration, calculated quantity of exhausting agents were added initially as well as after an interval of thirty instant fixing agents were added. Washing of dyed samples were carried out past times using alternate mutual depression temperature launder with running tap H2O for five instant as well as soaping for five min. Finally, the samples were thoroughly washed with running tap water.

Table 4.1

Recipe for 0.5% shade
Tender coconut*
Tender coconut*
Tender coconut*
*- quantity inwards cc/l

Table 4.2

Recipe for 2% shade

Tender coconut*
Tender coconut*
Tender coconut*
*- quantity inwards cc/l

Table 4.3

Recipe for 3.5% shade

Tender coconut*
Tender coconut*
Tender coconut*
*- quantity inwards cc/l

Determination of color divergence (ΔE*ab) value

The color divergence (ΔE*ab) value of the stuff was calculated using the formula given below .

ΔE*ab  = [(ΔL*)2 + (Δa*)2 + (Δb*)2]1/2


ΔL* = L*sample – L*standard
Δa* = a*sample – a*standard
Δb* = b*sample – b*standard
L* = 116(Y/Yn)1/3 - xvi
a* = 500[(X/Xn)1/3 – (Y/Yn)1/3]
b* = 200[(Y/Yn)1/3 – (Z/Zn)1/3]


Xn, Yn, Zn - tristimulus values of reference white
X, Y, Z - tristimulus values of dyed sample
The X, Y as well as Z values of the stuff were calculated from the reflectance value at an interval of 400-20-700 nm.

Determination of ΣK/S value


ΣK/S =     Σ [(1-R)2/(2R)]


The values of summative KubelkaMunk role (ΣK/S) of stuff was calculated using the formula given below from reflectance value (R) at wavelength from 400 to 700 nm at an interval of 10 nm measured using Datacolour 600, spectrophotometer, USA.

Results as well as Discussions
The below tabular array shows the color divergence values of the dyed samples every bit analyzed inwards the spectrophotometer.


This inquiry piece of occupation was focused on the evolution of eco-friendly dyeing of cotton fiber fabric. To prepare dyed samples, a plainly woven cotton fiber fabric, 3 reactive dyes namely C.I.Reactive Red 120A, C.I.Reactive Yellow 81 as well as C.I.Reactive Blue 198 were selected. Initially the stuff was dyed at 3 dissimilar percent shades such every bit 0.5%, 2% as well as 3.5%, using sodium chloride as well as sodium carbonate every bit exhausting as well as fixing agents respectively. Then the stuff was dyed at the same percent shades past times using the natural materials such every bit tender kokosnoot as well as kayphal for exhaustion as well as lotus as well as kutaja for fixation.

The dyed samples were taken for color analysis past times determining K/S value of the samples. The color divergence (∆E*ab) value was also calculated betwixt the samples produced with synthetic as well as natural additives.

From the K/S values determined, the stuff dyed using natural additives receive got depression value than the stuff dyed with synthetic additives. The stuff dyed with natural fixing agents receive got meliorate value when compared to the fabrics dyed with natural exhausting agents every bit good every bit natural exhausting as well as fixing agents. The usage of natural materials for both exhaustion as well as fixation has lowest value than the other two.

Though the stuff dye uptake is lower with natural additives, it is almost nearer to the conventional dyeing. This tin give the axe live improved past times modifying the dyeing physical care for or past times changing the dyeing weather condition as well as past times agency of adding extra dye as well as so that the expected depth of color tin give the axe live achieved.

This inquiry piece of occupation has the next ambit for the hereafter work.
  • The same type of piece of occupation tin give the axe live carried out with other cellulosic dyes on cotton fiber stuff
  • Other type of natural materials tin give the axe live identified as well as utilized for this purpose
  • The machinery of natural materials every bit dyeing additives may live taken for hereafter study
  • Natural additives may live identified for other dyes as well as fibres
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