Yaa Digitizing Of A Designing Yesteryear Using Gerber Scientific’S Digitizer Together With Accumark Software

Digitizing of a Pattern past times Using Gerber Scientific’s Digitizer in addition to AccuMark Software
Bilal Rashid
Dept. of Garment Manufacturing
National Textile University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Email: br.dmc.gcuf@gmail.com

The championship of the experiment was to “Digitizing of a Pattern past times using Gerber Scientific’ s Digitizer in addition to AccuMark Software”. The experiment included launching of the AccuMark Software in addition to so selection of the specific Storage Area inwards hard-drive (previously created equally 10-187), creation of Rule Table, leading to the job of Digitizing Table in addition to Mouse with Cross-hairs to convert the Pattern inwards hard-form to a Pattern inwards soft-form or “Digitized Pattern” inwards the AccuMark Software. Thus reducing edit fourth dimension in addition to increasing efficiency.
Digitizing of a Pattern past times Using Gerber Scientific Yaa Digitizing of a Pattern past times Using Gerber Scientific’s Digitizer in addition to AccuMark Software
AccuMark Software used inwards pattern making
  1. To Digitize a Pattern past times using Gerber Scientific’ s Digitizer in addition to AccuMark Software.
AccuMark is used to digitize the garment pattern, grading in addition to mark making. Digitizing is a procedure of adding details of a pattern or gradient into the computer. The pattern making is done past times the notch type, grading rules, sizes to live produced. Other 2 hardware used with Gerber for this purpose are plotter in addition to digitizer.
  • The plotter draws full-size or scaled pattern pieces in addition to mark information is sent to the plotter from a computer.
  • The digitizer is used to digitize the entered information inwards the computer. The digitizer has ii components; the digitizing tabular array in addition to the digitizing cursor.
  • The digitizing tabular array holds the slice in addition to receives the digitizing signal from the digitizer cursor.
  • The digitizing cursor is used to delineate the pattern pieces.
In this software storage surface area is used to define the piece of work surface area on a computer, each private tin gear upward his ain storage area. H5N1 storage surface area is used to grouping related work, such equally pattern pieces in addition to a mark for a special style. Different garment shapes should induce got dissimilar storage areas. Data such equally information nigh notches tin live moved from ane storage surface area to some other in addition to tin live used for many dissimilar patterns in addition to markers.

It is of import hither to adjust the information to avoid the loss of information due to estimator problem. Data tin live moved from ane storage surface area to some other in addition to tin live saved on your estimator difficult campaign or a removable storage medium. All information are managed using the AccuMark explorer. Components of information administration include the following:

You tin modify the advert of information file or folder according to your selection

Remove a information file or folder from a storage area.

Copy the information from ane storage surface area to some other area. The master copy information remains inwards the master copy storage area.

To re-create information from ane surface area to some other past times “Clicking & Dragging”.

Saving modified AccuMark tables inwards desired storage surface area on the C: drive, pattern pieces created inwards the pattern designed organisation are also saved inwards the storage area. This information tin live saved on a difficult campaign or a removable storage medium.

Copy the information from the programme files to the difficult campaign or to a removable storage medium. The files are saved on zip format.

Copy the information inwards a zip file format from a removable storage medium or the difficult campaign to a storage surface area inwards AccuMark. If nosotros are working inwards the wearing clothing blueprint manufacture so nosotros to a greater extent than oftentimes than non saved the information inwards the difficult drive.
Gerber Scientific Inc., located inwards Tolland, Connecticut, is the nurture of companies that render sophisticated software in addition to hardware systems for wearing clothing in addition to technical textiles, sign making in addition to specialty graphics, composites in addition to packaging applications. Headquartered inwards Tolland, Connecticut, USA, the society operates through 4 businesses: Gerber Technology, which serves 25,000 customers, including to a greater extent than than 100 Fortune 500 companies; Gerber Scientific Products, Virtek Vision International in addition to Yunique Solutions.

Gerber Scientific is owned past times Vector Capital, a San Francisco-based, global private equity line of piece of work solid specializing inwards the technology sector that manages to a greater extent than than $2 billion of equity capital. On August 18, 2011, Gerber Scientific’s stockholders approved the take-private transaction of Gerber Scientific, Inc. past times Vector Capital inwards a transaction valued at around $283 million. CITIC Capital Partners, a leading China based private equity firm, has a minority stake inwards Gerber Scientific amongst Vector.

The concern began equally the Gerber Scientific Instrument Co., founded inwards 1948 past times Republic of Austria native Joseph Gerber to back upward his excogitation of a variable scale, the commencement of 675 patents he'd eventually hold. In 1994, President Bill Clinton presented Joseph Gerber with the National Medals of Technology in addition to Science at a ceremony at the White House inwards Washington DC, USA.

In 2004, Gerber Technology received the Export Achievement Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The honour is presented to companies whose exports increase consistently twelvemonth over twelvemonth in addition to concern human relationship for a meaning share of revenue.

In 2007, Gerber Technology received the President’s “E” Award, the nation’s highest honour to abide by American exporters inwards a ceremony inwards Washington D.C., attended past times President George W. Bush in addition to Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez.

Gerber Scientific, Inc. is divided into 4 businesses:
  • Gerber Technology (GT) is the largest concern of GSI (accounting for 2/3 of revenues). It has been a globe leader inwards providing sophisticated hardware in addition to software systems to automate in addition to to a greater extent than effectively larn by the production blueprint in addition to manufacturing procedure with CAD software for pattern design, automated stuff spreading systems in addition to computer-controlled cutting systems. The society serves 25,000 customers, including to a greater extent than than 100 Fortune 500 companies, inwards the aerospace, apparel, retail, composites, packaging, furniture, technical textiles in addition to shipping interiors industries inwards 130 countries. Gerber Innovations, a concern of Gerber Technology, is North America’s solely full-line manufacturer of automated cutting hardware for the design, perish making in addition to short-run production segments of the packaging industry. 
  • Virtek Vision International, an Ontario, Canada-based concern acquired past times Gerber inwards Sept. 2008 for $33.1 million, serves aerospace carbon fiber composite component subdivision assembly, canvass metallic component subdivision fabrication in addition to structure markets with Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation templating, character inspection in addition to spatial positioning systems. 
  • Gerber’s Yunique Solutions business, acquired past times Gerber inwards Dec. 2009, in addition to based inwards New York City, offers YuniquePLM production lifecycle administration software. This web-based organisation helps retailers, gear upward owners in addition to manufacturers larn by all of the details associated with their products from conception to store shelf in addition to helps them communicate with their suppliers about the globe to a greater extent than effectively. Users of this software include Abercrombie & Fitch, Fruit of the Loom, Aeropostale, Merrell, in addition to Cutter & Buck, amid others. 
  • Gerber Scientific Products (GSP) develops in addition to manufactures computerized sign making in addition to specialty graphics systems, software, materials, in addition to accessories to provide sign shops in addition to graphics professionals with solutions for vinyl-cutting, digital color printing in addition to dimensional signage needs. GSP also develops in addition to supplies character state-of-the-art aftermarket materials.
AccuMark Pattern Design Software:
  • An intelligent pattern blueprint software organisation for the wearing clothing in addition to fashion industry. 
  • For decades, hundreds of the world’s leading wearing clothing manufacturers in addition to fashion designers induce got relied on AccuMark® pattern blueprint software to blueprint in addition to degree patterns in addition to gear upward the most efficient markers. 
  • For those only starting out with computer-aided design (CAD) for patterns, they tin easily digitize their existing difficult patterns into the AccuMark organisation using the GERBERdigitizer XLd manual digitizing organisation or AccuScan automated digitizing system. 
  • And, with Gerber’s AccuMark pattern design, grading in addition to mark making software, you lot e'er induce got an electronic repository of your patterns in addition to markers to minimize loss inwards the lawsuit of a disaster.

1- Accelerate pattern making tasks in addition to salvage money.
With AccuMark software, pattern designers tin automatically generate patterns from measuring specs either automatically or interactively. Not solely does AccuMark software speed the pattern making procedure in addition to salvage material, it also minimizes labor costs.

2- Grade patterns easily.
Simplify the grading procedure past times referencing existing degree dominion libraries. Accelerate the procedure past times grading multiple pattern pieces simultaneously.

3- Improve collaboration with colleagues in addition to suppliers.
AccuMark pattern blueprint software enables you lot to communicate detailed instructions nigh your patterns in addition to markers to your internal colleagues in addition to your global suppliers – inwards their local language. With AccuMark, you lot tin also supplement pattern details with photos, sketches in addition to specific measurements.

4- Create the most efficient markers.
With AccuMark’s mark making functionality, users tin create novel markers or edit existing markers to answer to blueprint changes or changes inwards stuff width. View stuff utilization equally the mark progresses. With this powerful mark making software, you lot move all the information you lot demand for downstream activities including how much cloth is required to gear upward the marker, mark length, total of stuff wasted in addition to more. To simplify mark making fifty-fifty further, add together Gerber’s AccuNest™ software which automatically makes markers 24 hours a day, analyzes multiple nesting options in addition to selects the mark that is most efficient.
  1. Easily convert all file types
  2. Use existing pattern blocks to create novel styles of garments
  3. Walk pattern pieces together on covert to ensure notches are positioned accurately in addition to pieces volition run upward together properly
  4. Prepare production patterns with easy-to-apply seam finishes
  5. Quickly add together notation in addition to images to pattern pieces to facilitate communication with colleagues in addition to suppliers
  6. Use Pattern Wizard to automatically generate graded pattern blocks from a measuring chart. Place pattern pieces inwards a mark to speedily calculate stuff usage in addition to costs
  7. Reference existing degree dominion libraries to speedily degree patterns
  8. Grade multiple pattern pieces simultaneously
  9. Instantly create a sample mark containing valuable information for costing
  10. Ensure pattern accuracy across the graded mark
  11. Easily generate markers with required production quantities, stuff widths, fabrics, colors in addition to sizes
  12. Enter cloth weight to calculate stuff costs to a greater extent than accurately, especially with knit fabrics
  13. Compact existing markers to ameliorate stuff utilization in addition to cloth savings
  14. Automatically add together splice marks to markers to assist during the spreading procedure
  15. Import cloth prints at actual scale, define repeats in addition to job this information to tally pattern pieces visually
  16. Eliminate double entry past times generating mark in addition to slice reports straight from AccuMark
  17. Transfer pattern in addition to mark information to YuniquePLM or your ERP system.
  1. Personal Computer linked to Gerber Scientific’ s hardware (Digitizer & Plotter); in addition to
  2. AccuMark software.

1- Initially selected the Gerber Launch Pad Icon, located on the Desktop of Personal Computer;
Gerber Launch Pad
2- H5N1 novel window appeared on the screen, on which the “AccuMark Explorer, Utilities” push was selected;
3- On selection of the push proverb “AccuMark Explorer, Utilities” on the previous window, some other window appeared on which the push proverb “Accumark Explorer” was selected;
4- On selection of the push named “AccuMark Explorer” on the previos a window, a novel window appeared on the Monito’s display;
5- On this novel window of “AccuMark Explorer” a vertical column on the Left Hand Side showed Drive C: equally the infinite on the difficult campaign of the Computer where Storage Area was created;

6- Selected the Storage Area “10-187” previously created/generated;

7- Placed the Mouse Pointer inwards the empty surface area within the “10-187”;

8- Pressed the “Right Click” of the Mouse that led to the opening of a Drop-Down Menu;

9- Selected “New” that led to the opening of a secondary Drop-Down Menu, inwards which selected “Rule Table”;

10- It led to the opening of a novel window inwards which the next details were inserted/added:

a- Size Names:
Alphanumeric (for T-Shirt)
Numeric (Trouser/Pant)

b- Base Size:
(Stands for Medium size)

c- Smallest Size:
(Stands for Extra Small)

d- Next Size Breaks:

11- Saved it past times clicking on the Floppy Drive shaped icon inwards the Top-horizontal Tool-bar;

12- On saving the organisation asked to advert the “Rule Table”, thence named it equally “187”;

13- Closed this window of “Rule Table”;

14- On the primary window of “AccuMark Explorer”, selected the push “View” inwards the top-horizontal Tool-bar;

15- It led to the opening of a Drop-Down Menu inwards which “Process Preferences” was selected;

16- On selection of “Process Preferences” a secondary Drop-Down Menu opened upward inwards which selected the “Digitize Processing”;

17- On selection of “Digitize Processing” a novel window appeared on the display;

18- In this new-window selected the master copy Storage Area created previously “10-187” in addition to pressed push OK;

19- Than went to the Digitizing Table in addition to took the Mouse with Crosshair inwards hand;

20- Took the Mouse with Crosshair to the bottom L.H.S of the Digitizing Table where specific input buttons were available on disposal;

21- Placed the Crosshair over the “START PIECE” in addition to pressed push H5N1 (also known equally Point) of the Mouse (it gave a beeping audio to confirm the execution of operation);

22- Moved the Crosshair on to the ALPHANUMERIC PORTION where;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “B” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “R” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over digit “0” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over digit “1” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Finally piece keeping the Crosshair over the digit “1” pressed Delimiter of the Mouse.
23- Than inwards lodge to move inwards the special of panel that whether it is a FRONT (FR) or a BACK (BK) panel:
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “F” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “R” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Finally piece keeping the Crosshair over the alphabetic character “R” pressed Delimiter of the Mouse.
24- Afterwards to add together farther distinctive special of the Garment Article:
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “T” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over symbol “-” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “S” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “H” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “I” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “R” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over alphabetic character “T” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Finally piece keeping the Crosshair over the alphabetic character “T” pressed Delimiter of the Mouse.
25- Then moved the Crosshair to the push proverb “RULE TABLE” in addition to selected it past times pressing push H5N1 of the Mouse, afterwards:
  • Placed the Crosshair over digit “1” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over digit “8” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Placed the Crosshair over digit “7” in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • Finally piece keeping the Crosshair over the digit “7” pressed Delimiter of the Mouse.
26- Afterwards moved the Crosshair on to the Pattern to live digitized in addition to placed Crosshair specifically over the L.H.S border of the Grain Line of the pattern in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the mouse in addition to so moved the Crosshair to the R.H.S border of the Grain Line of the pattern in addition to pressed push H5N1 of the mouse, finally piece keeping the Crosshair over the R.H.S border of Grain Line pressed Delimiter of the Mouse.

27- Then took the bottom L.H.S corner of the Pattern equally initiation indicate of digitization process, in addition to did the following:
  • For every indicate or border of the Pattern, placed the Crosshair over each edge;
  • And at each indicate pressed buttons A, so B in addition to so LIFT;
  • While on a bend similar arm-hole, the corners or edges of the bend were digitized past times placing Crosshair over the border in addition to pressing A, so B in addition to so LIFT
  • But within these ii edges of the curve, the curved shape was digitized past times placing Crosshairs at diverse points in addition to simultaneously pressing push H5N1 of the Mouse;
  • It is really of import to continue inwards hear that a clockwise time period was ensured piece digitizing each border in addition to point, starting from the bottom L.H.S in addition to ending at the bottom R.H.S of the pattern;
  • Another vital appear was to halt the pattern’s digitization at the bottom R.H.S indicate past times placing Crosshair over that indicate (which was the lastly corner of the bend or the neck-depth) in addition to pressed buttons A, so B in addition to so LIFT (DONOT PRESS DELIMITER HERE, otherwise fault volition appear inwards lastly results).
28- Then moved Crosshair to the push “MIRROR PIECE” in addition to the pressed push A, in addition to so DELIMITER;

29- Finally ended the procedure past times moving Crosshair to the “END INPUT” in addition to so pressed push A. (DONOT PRESS DELIMITER)

30- Conclusively went to the PC, where LEFT-CLICK was pressed on the folder “Digitizer” exterior “10-187”;

31- Selected the folder “BR01” in addition to so RIGHT-CLICK was pressed which allow a Drop-Down Menu to opened upward up;

32- Then Selected “Verify”;

33- Afterwards went inwards to the “10-187” (Storage Area) in addition to selected the “BR01” past times double-clicking, that led to the opening of a novel window, inwards which Dragged the little digitized pattern over the primary interface in addition to so saved the whole data.

34- Finally unopen the AccuMark Software in addition to Shutdown the Computer properly.

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