Now You Know Necessity of Effective Tracking for Effective Merchandising
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Effective tracking is necessary for effective Merchandising

Mohammad Nurul Alam
Senior Merchandiser | Asmara BD Pvt. Ltd. | Dhaka | Bangladesh
Cell: +8801930540035,
E-mail: /
When a merchandiser fails to get his job-tracking that means he will be soon in problem. His important task may not be done & later things will be beyond control. I am talking about what basic job a merchandiser needs to do. Yes everyone in this profession knows what is job tracking but the difference is someone can complete it efficiently & others do it because he has to do it. So tracking is the big job can be for a merchandiser whatever it sizes & values.
Let us start with an example from my experience – I call one day one of factory merchandiser & asked him if he knows about the update of resubmission of snap button from YKK. Then replied he needs to check with YKK concern but after couples of hours I got no call from him about the update. Now, my turn to call YKK person & got information that the snap button sent to that merchandiser 5 days ago. So when I informed the merchant what the real picture is then he said, oh I told my assistant to send it for approval but he missed. Yes, he missed but did you not checked with your assistant that he could sent or not? Actually day to day tracking is not possible as I am too busy, he replied.
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On duty of garment merchandiser |
The easy way to tracking day to day job:
1. Always keeping to do list.
Every day when a merchandiser starts his job needs to make a list that he important to complete. Then design the task by priority. Most important & urgent task needs to complete then by serial other task. This job list will help the person to remind him what still not done & keep him aware of every responsibility.
2. Separate task by important & urgent matter.
As mentioned above after making the job list most important thing is to divide task in category by important & urgent theory. This will help to stop end moment crisis. We know an apparel merchandiser has to perform hundreds of job a day & the next day add another hundreds. So if every day task is not done by the same day the next day he will be overburdened& in this way a huge job load will blast him. Here the entire job has to segregate by month, week & day.
3. Proper filing.
Filing is another important task for a merchandiser for good tracking but many of them not aware of making this. Paper document need to keep in proper place so that easily any one can get the information. How to make proper filing I have plan to write separate article.
4. Distributing comments to related section.
Passing comments to the related section is the big task for a merchandiser to keep proper tracking. This is important because if comments are not sent to related production unit then things may not be as per asking. Then wrong product will be produced & everyone will suffer.
5. Excel sheet maintain.
For good tracking maintaining excel chart is very important. If anything done for job list then good to keep it in record by dated in an excel sheet. I have plan to write details article on this subject.
6. Time line setting
The job listed in ‘to do list’ must complete by a time frame. Suppose job for trims booking. The time line should have to keep 10 days from order received date. This will help merchandiser to complete his job in a target plan. This timeline, at least save him from rush moment run.
7. Review & rework.
Every day or after one day interval need to check ‘To do list’ that what is still missing from his follow up chart. This will help to do anything though it is late but things will not be totally untouched.
8. Never miss any mail.
To be in track of proper merchandising should have to read & reply mail every day or at least keep the note in diary. This will help to remind the task that not done yet.
9. Putting the phone or verbal communication in written form.
We have several phone call from many person for business related matter but most of the time don’t put the discussion review on mail. If it is not done, then chances to refusal or misinterpreting as well as misunderstanding regarding any discussed matter.
10. Always stay with a note book.
We observe many of the merchandiser don’t keep note book or diary in hand but this will not help him in proper tracking. So a smart merchandiser who wants to keep everything in tracing keeps a diary or note book always with him wherever he goes. This should have to be as his cell phone carrying everywhere. He can write anything, any plan on it &later can review.
In conclusion merchandising is not possible to complete keeping things in mind. Because he has to do hundreds of job in a day & as human behavior naturally may forget. Then not surprising the task if not done.