A Vacation Vignette Alongside Lyndsay Sung Of Coco Cake Land

Another opor-garai vignette invitee today is Lyndsay of Coco Cake Land!  We're as well as thus happy to telephone telephone Lyndsay 1 of our friends, as well as despite her real hard yr amongst pectus cancer, she has remained super positive as well as inspiring!  As many of you lot already know, she was a contributor at for many years, as well as we're as well as thus happy for all her success along the way!  Her cakes as well as baking are amazing (if you lot haven't silent visited her online silent - run across all her links below), as well as nosotros ever dear to run across what she's upwards to next!  We request heed a majority is inward the works!  Yay Lyndsay!

Tell us nearly your vignettes!
We larn our Christmas tree every yr from the local garden store a few blocks away from us, Figaro's Garden. I've ever loved a colourful decorated tree hung amongst ornaments that each tell a funny piffling even out - my mom has ever been an ardent ornamentation collector - hers has as well as thus many funny 70s ones from our childhoods, or ones bought on opor-garai to remind her of particular vacations, etc. Now our tree is similar, a existent random assortment exactly each reminding me of something sweet. My boy Teddy wanted a "dinosaur star" this yr as well as thus nosotros cutting out a dinosaur together as well as he drew on it. We attached it to a wooden skewer as well as tied it onto the top! The H2O ice cream cone lite as well as vintage populace lite are usage of the whole bundle for me, besides - I dear the soft cozy lite it adds, as well as reflects our trend - a piffling flake of vintage, a piffling flake of comedy, a piffling haphazard!

What is your favourite opor-garai tradition?
Ornaments! I dear typographic elements as well as thus finding those sparkly silvery glitter metallic letters inward the sale bin at Pottery Barn was real exciting! I had to dig deep for the missive of the alphabet T as well as truly squealed when I constitute it, ha. (You could easily brand ones out of silvery glitter paper, too!) The french fries was a surprise acquaint from sweetness Kelly from Studio DIY, who did a BONKERS all-french-fries tree this yr which I loved. It makes me grin whenever I run across it on our tree as well as is the most talked nearly ornament. The vintage Christmas photograph was from my husband's belatedly grandfather's collection, a dainty way to contain our ancestors - I hole-punched it as well as added string = 2nd ornamentation amongst meaning! The piffling soft grayness COMMONFOLK acquit was a acquaint from Miko of Coral as well as Cloud, as well as he sits perched inward the tree, too! The pinkish baubles are vintage as well as the gingerbread letters I made. The letterpress ornaments are from Banquet.

Another opor-garai affair I larn as well as thus excited nearly every yr is making gingerbread houses! We are inward dear amongst A-frame cabins (my husband's household unit of measurement had 1 growing upwards as well as thus it holds swell nostalgia for him) as well as thus I made a funny piffling unicorn-topped A-frame gingerbread solid this year. Tutorial tin last constitute here on my weblog at Coco Cake Land! During the holidays I also bake my grandma's butterscotch pudding chocolate chip cookies every year, solely at Christmas time. She passed away this year, it's a cookie I hollo back as well as thus fondly from her solid on Christmas Day, exactly I am happy to hold the tradition. Taste retentiveness way as well as thus much to me.

What are your favorite go-to presents to give?
I dear giving nutrient related gifts, edible stuff. I've got salted caramel sauce, fancy teas as well as I ever bake as well as gift cookies! I also endeavour my darndest to back upwards local shops as well as my friends' operate during the holidays, as well as thus I'm also giving Coral as well as Cloud necklaces, gift carte du jour to our fave modern vegetarian eating seat The Acorn as well as books as well as crafts from Collage Collage.

Thank you lot Lyndsay!


    Find Lyndsay online:

    Site: cococakeland.com
    Twitter: @cococakeland
    Instagram: @cococakeland
    Pinterest: cococakeland
    Facebook: CocoCakeLand

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