Dispatches From Southward Africa

Contributor post past times Sara Trickett of itswhatiminto

Hello from Durban, South Africa! My get upwardly is Sara Trickett, I am the editor of itswhatiminto. We're a collaborative website focused on local design, interiors, civilization in addition to fashion. We are all almost master copy content created past times our seven contributing editors from around South Africa. For my get-go post I idea I would innovate you lot to a few of our favorite South African furniture, production in addition to stuff designers. Contemporary designs inwards an African context. Enjoy!

Dokter in addition to Misses (dokterandmisses.com)

Brak Furniture (brakfurniture.blogspot.com)

I Love Bokkie (ilovebokkie.blogspot.com)

Skinny LaMinx (skinnylaminx.com)

Haldane Martin (www.haldanemartin.co.za)

Raw Studios (www.rawstudios.co.za)

Gregor Jenkin (gregorjenkin.com)

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