Now You Know Garment Washing: An Effective Process for Beautification of Garments (Part-9)

Garment Washing: An Effective Process for Beautification of Garments (Part-9)
Rahat Khan
Dept. of Apparel Manufacturing
Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology
Cell: +8801717781833

Previous Part

Chapter 6
6. Result & discussion:

6.1 Strength test:
Graphical presentation of strength loss (Warp direction):
If we compare the strength of the fabric before washing and after different types of washing in warp direction, we got the above bar diagram. This bar diagram shows that in case of stone and hand brush washing, the fabric strength remain more or less same at before washing and after washing. Because in these cases only fading effect is produced by washing on the outer surface of the garments in irregular pattern by physical means. That’s why strength loss is comparatively less than other washing. But considerable amount of strength loss in case of enzyme wash, Potassium permanganate with tinting and light bleach wash.

In enzyme washing, strength loss is occurred due to removal of size materials from warp yarn and in light bleaching, natural coloring matters are removed by bleaching agent. But in case of medium bleaching, strength loss should be more than light bleaching. But some how we get less strength loss in medium bleach washes due to any mistake during washing or strength measuring.

Graphical presentation of strength loss (Weft direction):
If we compare the strength of the fabric before washing and after different types of washing in weft direction, we got the above bar diagram. This bar diagram shows that in case of stone and hand brush washing, strength loss is comparatively smaller than enzyme wash, Potassium permanganate with tinting, light bleach wash and medium bleach wash. Considerable amount of strength loss is occurred in enzyme washing. Due to removal of more natural coloring matter in case of medium bleach wash than light bleach wash, strength loss is comparatively higher in case of medium bleach wash.

6.2 Color fastness to washing:
The above bar diagram represent the effect of color fastness on different types of washing. The arrows represents that the actual value lies within this region.

The bar diagram shows that accept for Potassium permanganate wash, the color fastness to washing is vary good for different types of washing and in some cases color fastness is improve due to washing. But in case of Potassium permanganate wash color fastness to washing is very poor. The reason of poor color fastness is that Potassium permanganate was applied on the surface of the fabric by spraying. That’s Potassium permanganate is mechanically adhering with the fiber.

6.3 Dimensional stability test:
Graphical presentation of shrinkage % (lengthwise direction):
The above bar diagram represent the lengthwise shrinkage percentage of the fabric before and after different types of washing. From the bar diagram we got that fabric shrink in lengthwise direction due to washing. In case of medium bleach, stone enzyme wash and hand whickering fabric shrink more or less same in lengthwise direction and it is comparatively lower than other washing process. But in case of pattern whickering wash shrinkage percentage of the fabric is comparatively higher than other washing processes.

Graphical presentation of Shrinkage % (Widthwise direction):
The bar diagram represents the widthwise shrinkage percentage of the fabric before and after different types of washing. From the bar diagram we got that fabric shrink in widthwise direction due to washing. The graph shows that the shrinkage percentage in widthwise direction is comparatively higher in case of light bleach wash than other types of washing and comparatively lower for hand whickering.

If we compare the shrinkage percentage at lengthwise and widthwise direction (after washing), for same type of wash on same fabric, we got different result. So, it can be said that the shrinkage percentage is independent with respect to fabric.

6.4 Weight loss:
Graphical presentation of weight loss:
If we compare the weight loss of fabric after different types of washing we find that the above bar diagram. This show that weight loss of the fabric after stone wash is lowest. The reason is that stone only fade the outer surface of the fabric but did not damage the fibers. In Potassium permanganate washing & Enzyme washing strength loss is also very small. But in case of case of light, medium bleach and pattern whickering, considerable amount of strength occurred as bleaching agent damage the fibers more during washing.

Washing charge for different type of washing
Price per dozen
Bleach wash
3.00 $
Enzyme wash
Stone enzyme
3.25 $
Light wash
4.00 $
Potassium permanganate
5.50 $
Hand whickering
4.50 $
Pattern whickering
5.00 $

Graphical Representation of Washing Charge:
Here we can see that, the washing charge of Potassium Permanganate wash is highest. On the other hand, washing charge is comparatively cheaper for bleach and enzyme wash.


    Chapter 7

    Garments washing is an important part of garments manufacturing. By which outlook, comfort ability and fashion on garments is changed or modified and old garments effect can be produced. That’s why now a days the importance and demand of garments washing is increasing day by day. Through the analysis of this project we have found that, in case of strength test of the washed garments in warp direction, during stone and hand whickering the fabric strength remain more or less same before and after washing but considerable amount of strength loss occurred in enzyme and bleach wash. In case of strength loss in weft direction considerable amount of strength loss occurred in enzyme wash.

    For color fastness to washing except for potassium permanganate wash the color fastness to wash is very good for different types of washing.

    In case of length wise dimensional stability change we got that the fabric shrinks in length wise direction due to washing. For pattern whickering wash shrinkage percentage of the fabric is comparatively higher than other washing process. In case of width wise direction shrinkage is comparatively higher in light bleach wash, comparatively lower for hand whicker.

    Weight loss of the fabric after stone wash is lowest. In potassium permanganate and enzyme wash the weight loss is small. But in case of light ,medium bleach and pattern whickering considerable amount of weight loss occurred as bleaching agent damage the fibers more during washing.

    From the above cases it is found that for same fabric and same chemicals used the strength loss of a fabric in warp direction and weft direction results are far different from each other and this type of results were found for other experiments also.

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