Now You Know Garments Washing Techniques Used in Bangladesh (Part-1)

Garments Washing Techniques Used in Bangladesh (Part-1)
Mayedul Islam
Merchandiser at Fashion Xpress Buying House.
Badda, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Former Assistant Chemist
Ha-Meem Washing


In apparel sector the garments items are exported outside after some treatments, may be dyeing, finishing, in a nutshell garments washing. The paper is concerned with the study of the available garments washing techniques at present in Bangladesh. It will lead the technical person to think over the process outlines as well as chemistry and thus the future buyer requirements will also be fulfilled through research on base operations, including garments dyeing, acid wash, enzyme wash, stone wash, stone enzyme, sand blasting, heavy destroy, permanent scrunch, tie die and bleach, whiskers etc. are described in detailed with their effect.

The evolution of the jean’s market led to the development of some unique and creative methods for the processing of denim garments. Originally, jeans were marketed and sold as work wear, but when jeans appreciated by consumers as general casual wear, they became fashionable and new techniques were developed to enhance denim garments.

The first generation of indigo jeans was stiff and uncomfortable when first purchased, due to the finishing techniques used for denim fabrics. The second generation of the jean’s market evolution produced pre-washed jeans by the manufacturer. These jeans had a slightly faded appearance and a softer hand that felt comfortable.Not long after the introduction of pre-washed jeans, the idea of using abrasive stones to accelerate the aging process was developed and "stone washing" was born, creating an even more "broken-in" look. Next, chlorine bleach was incorporated in these wash techniquesice washing was developed, in which the porous stones are soaked in a bleaching agent and then tumbled with dry or slightly damp garments.
Garments Washing Techniques Used in Bangladesh  Now You Know Garments Washing Techniques Used in Bangladesh (Part-1)
Garment washing plant in Bangladesh
Most recently, a cellulase wash procedure was developed in which cellulase enzymes were used to accelerate color and fiber removal. This process can be more efficient, since with fewer stones. These garment washing techniques were originally developed for denim garments, but are now being used for a wide variety of different garment types. This technical article describes the basic wash, stonewash, stonewash with chlorine, ice wash, and cellulose wash techniques used for cotton garments. Any of these procedures can be modified to fit a particular situation, depending upon garment type, available equipment and process flow.

Objects of Garments Washing:

  • To remove impurities.
  • To remove hairiness of garments to make it comfortable to wear.
  • To reduce the body color and to get a worn-out look.
  • To enhance the seams and make sewing effects prominent.
  • To make it soft and add value to the garment sewing effects.
Available Garments Washing Techniques Used in Bangladesh:

Dry Process:
  • Sand Blasting.
  • Heavy Destroy.
  • Permanent scrunch.
  • Whiskers.
  • Crinkle
  • Grinding
  • Tagging
Wet Process (Wash):
  • Normal wash.
  • Garments wash.
  • Stone wash.
  • Acid wash.
  • Enzyme with bleach.
  • Enzyme +stone+ Bleach wash.
  • Enzyme Silicon.
  • Soda wash.
  • Bleach wash.
  • Tie bleach.
  • Tie Wash.
  • Super white wash.
  • Chemical Blasting.
Available Garments Dyeing Techniques Used in Bangladesh:
  • Dip Dyeing.
  • Over dyeing.
  • Tie dyeing.
  • Pigment dyeing
  • Tinting
Name of Some Well Known Garments Washing Plants in Bangladesh:
  1. Unique washing and Dyeing Ltd.
  2. Standard group washing and Dyeing Ltd.
  3. Ha-Mim washing Ltd.
  4. Columbia washing Ltd.
  5. Ham’s washing Ltd.
  6. Santa washing Ltd.
  7. Optimo washing Ltd.
  8. Ultra washing and Dyeing Ltd.
Description of Different Washing and Dyeing Techniques:

Washing and Dyeing Sequence:

Lab (washing & dyeing)

Sample Preparation

Bulk Production



Finishing with Quality assurance




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