Yaa Ergonomic Workplace Evaluation Inwards Ugandan Wearing Clothing Plants (Part-7)

Ergonomic Workplace Evaluation inwards Ugandan Apparel Plants (Part-7)
Tebyetekerwa Mike
Dept. of Textile & Clothing Technology
Kyambogo University
Kampala, Republic of Uganda
Tel: +256(0)773770312 // +256(0)701181383
Email: miketebyeks@gmail.com

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3.0 Introduction
This chapter volition entail the actual physical care for used inwards the answering of the hypothesis as well as coming together the laid objectives.

3.1 Research pattern
The investigation was done using a questionnaire survey, observations as well as relevant anthropometric as well as workplace layout measurements.

Workers’ perceptions of their physical move weather condition were solicited via a questionnaire, prepared past times me. The subjects were volunteers as well as were non promised or given whatever rewards for their effort. Questionnaire information was gathered depending on personal characteristics, subjective opinions almost move conditions, as well as cumulative trauma problems associated amongst move inwards the plant.

The personal as well as undertaking related characteristics of the subjects (age, years at work, gender, teaching score as well as move experience) were recorded.

Walk through survey of the mill store flooring was carried out to notice the activities undertaken inwards the production of garments. Record review of wellness records as well as accident records maintained inwards the mill was done to position the causes of accidents as well as the type of injury as well as purpose of protective equipment, grooming of workers as well as other related factors.

The investigation lasted for 2 months. The understanding amongst management to perform a follow-up report was non guaranteed as well as was non done.


    3.2 Sample/ participants
    With questionnaires, I used 5 representatives inwards each workplace, iv workers as well as 1 manager; who helped me to consummate my survey inwards their organization. Then I conducted an ergonomic assessment of 5 jobs inwards each workplace, which included; Drafting, Cutting, Assembly, Pressing, as well as Finishing subdivision

    3.3 Data analysis
    Quantitative information was analyzed using statistical analysis system. This included the following.
    1. Frequency distribution tables.
    2. Graphic presentation, mainly bar charts as well as pie charts(for qualitative data) as well as hateful as well as median (for quantitative data)
    3. Measures of primal tendency- mode(for qualitative data) as well as hateful as well as median (for quantitative data)
    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 

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