Yaa Ergonomic Workplace Evaluation Inwards Ugandan Wearing Clothing Plants (Part-8)

Ergonomic Workplace Evaluation inwards Ugandan Apparel Plants (Part-8)
Tebyetekerwa Mike
Dept. of Textile & Clothing Technology
Kyambogo University
Kampala, Republic of Uganda
Tel: +256(0)773770312 // +256(0)701181383
Email: miketebyeks@gmail.com

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5.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the recommendations as well as conclusions of the Uganda clothe plant workplaces conducted inwards the ergonomics betoken of sentiment as well as attempts to give solutions to problems constitute out equally a final result of the study.

5.1 Recommendations

5.1.0 Proper tools
Tools should survive appropriate for the specific tasks beingness performed. Tools should allow the worker to continue the hands as well as wrists straight. (Ahasan, 2002)

5.1.1 Proper piece of work postures

For seated as well as standing work, the tiptop of the workstation should allow workers to business office with elbows at xc degrees. During seated work, if a adept dorsum back upward is non introduce or used, static postures occur which results inwards constant utilization of the dorsum muscles. It is of import to adapt the workstation inwards club to allow the worker to utilization the backrest. (Ahasan et al, 2000)

It is also of import to adapt the worker’s chair to allow duties to survive performed with their bodies inwards comfortable positions. The workstation as well as chair should survive positioned as well as then that the worker’s knees, hips, as well as elbows are at xc degrees, which volition trim stress on the body. There should also survive plenty room to allow the worker to alter their sitting spot throughout the day. (Bongers et al, 2002).

Static postures tin displace also occur during standing work. If the worker stands inwards 1 spot for long periods of time, muscles of the dorsum as well as legs volition survive constantly activated. This tin displace Pb to increased fatigue, as well as decreased blood circulation to the legs. During the day, workers should attempt to walk roughly to allow their blood to flow. As well, workers should attempt as well as sit down for brusk periods of fourth dimension piece working to give their leg as well as dorsum muscles a rest. (Blader et al, 1991)

Awkward wrist postures are 1 of the major causes of cumulative trauma disorders (CTD) such equally carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), tendinitis, as well as musculus strains. Awkward wrist postures are those which convey the wrist away from the neutral position. Neutral spot is when the mitt is inwards draw with the forearm. The workstation should survive adjusted as well as the worker educated on awkward wrist postures, their harmful effects, as well as the signs as well as symptoms of CTD’s. (Chan et al, 2002)

5.1.2 Keep repetitive motions to a minimum
Workstations or tasks should survive redesigned to trim the number of repetitive motions that must survive performed. To forbid ergonomic injuries workers should survive encouraged to rotate tasks or convey frequent, brusk breaks to stretch as well as relax muscles. Work stations should allow plenty infinite for the tasks receive got appropriate working height, as well as furnish proper seating. Manufacturing tools as well as mechanism used inwards the firms should comprise ergonomic pattern principles as well as should non require an excessive amount of forcefulness to operate. Some tasks should survive automated or redesigned to eliminate repetitive movements as well as musculoskeletal injuries. (Halpern et al, 1997)

5.1.3 Use rubber lifting procedures

Workers should avoid lifting objects that are likewise heavy. Use to a greater extent than than 1 someone or a mechanical device to trim the load. The workstation should non require the workers to elevator objects higher upward their heads or twist their backs piece lifting. (Halpern et al, 1997)

5.1.4 Get proper balance
The workers demand to balance their torso as well as heed inwards club to forbid injuries. Workers should give their muscles a balance during java breaks, lunches as well as weekends past times doing something dissimilar from what they create at job. For example, if a worker stands all day, piece performing a project he/she should sit down downward to balance the legs as well as feet during the breaks. If a worker sits down, when working, he/she should stand upward up as well as walk roughly during breaks to give the dorsum a balance as well as to increment circulation inwards the legs. By doing this the musculoskeletal injuries tin displace survive prevented. (Chan et al, 2002)

5.1.5 Other things to consider

Garment workers tin displace avoid oculus injuries past times using proper shields on high-speed sewing mechanism or security spectacles where appropriate.

Furniture as well as other equipment used inwards the industrial plant life should survive ergonomically engineered to forbid injuries. The seats should adapt easily, receive got padded seat, receive got adjustable backrest furnish lumbar back upward as well as receive got casters. The equipment as well as workstations should survive adjustable, give sufficient infinite for the torso as well as survive used past times both left-handed as well as correct handed with ease.

Also, adequate project lighting at private workstations tin displace forbid eyestrain. Some garment manufacturing equipment tin displace survive really loud, as well as then proper hearing protection may survive necessary.

Because a garment mill uses many heated processes, it is of import for workers to avoid estrus stress past times labeling as well as guarding hot surfaces as well as drinking plenty of H2O during their shift. Proper ventilation tin displace assist to trim ambient temperatures as well as ensure worker comfort.(Sarder et al, 1996)

Training of the workers on the proper utilization of machines as well as equipment is really important, proper posture, proper piece of work method, when as well as how to adapt workstations as well as well-nigh security measures as well as kickoff aid.(Vihma.T, 1981)

5.2 Conclusions

This written report examined the ergonomic piece of work atmospheric condition inwards the clothe manufacturing plants inwards Uganda. Questionnaire survey responses as well as observations of the physical workplace pertaining the working atmospheric condition showed clear evidence of piece of work practices, workplace atmospheric condition as well as equipment designs that were detrimental to productivity, wellness as well as safety.

The garment manufacture should so focus as well as develop a adept working atmospheric condition to trim the injuries created to their workers since in that location is ample room for ergonomic improvements inwards the vesture industry. With proper grooming as well as instruction, machine guarding, personal protective equipment as well as ergonomically designed piece of work systems, garment workers tin displace manufacture products inwards rubber as well as good for yous workplaces.

It seems that the tradition of management, owners as well as workers themselves know as well as sympathise that the ergonomics atmospheric condition inwards the plants are worse but they are ignorant well-nigh the solutions. Therefore in that location is demand for ergonomic interventions to brand changes that receive got been considered. It is, therefore, logical, equally done inwards this study, to suggest changes that are modest, for gaining acceptability to management.

Recommendations made to management inwards this written report that included slice of furniture as well as other equipment improvements were combined with improved draw balancing of the manufacturing process. The implementation of these recommendations should yield meaning improvements inwards productivity as well as the effects on the workers over a relatively brusk catamenia of time.

Unless the piece of work civilisation changes significantly, it would ever survive hard to implement changes that alleviate suffering as well as sick wellness alongside workers inwards societies where unemployed people aspect inwards abundance for a adventure to work, as well as where their introduction into the workplace is seen equally an choice to spending coin as well as other resources to improve piece of work atmospheric condition

My principal ojective was to evaluate the working atmospheric condition inwards the garment plants of Republic of Uganda from an ergonomics/human factors perspective as well as to suggest possible solutions to bargain with observed problems inwards club to avail a ameliorate working environs with minimum or no threats to the workers.

Since the problems receive got been identified as well as solutions stressed out inwards the calorie-free of the problem. Therefore if solutions are taken, the workplace for the worker should receive got a decreased risk of injury as well as also to improve the link betwixt the worker as well as their environment.


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