Now You Know Fabric Turning Process | Features of Fabric Turning Machine

Fabric Turning Process | Features of Fabric Turning Machine
Rana Sohel
Executive Engineer
Sunman Textile Mills Ltd. Chittagong
Cell: +8801912-420118

Normally turning is done for those fabrics which are not same in both face & back to protect the face side of fabric from any dust, spot, other color, machine corrosion or any visual or physical disturbance. The machine by which counting of rolls & face/back side of fabric is opened is called turner machine.
 Normally turning is done for those fabrics which are not same in both face  Now You Know Fabric Turning Process | Features of Fabric Turning Machine
 Fabric turner machine
Cross –sectional diagram of Turning m/c:
Cross –sectional diagram of Turning m/c
Different parts of turning m/c:
Different parts of turning m/c
Special feature of turning m/c:
  • Fabric turning face side to back side by cylinder.
  • Delivery per hours = 417 kg.
  • A large cylinder present
  • Two pipes for blowing air
  • An engine inside of the machine
  • Two rollers (for delivering the fabric) on the upper side of the machine.
  • 3 buttons two for start two pipes individually the other is for stop the machine.
The necessity of turning:
  • To remove some dirt from the fabric.
  • To count the number of rolls.
  • To make back side of appear on face side as required.
  • To make some identification on fabric.
  • To adjust all the rolls together with hand.
E.g. Some fabrics can be cut at the bottom side in fabric times and some are not (the fabric which are cut during turning is also cut after weight measurement at the top side of the fabric and also a card is supplied by the people who takes the weight of the fabric.
  • To make the back face side as required for a fabric.
  • To adjust all the rolls together with hand by knot for a nozzle.
  • They fulfill the turning row in process Route card and also fulfill the particular turning books. Then, it goes for sewing
 Fabric turning table:
Which fabrics are turning by m/c?

Which fabrics are not turning by m/c?
  • Single Lacoste.
  • Double Lacoste.
  • 1×1 Rib.
  • 2×2 Ribs.

  • Lycra single jersey (Turn over by hand).
  • CVC Fleece (Turn over by hand).
  • 1×1 Lycra Rib.
  • Collar and Cuffs.
Special Note: -“CVC fleece” fabric is turned over by hand because, due to pressure of machine padder, it may be stained on fabric, which can create more problems during dyeing and brushing.
-Lycra single jersey Turning two times.



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