Now You Know Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab

Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab
Mustaque Ahammed Mamun
Department of Textile Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET)
Cell: +8801723300703


Existence of modern dyeing factory cannot be thought without lab. Lab of a modern dye house can be considered as the heart of the industry. Different equipments are used in lab. All the equipments used in lab can be categorized into two i.e. equipments for lab dip preparation or chemical test and equipment for physical test. In this article we will discuss on equipments for physical test.
Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab Now You Know Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab
Fig: Equipments for physical test
Equipments for physical test:
  1. Tumble dryer
  2. Dimensional stability test
  3. PH meter
  4. Perspirometer
  5. Washing machine
  6. Crockmeter
  7. Yarn count tester
  8. GSM cutter
  9. Pilling tester
Description of equipments:

Tumble dryer:

Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab Now You Know Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab
Fig: Tumble dryer
Function: Used to dry the sample.

  • Brand: Electrolux
  • Model: T5130
  • Origin: Thailand
  • Capacity: 12 kg
Fig: Perspirometer
Used to test the color fastness of fabric against perspiration.

  • Brand: Paramount
  • Origin: India
Sample size: 10Cm×4Cm

Perspiration solution:

Alkaline solution:

Chemical name
Amount in 1 ltr
Histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate
0.5 g
Sodium chloride
Disodium hydrogen orthophosphate(Na2HPO4H2O)
2.5 g

Acid solution:

Chemical name
Amount in 1 ltr
Histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate
0.5 g
Sodium chloride
Sodium di-hydrogen orthophosphate(NaH2PO4H2O)
2.2 g

Testing procedure:
  • A sample measuring 10Cm×4Cm is cut and a multi-fiber fabric is sewn with it.
  • The sample is dipped into the solution containing perspiration chemical.
  • The sample is squeezed to remove excess chemical.
  • Then the sample is placed into two plates of the perspirometer and is pressed by 12.5 KPa.
  • After that together with the specimen the perspirometer is kept in oven at 37˚C for four hours.
  • Finally the sample is assessed for color change and the adjacent fabric for color staining.
Washing machine:
Fig: Washing machine
Used to wash the sample with standard washing chemical in order to assess the dimensional stability of sample.

  • Brand: Siemens
  • Capacity: 7 kg
  • Speed: 800 rpm
Crock meter
Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab Now You Know Description of Physical Testing Equipments of Dyeing Lab
Fig: Crock meter
Used to test the color fastness of fabric against rubbing

  • Brand: Paramount
  • Origin: India
  • Test method: ISO 105-X12:1995
Testing procedure:
  • Dyed specimens (10cm×4cm) are rubbed 10 times by the weighted finger covered with undyed cotton cloth (5cm×5cm).
  • For wet rubbing the cotton cloth is wetted out before being rubbed on the dyed sample.
  • Then the cotton cloth is examined for dye which may have been removed and assessed using the grey scales for staining.
Yarn count tester
Fig: Yarn count tester                                    Fig: Template
Used to determine the yarn count of the supplied fabric.

  • Brand: Paramount
  • Origin: India
Testing procedure:
  • Fabric sample is cut by placing the template on the fabric and the yarns are unraveled from the sample.
  • Standard weight is kept on the verge of the machine.
  • Then the unraveled threads are kept on the hook of the machine one by one until the pointer is in level with the datum line.
  • When pointer is in level with datum line then the yarns put on the hook are counted which indicates the yarn count.
GSM cutter
Fig: GSM cutter
Used to cut sample for GSM check.

Testing procedure:
  • Sample is cut by GSM cutter.
  • Then the sample is weighted by using electrical balance.
  • GSM is found by multiplying the weight with 100.
Pilling tester
Fig: Pilling Tester
Used to test the resistance of fabric against pilling.


  • Model: digiPILL Nx
  • Brand: Paramount
  • Origin: India
  • Sample dimension: 25cm×12.5cm
Testing procedure:
  • Sample having the dimension 25cm×12.5cm is rolled onto a package and then it is kept into the box of the machine.
  • Machine is run and continued up to the desired cycle.
  • After completion of the desired cycle the sample is compared with standard photographs to know the pilling resistance of the fabric.
Shrinkage test
Fig: Glass template for shrinkage test
Shrinkage testing procedure:
  • Sample whose shrinkage test is to be done is placed on the table.
  • Putting the glass template on sample and marking with unchangeable marker is done.
  • Then the sample is washed at 60˚C temperature for 90 minutes.
  • Sample is dried out.
  • Three points on warp side and three points on weft side are checked to find out the dimensional change and mean value is taken for accurate result.
It has to convey a cordial indebtedness to the Authority for giving us such unique opportunity for visiting their lab. Hope knowledge earned from the lab is so much beneficial for a textile engineer to serve himself as lab personnel. Basically we were introduced with different laboratory equipments, their function and also the testing procedure. And hope all the earnings will be so much beneficial for us. Above we wish to pay our cordial respect to our honorable teacher Md.Shahjalal Kandoker for his nice co-operation and close supervision for doing this job.

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