Yaa Terminate Marks, Starting Marks In Addition To Setting Shed Inwards Weaving

Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

Dario Paredes Vásquez
Textile Technician
Lima, Perú
Email: darioparvas4@hotmail.com

Is of import to start past times explaining that the halt marks together with starting marks are common defects inwards the weaving, the difference, which tin last an wages or a disadvantage, is due to the characteristics of the textile that makes these defects are to a greater extent than notorious or less notorious.

The intention of this publication is to explicate the primary criteria to command together with repair these defects, the textile adjustments made must maiden of all seek to trim down or eliminate machine stoppages, warp halt together with weft stop, together with so eliminate or attenuate halt or starting marks.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving
Fig: Starting marks
First, nosotros must recognize the types of defects that tin occur inwards the textile for a halt score or a start mark:

1. Open Marks:

It occurs when 1 or to a greater extent than picks are separated leaving a horizontal draw of piece of job open. This failure commonly occurs inwards fabrics with depression cover factor.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

2. Dense Marks:
It occurs when 1 or to a greater extent than picks are together leaving a closed horizontal line. This failure commonly occurs inwards light-weight fabrics.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

3. Wavy Marks:
It is produced when to a greater extent than than 1 picks is superimposed, 1 higher upward the other, leaving a horizontal band that is uneven together with closed. This failure occurs inwards heavy fabrics, twills or satins with high encompass factor together with ever at machine start-up.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

The side past times side measuring is to decide what type of defect is occurring together with if it is generated at machine stoppage or startup. For this, at that topographic point is a uncomplicated physical care for for testing halt together with start marks:
  1. Cause a stoppage of the loom, past times warp together with past times weft.
  2. Insert a color yarn roughly 10 to xx cm inwards front end of the concluding inserted picks.
  3. Wait for 1 to iii minutes.
  4. Start the loom.
  5. Check the type of defect, opened upward or dense, together with if this defect occurs earlier or after the color yarn used every bit a mark; this way, nosotros decide if the failure occurred at stoppage or at machine start-up.
  6. To realize diverse tests with dissimilar regulations, minimum xx cm distance betwixt 1 together with some other test.

Basic Controls:
Is necessary to ensure the right nation together with functioning of the mechanical together with electronic parts of the loom to dominion out possible opened upward together with / or dense past times default of machine, for example:

1. Mechanical business office of let-off together with take-up
  • Bearings
  • Gears
  • Transmission chains
  • Supports / joints
  • Covering of sand beam together with clitoris per unit of measurement area rollers.
2. Temple, article of apparel together with type of rings according to the fabric.
3. levers: transmission of the shed former, wastage of the bearings
4. Drive together with brake of machine, pulleys together with transmission belts.

There is also the possibility that the textile presents opened upward or dense defects during the weaving process, but these are attributed to defects of some mechanical or electronic component. This study volition non review these defects, which jibe to preventive together with / or corrective maintenance.

Main Causes:
We volition review iii primary causes that generate the stops marks together with starting marks together with that inwards modern looms nosotros receive got the pick to command together with regulate.

Machine halt times:

The start marks are to a greater extent than notorious depending on the fourth dimension that the loom is stopped waiting for its intervention, the longer the stoppage, to a greater extent than severe is the failure; this argue is basically a move method. It must last sought to trim down machine halt every bit much every bit possible; with textile adjustments to avoid machine halt or with timely attention; For example, if at that topographic point is a warp halt on a loom together with a filling halt on some other loom, the filling halt should last repair maiden of all since it is faster to intervene together with repair side past times side the warp stop.

Nominal speed:

It is the adjusted maximum speed of a loom during its working physical care for together with it differs accordingto the charge or the wearisome motions of the loom. Here it is of import to sympathize iii concepts:

Braking angle: When a machine halt occurs, it does non halt instantly; it has a brake skid depending on the type of drive or the machine speed. This tin last from twoscore ° to roughly 200 °. It is of import to know this information, since it allows us to know how the concluding picks inserted overstep was completed. If this concluding was during the beat-up moment, it is possible that a opened upward score is generated; since it volition last less than its nominal speed (less forcefulness beat-up).

Stop position: After the machine halt has been produced, it is positioned inwards a specific adjusted degree. The weather condition of the seat of stopped volition depend on the type of insertion of the loom, the ligament together with the stopped type; for example, it is recommended, when working a textile plain, to regulate the halt seat at the minute of the shed crossing when a filling halt occurs to avoid stretching the warp during the halt time, until the operator arrives to await for the right picks together with start the loom; similarly when a warp interruption occurs, accommodate a halt seat that allows the operator to easily insert the warp through the needles together with the reed without the ask for additional manual movements.

Start position: After the operator makes the repair or correction of the stop, the machine goes to a starting seat degree. The criterion hither is to seek that the maiden of all inserted picks is beat-up every bit unopen to its nominal speed, depending on the machine rpm, the nominal speed is reached alone at the tertiary or 4th picks. For example, when the maiden of all inserted pick leaves a opened upward score at the start, what nosotros receive got to regulate is the seat farthest from the finishing point; So nosotros give y'all to a greater extent than fourth dimension to compass your nominal speed.

In some modern looms, for instance the Picanol loom, is possible to receive got the pick of regulating empty picks (ASO value), inwards this way, it is possible to accomplish that the maiden of all inserted picks is beat-up at its nominal speed.

It also has other electronic options to right halt o starting marks with adjustments inwards the let-off together with take-up system.

In the next icon nosotros present an interactive concealment for adjusting the start together with halt marks of a PicanolOmniPlus 800 loom together with on the scale how movements are generated according to the setting made for "others

Warp tension difference:
The divergence inwards tension that affects the halt together with start marks is determined past times the right adjustment of the shed. The shed is the tunnel that is formed with the motion of the warps that larn upward together with downward according to the blueprint of the textile through which the weft is inserted together with that nosotros volition item some types of adjustments after on.

To regulate a right shed it is necessary to know some weather condition of the trend or fabric:

The encompass factor: It is a value that indicates the roofing belongings of a fabric, the maximum capacity of warp or weft inwards a specific space. This volition aid us decide if the textile to last worked is a heavy item (> 85% tupidity) or low-cal weight (<65% tupidity) together with inwards this means regulate the appropriate posterior shed.

The next are the formulas for calculating the warp, weft, together with full coverage factor.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

For example, if nosotros receive got a textile with a weave manifestly (1/1) with a full encompass factor of 31.5, with the maximum encompass for 37, together with so nosotros tell 31.5 / 37 is equal to 85% of tupidity; This textile tin last considered heavy style.

The warp density: It is of import to know the amount of warp per reed, if the trend has 2 warps per tooth, 3 warps per molar or more. Also, it is of import to know the seat out of teeth per centimeter. This information volition aid us to know with what ease or difficulty the warp volition crossing inwards their motion to shape the shed. This volition aid us to regulate the previous shed appropriate to the weave or fabrics.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

Weave of fabric: Knowing if the textile is plain, twill, satin or dobby; also if it is a light, heavy or neutral weave volition aid us to regulate the appropriate posterior shed.
 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

In addition, the shed must receive got surely of import basic characteristics to accomplish a "clean" shed that allows a right separation together with motion of the warp together with a right insertion of the weft.

Shed angle: You should start working with the lowest possible opening angle to forbid stretching the warp so much. It must last understood that the to a greater extent than shed opening is regulated; it volition require to a greater extent than fourth dimension to recover the elongation that suffers during the motion of the frames together with the movements of wearisome displace during the halt together with start of the machine.

Shed height: It volition last restricted or express according to the type of insertion (air, rapier or projectile). Similarly, what is sought is that during the beat-up of the weft is made every bit soft every bit possible. Also, to aid warp layers tin last individualized together with to aid divide them easily.

Symmetry: Depending the ligament together with the encompass factor, dissimilar variants of sheds tin last adjusted to allow the best move (efficiency) together with the lowest incidence of halt marks together with / or starting marks (quality).

Gap: Depending the warp density, that is, the ease or difficulty of the warp to divide from each other during the shedding movement, dissimilar degrees of gap tin last adjusted to aid the warp pairs cross at dissimilar times allowing a improve separation, the best gap frame is achieved inwards cam displace shed former, because makes the separation at the crossing shed moment.

Tension: According to the yarn title, the type of material, the amount of yarns, the grooming conditions, alongside other factors, the appropriate warp tension must last adjusted.

The Anterior Shed:
The separation of yarns formed betwixt the beat-up together with the needle (frame) is called "anterior shed". As an initial basic adjustment, y'all should seek for the smallest possible shed angle, sufficient for a build clean weft insertion. For an adjustment it volition last necessary to command the shed from the kickoff of the insertion to the terminate of it, beingness at 180° after the crossing of the shed a maximum seat that volition present us the appearance or formation of the shed. There are 2 types of anterior shed:

Anterior shed symmetrical: The yarns of the upper shed together with of the lower shed shape closed lines. To shape a shed symmetrical angle the opening of the frames is increasing, thence they receive got dissimilar tensions.


  • Filament fabrics, warp with piddling hairiness.
  • Lightweight fabrics, easily separated warp.
  • Fabrics with a depression density of warp.
Anterior shed asymmetrical: The yarns of the upper shed together with / or the lower shed shape dissimilar layers (different lines)


  • Fabrics with warp hairiness hard to separate.
  • Fabrics with a high density of warp per comb tooth.
Is possible to regulate dissimilar variants of shed asymmetric:

1. With shed height:

Used inwards basic fabrics (taffeta, twill, satin) to divide inwards dissimilar layers.

• In ligaments with iv frames
1st frame = basic adjustment+ 0 mm
2d frame = basic adjustment + 1 mm or 2mm
3rd frame = basic adjustment + 2 mm or 4mm
4th frame = basic adjustment + 3 mm or 6mm

• Taffeta of iv frames
1st frame = basic setting
2d frame = basic setting
3rd frame = basic adjustment + 2 mm or 4mm
4th frame = basic adjustment + 2 mm or 4mm

2. With shed angle (opening):
Used inwards particular fabrics that combine ligaments with dissimilar elongation points, it consists of giving dissimilar angles according to the ligament.

The frames that jibe to the twill that has to a greater extent than elongation should last given less opening than the frames that jibe to the taffeta that has less elongation. In this means it is well-nigh compensating or equaling warp tensions; think that having to a greater extent than opening this warp stretches to a greater extent than together with needs to recover this elongation.

3. With shed crossing:
Used alone inwards cam motion, mainly inwards articles with high warp density together with hard separation inwards needle together with reed, past times giving dissimilar shed crossing the pairs of frames volition cross at dissimilar times, having a improve separation.

Frame 1 together with 2 cross to 320 °
Frame 3 together with 4 cross to 310 °
Frame five together with six cross to 300

It is possible to role combinations of these iii variants according to the complexity or need, taking attention that 1 of them does non negatively influence the other, so that it decrease or cancel the obtained advantage.

Effects of Shed Crossing:
(reference of degrees for a loom with beat-up 0°)

1. Early Crossing: 290° - 310°

  • The filling is dragged with to a greater extent than friction together with less tension inwards front end of the reed, this allows it to improve accommodate the beat-up.
  • The filling has less contraction.
  • Is favorable inwards heavy fabrics together with wavy marks problems.
  • It does non favorable fabrics with hairiness yarns since having to a greater extent than friction creates to a greater extent than pilosity.
  • Presents a to a greater extent than closed seem of the fabric.
2. Standard Crossing: 310° - 320°

3. Delayed Crossing: 320° - 350°

  • The inserted filling is dragged without creating whatever tension every bit it is softer dragged to the front end beat-up.
  • We accept improve attention of the filling.
  • Does non favor heavy fabrics.
  • The filling loses some of its tension, favorable for weak together with hairiness warp.
  • It tin drive vertical reed marks, rapier guides, projectile or relay nozzles.
  • The textile has greater forcefulness the beat-up.
The Posterior Shed:
Posterior shed symmetrical: The back upward of the textile inwards the anterior shed is the temple profile. This forms a draw of piece of job with the feeler roll.

In this means a symmetric draw of piece of job is obtain; hither the warp of the upper shed together with the lower shed receive got the same tension. So the warp are improve taken care.

It tin last used every bit a basic adjustment for low-cal fabrics with depression density, depression encompass factor, fabrics with weak warps, with loops warp.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

Posterior shed asymmetrical:

Upwards: The elevation of the feeler scroll adjusted higher upward the dot of symmetry.

With this adjustment, the lower shed receive got to a greater extent than tension together with the upper shed receive got less tension. Thus, a beat-up effect is produced, higher weft densities tin last possible obtain since the filling are placed 1 on top of the other achieving a to a greater extent than closed appearance of the fabric.

It tin last used every bit a basic setting inwards heavy fabrics such every bit denim, canvas, awnings, etc., every bit good every bit inwards poplin to improve the striped appearance of the fabric.

When working with cam motion, it is possible to accomplish this effect using asymmetric eccentrics with the longest seat down, so nosotros do non ask to give a lot of elevation to the feeler roll, favoring ergonomics.

 Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving Yaa Stop Marks, Starting Marks together with Setting Shed inwards Weaving

Down: The elevation of the feeler scroll adjusted below the dot of symmetry.

With this adjustment, the upper shed receive got to a greater extent than tension together with the lower shed receive got less tension. It tin last used inwards fabrics where the highest charge is woven upwards together with is favorable for the best distribution together with separation of the warps.

When working with cam motion, it is possible to accomplish this effect using asymmetric cams with the longest seat upwards; inwards this means nosotros do non ask to lower so much the elevation of the feeler roll.

Posterior shed short:
The dorsum residue adjusted inwards seat every bit to a greater extent than unopen to frames.

In this seat the warp tension is bigger because the distance is shorter; a improve separation of the warps is obtained inwards a means that favorable inwards hairiness warps.

It tin last used inwards heavy fabrics together with upward to 8 frames since to a greater extent than frames tin drive the activeness of the shed to heighten the forks on their rails causing faux halt warps or damaging the rails.

Posterior shed intermediate:
The dorsum residue adjusted inwards intermediate position. Is possible obtain a improve attention of the warps since the distance to last controlled is greater.

It tin last used every bit a basic adjustment inwards lightweight fabrics of 4 to to a greater extent than frames, inwards weak warps together with with piddling elongation.

Posterior shed long:

The backrest adjusted inwards seat farthest from the frames.

With this shed is possible to compensate improve the warp tensions caused past times warps with dissimilar ligaments, since the distance to last controlled is much greater.

It tin last used on fabrics with weak warps together with particular fabrics with dissimilar elongation points.

Other Adjustment that Influence inwards the Posterior Shed:

Warp halt adjustment:
The influence of the profundity together with elevation of the Warp stop,is also of import for a practiced shed together with a practiced appearance of the fabric.

Warp stops Profundity:

1. If nosotros accommodate the warp halt profundity to a greater extent than unopen to the weaver (forward):
  • The warps are separated to a greater extent than easily, favorable for hairiness warps.
  • Improves the warp tensions inwards both layers of warps achieving a cleaner shed formation.
  • When working with six or to a greater extent than frames, it tin compass off that the warps heighten the forks causing harm to the warp rails together with the warp yarns. This motion of the forks also causes tension differences, producing an uneven effect most notorious towards the selvedges.
2. If nosotros accommodate the warp halt profundity to a greater extent than further from the weaver (back):
  • It is used for weak warps together with of dissimilar tensions, to improve attention together with command the warp, reduces the formation of specks together with hanged warps.
Warp halt height:
  • In lightweight fabrics, attention must last taken that the back upward of the warp halt does non deflect the warps, causing tension variation, since this may drive starting marks.
  • In weak warps or depression sizing, the elevation of the warp halt last adjusted to trim down or eliminate the friction of the yarn.
Use the deflection cylinder:
It is used to lighten the charge of the feeler scroll when nosotros move heavy fabrics, with a high encompass factor.

The deflection cylinder tin last adjusted inwards 2 dissimilar positions, according to profundity together with height. It must last said that the deflection cylinder withstands most of the warp tension.

When working low-cal fabrics, weak warps that make breaks, it is preferable to take the deflection cylinder, inwards this means the warp tension is improve controlled.

Warp tension:
A right warp tension is of import for the formation of a practiced shed together with every bit a trial obtains a practiced efficiency together with quality.

This tension volition depend on the amount of warps, title, material, sizing quality, elevation together with angle frame adjustments, together with textile density.

It is hard to define a criterion tension, due to the influence of dissimilar factors mentioned above, inwards exercise together with with the cognition of said factors, the right warp tension volition last that which does non drive warp breaks (high tension), nor drive loops warp or fillingstop due to tangled or warp breaks during insertion inwards rapier or projectile looms (low tension), every bit good every bit their influence on the appearance of textile (beat-up, border ​​strength, border formation) or starting marks.

The right analysis of the defect presented together with the appropriate adjustment according to the criteria explained volition eliminate together with / or attenuate the effect of the observed lineament failure.

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