Yaa Net Turn A Profit Imparity Betwixt International Clothe Brands Together With Bangladesh Clothe Manufacturers

Profit Imparity betwixt International Apparel Brands together with People's Republic of Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers
Fayshal Ahmed Munna
Master of International Business (Central Queensland University-Australia)
Bachelor of Science inward Textile Engineering (Southeast University-Bangladesh)
Email: fayshalahmed.munna@cqumail.com

1.0 Executive Summary:
The utilisation of the study is to investigate the modify of turn a profit growth betwixt International wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers. This inquiry projection aims to uncovering out, if in that location is whatever relation betwixt international wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers yearly turn a profit growth percentage.

Previous literature studied factors that influences International wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth. Which indicated that in that location is possibility of having human relationship of turn a profit growth pct betwixt International Apparel Brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers. In addition, previous literature explained the wearing clothing brands depression cost strategy is challenging wearing clothing manufacturers to create profit. Moreover, wearing clothing workers are affected yesteryear wearing clothing buyer’s production cost squeezing model.

Data sourced from 7 (7) International wearing clothing brands together with v (5) Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers annual study together with sustainability study of 04 consecutive years. These information are analyzed to uncovering out; in that location is no partial relation betwixt International wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers.

2.0 Introduction:
This inquiry projection volition concentrate the turn a profit growth variance betwixt International Apparel Brands together with Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturers. Analyzing the turn a profit growth pct together with variance is an of import task for trouble concern analyst professionals to create proper trouble concern project design inward every year. This inquiry projection volition comprehend background of the project, literature review, inquiry aim together with questions. In club to answer inquiry questions, this inquiry projection volition comprehend inquiry method, findings, give-and-take together with conclusion.

2.1 Problem statement:
International Apparel trouble concern has locomote real competitive from terminal few decades. Wal-Mart, H&M, Target, Kmart, J.C. Penny, Uniqlo, Mango, Inditex together with then on; are some large wearing clothing brands inward the the world who are the belongings the most number of consumers inward the world. Adegoke, Arnold together with Poul (2009) establish that due to locomote inward competitive wearing clothing market, most of the international wearing clothing brands are sourcing their products from poor or developing countries similar Bangladesh, India, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Turkey. This inquiry projection concentrates on Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers.International wearing clothing retailers are placing large orders to Bangladeshi manufacturer equally People's Republic of Bangladesh achieved the largest marketplace part of apparel manufacturing later on Communist People's Republic of China (McClearn,2013). The principal ground behind this is to growth profit. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 previous study yesteryear Michael, Xavier (2013) establish that Profit is positively related to project design outsourcing.

Along with the international wearing clothing brands, Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers are also focusing on turn a profit to sustain their beingness inward the competitive market. Though in that location are some dissimilar factors that influence both parties turn a profit growth. Analyzing a business’s turn a profit growth tin send away demo the futurity path of that business.However, in that location is non much studies turn a profit growth impact together with human relationship betwixt wearing clothing brands together with wearing clothing manufacturers. Michael, Xavier (2013) argued that finding a retail company’s turn a profit growth together with understanding the relation with suppliers indicates the company’s strength.

3.0 Literature Review:

3.1 Factors influence turn a profit growth of international wearing clothing brands:
International wearing clothing brands are taking a number of measures to compete worldwide together with increasing their turn a profit growth. Some factors come upwards nether low-cal when wearing clothing brands are witting almost their profit. Fratto, Jones & Cassill (2006) establish that production cost is the most of import constituent inward competitive market. Product(apparel) unit of measurement price[1] is largely depends on products manufacturing cost. Edaba, Lucie, Norma, Nora & Paul (1994) establish that When retailers aspect upwards challenges on their profit, they respond yesteryear reducing the cost of manufacturer.International wearing clothing brands are sourcing apparels from People's Republic of Bangladesh equally People's Republic of Bangladesh tin send away create ready-made garments inward real inexpensive cost comparison to other countries inward the world. Strahle, Koksal (2015) pointed that People's Republic of Bangladesh is ane of the best goal for depression production cost of apparel. In addition, likewise depression cost production strategy, wearing clothing retailers operate on mash of unit of measurement production price, cost concession or acceleration of delivery fourth dimension (Paul, Vanessa.2001). Lot of wearing clothing brands inward the the world has changed their trouble concern strategy on focusing on depression cost production together with turn a profit growth. Fratto et al (2006) establish that cost reduction strategy is Wal-Mart’s nub trouble concern strategy. Along with Wal-Mart, many other international wearing clothing brands are next the same strategy.

Labour cost is also a real of import constituent that influence ultimate turn a profit of wearing clothing brands. McClearn (2013) stated that Chinese labour cost is increasing inward double digit pct every twelvemonth where Bangladeshi wearing clothing labour cost are non increasing that much which attracts wearing clothing buyers to seat club inward Bangladesh. In international competitive wearing clothing market, supplier alternative is a real tough determination where a buyer needs to certain almost marketplace production cost, maintenance of quality, capabilities of delivering huge production quantity together with keep delivery time. Shrahle et al (2015) argues that wearing clothing brands prefer to seat club where they tin send away acquire assurance almost depression cost production, no tariff on apparels, utilisation of high technology, delivery commitment on fourth dimension together with political stability. Apparel brands tin send away command over their turn a profit growth yesteryear controlling these factors.

3.2 People's Republic of Bangladesh equally a large wearing clothing supplier:
Bangladesh has locomote a large wearing clothing supplier inward the the world for terminal few years. BGMEA[2](2016) shows a information that in that location are 4,482 garments industries where almost 4.0 ane G 1000 employees are working.According to Around the globe (2016), People's Republic of Bangladesh garments export earning boost to $25.3 billion inward July-April session 2015-2016 from terminal financial twelvemonth 2014-2015 same session. In twelvemonth 2016-2017 People's Republic of Bangladesh garments export expand a lot. BEPB[3](2016) published a information that People's Republic of Bangladesh garments export earning inward Australia, UK,USA, Canada together with Europe was $5.82.02,$3306.50,$5201.01,$946.30 together with $17750.50 respectively.

Bangladesh is the biggest wearing clothing sourcing hot-spot equally Rachel, Mushfiq (2015) Communist People's Republic of China has planned to shift wearing clothing sourcing away for increasing labour cost together with skilled labour shortage inward this sector. Therefore, People's Republic of Bangladesh got the most marketplace part for apparel manufacturing. Strahle et al (2015) stated that trouble concern friendly environment, amend merchandise agreement, inexpensive labour cost, inexpensive shipping cost for raw materials, putting wearing clothing trouble concern nether gratis merchandise understanding with a lot of countries, utilisation of high engineering scientific discipline inward wearing clothing production makes People's Republic of Bangladesh a suitable seat to seat manufacturing order. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 study projection says that People's Republic of Bangladesh wearing clothing export trouble concern volition triple inward 2021 which volition also Pb a labour demand of 3.5 ane G 1000 workers (Rachel et al ,2015).

3.3 Factor influences turn a profit growth of Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers:
Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturing manufacture is growing nether high contest with other countries inward the world. Maintain buyer’s commitment together with turn a profit growth at the same fourth dimension has locomote a bully challenge. Jin, Farr (2010) establish that buyers puts continuous describe per unit of measurement area on suppliers to command production cost together with character at the same time. This province of affairs is non slow to overcome for manufacturers. Taslima (2014) establish that Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturer establish themselves inward the middle betwixt production demand inward dissimilar fashion flavor inward global marketplace together with controlling production cost to create profit.So, depression production cost together with depression labour cost are 2 principal factors that influence Bangladeshi wearing clothing industries turn a profit growth. McClearn (2013) establish that production cost for a T-shirt inward People's Republic of Bangladesh is almost one-half from its nearest competition China. ILRF[4](2012) published that sweaters tin send away create sweater 17% cheaper than its closest competition Vietnam. In addition, Children’s cotton wool shirt tin send away live produced 15% cheaper inward People's Republic of Bangladesh than its nearest competition Kingdom of Cambodia together with 50% cheaper than its minute cupboard competition China. In this perspective, wearing clothing manufacturers select to locomote along labour cost almost same every twelvemonth which volition differentiate them from other competitors. Hence, that creates the worker’s life pathetic ultimately.Larry (2013) establish that dirt-cheap labour, vulnerable edifice construction,poverty is the behind even out of Bangladeshi worker’s life.

3.4 Profit focus causing the ignorance of Bangladeshi wearing clothing worker’s pathetic life:
International wearing clothing buyers together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturer both parties are concern almost private turn a profit growth. Emmelhainz, Adams & Ronalds (1999) establish that international wearing clothing buyers are going nether extra scrutiny for using sweatshop labour inward production to maximize profit. Farhana, Monir & Shayekh (2015) establish that almost 50% of wearing clothing manufacturing worker’s salary is around BDT[5] 10,000 per Month which is the world’s cheapest labour cost inward wearing clothing manufacturing.

Taslima (2014) argues that manufacturers are inward serious contest that they cannot fifty-fifty negotiate with the buyers regarding cost together with delivery fourth dimension equally they are afraid to lose order. Paul et al (2001) argued that wearing clothing retailers command marketplace part outcome on profitability to accomplish economical goal only. Few buyer equally Tesco, lower their production cost 5-10% inward twelvemonth 2005-2006 than 2004-2005 (Taslima,2014). In that sense, wearing clothing manufacturing workers inward Bangladesh are depriving from promotion, regular salaries, overtime, medical facilities, rubber working seat together with then on. Nancy (2016) establish that employers tolerate dangerous working status together with long working hours to create to a greater extent than profit. In recent years, People's Republic of Bangladesh wearing clothing manufacturing faced 2 devastating accidents. Diana (2015) establish that collapse of Rana Plaza inward Savar, Dhaka costs 1100 garments worker’s life inward 2013 together with burn inward Tazreen Fashion, People's Republic of Bangladesh took 112 workers life. These 2 horrific accidents grabbed the whole world’s attention. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 number of wearing clothing brands signed an accord on edifice security together with burn security inside 3 weeks (Diana,2015). Emmelhainz et al (1999) establish that regime together with consumer’s consciousness regarding unusual manufacturers together with their workers status are increasing. Nimbalker, Cremen & Wrinkle (2013) establish that 7% of Australian wearing clothing brands code of carry keep ILO[6]principles. Australian Fashion Report 2015 establish that almost 75% of wearing clothing brands are non concern almost their manufacturer. International wearing clothing brands are to a greater extent than focused on turn a profit growth where Taslima (2015) argues that buying do of buyers conduct hold a straight impact on wearing clothing manufacturers together with their workers.

Base on the inward a higher seat study, the hypotheses are developed;

H0: Profit growth pct of International wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers are related on each other.

H1: Profit growth pct of international wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers are non related to each other.

4.0 Research Aim together with Question:
The aim of the inquiry is to seat the turn a profit growth pct of v selected international wearing clothing brands together with v selected Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturer. The questions are developed to accomplish the aim of this inquiry is given below:
  • How International wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth is changing?
  • Is in that location whatever variation inward Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth?
  • Is in that location whatever human relationship be betwixt Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers together with International wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth?
5.0 Research Method:

5.1 Sample Size:
In this paper, 7 (7) international wearing clothing brands together with v (5) wearing clothing manufacturing manufacture inward People's Republic of Bangladesh are selected based on their availability of financial or annual study considering twelvemonth betwixt 2014 to 2017.The listing of randomly selected international wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturing manufacture is shown inward tabular array 01 together with tabular array 02 respectively.

Table 01: Sample size of the study (International wearing clothing brands)
Profit Imparity betwixt International Apparel Brands together with People's Republic of Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers Yaa Profit Imparity betwixt International Apparel Brands together with People's Republic of Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers

Table 02: Sample size of the study (Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturing industry)
Profit Imparity betwixt International Apparel Brands together with People's Republic of Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers Yaa Profit Imparity betwixt International Apparel Brands together with People's Republic of Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers

5.2 Data Collection:
The principal information for this newspaper are the annual together with financial reports of 7 international wearing clothing brands together with v Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturing industries. Annual reports together with financial reports are collected betwixt the twelvemonth 2012 to 2015 from the company’s official websites. In addition, information was also sourced from People's Republic of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers together with Exporters Associations (BGMEA) bgmea.com.au, People's Republic of Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau (BEPB) www.epb.gov.bd. For literature review together with other purposes, dissimilar journals, books, articles, fashion reports together with other secondary information were reviewed.

5.3 Variables:
All information are collected from sampled companies annual report, substantial study together with Financial study inside the twelvemonth 2012 to 2015.The variables-profit growth together with turn a profit growth percentage, for 7 wearing clothing brands together with v wearing clothing manufacturers of People's Republic of Bangladesh volition live used inward information analysis.

6.0 Data Analysis:
In this inquiry newspaper quantitative information equally cyberspace profit, cyberspace turn a profit growth percentage, cyberspace turn a profit growth pct difference is collected from annual together with substantial study of sampled companies from 2012 to 2015. Bryman & Cramer (2001, p.2) pointed out that Quantitative information analysis is advantageous inward abide by to the diffusive utilisation of statistical data. The statistical information of all companies’ annual study volition live done to uncovering out turn a profit growth together with turn a profit growth percentage.They volition live analysed yesteryear using correlation analysis to uncovering out the relation betwixt International wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth. SPSS software is issued to perform correlation analysis. In addition, few calculations volition live done to analyse turn a profit growth together with pct of turn a profit growth of the companies.

6.1 Profit Growth Analysis:
The commencement business office of the analysis is to uncovering out turn a profit growth of sampled international wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers. All information is sourced from the annual report, sustainability study of 7 international wearing clothing brands from the twelvemonth 2012 to 2015.Few wearing clothing brands profits are converted to USD currency for the convenience of calculation.

Table 03 : Seven(7) International Apparel Brands Net profit[7]from 2012-2015.(all information are inward ane G 1000 USD)
Source: www.hm.com, www.Inditex.Com, www.WAL-MART.com, www.kmart.com, www.target.com, www.uniqlo.com,www.mango.com
Data for v Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth also sourced from the annual report, sustainability study from the twelvemonth 2012 to 2015. Few wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit is converted to USD currency for the convenience of calculation.
Table 04: Five (5) Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturers Net turn a profit from 2012-2015. (all information are inward ane G 1000 USD)
Source: http://www.beximco.com/assets/investor/bsl-annual-2014.pdf, http://textile.squaregroup.com/tex_financialStat.html, http://www.rahimtextile.com/images/frontImages/RTM_Annual_2016.pdf, www.wesgarmers.com
6.2 Profit Growth Percentage Analysis:
Profit growth pct indicates a company’s success. Luigi (1962) establish that turn a profit growth accumulates the distribution of uppercase together with income. Profit Growth pct inward every twelvemonth betwixt 2012 to 2015 volition live calculated yesteryear using the formula of growth of turn a profit growth pct together with decrease of percentage.

Increase ÷ previous Number × 100%= growth ↑

Decrease ÷ previous Number × 100% = Decrease ↓

Profit Growth pct of 7 international wearing clothing brands signifies their trouble concern seat inward the world market.

Table05: Seven (7) International Apparel Brands Net turn a profit growth pct from 2012-2015. (all information are inward percentage)
Source: Calculation of turn a profit growth pct from tabular array 03
Profit growth pct of Bangladeshi Apparel manufacturers points their trouble concern success together with challenges to locomote inward competitive market.
Table06: Five (5) Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturers turn a profit growth pct from 2012-2015. (all information are inward percentage)
Source: Calculation of turn a profit growth pct from tabular array 04
To decide whether in that location is whatever human relationship betwixt International wearing clothing create together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth percentage, it is essential to seat each company’s turn a profit growth together with turn a profit growth percentage.

7.0 Findings & Result:

7.1 Descriptive statistics:
Seven international wearing clothing brands together with v Bangladeshi wearing clothing brands; annual study together with financial study from the twelvemonth 2012-2015 is provided inward sourcing data. Descriptive statistics shows that turn a profit growth pct inward 2012-2012,2013-2014,2014-2015 (3 sessions) that makes the n value 3. Minimum together with maximum modify of turn a profit growth pct of each companionship is also establish from the descriptive statistics. Mean value shows that v (5) out of 7 (7) international wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth pct is positive inward average where 4 (4) out of v manufacturers average turn a profit growth pct is positive.

Table07: Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics shows the measure difference all companies, where it shows all the companies turn a profit growth pct (apparel brands together with manufacturers) are positively differ from each other. In addition, it also shows that v Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth pct is to a greater extent than than the wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth percentage.

7.2 Correlation:
Correlation tabular array shows that pct of International wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth are command variable to banking company check partial correlation betwixt 7 wearing clothing brands together with 5 wearing clothing manufacturers.

The partial correlation results demo that in that location is no relation betwixt International wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth pct equally in that location is no difference occurs betwixt Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers together with international wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth pct change.

8.0 Discussion:
The utilisation of this department is to mensurate the impact of turn a profit growth pct with the companies. Company functioning largely reflects its yearly growth pct where finding says in that location is no correlation betwixt international wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth percentage.

Each company’s turn a profit growth depends on the marketplace competition, labour cost, raw material together with infrastructure cost. Therefore,apparel brands pass a large amount of coin on retailing together with advertising. In contrast, Apparel manufacturers needs to a greater extent than coin on production evolution together with improving quality.

The finding shows hypothesis H1is accepted that says in that location is no relation betwixt international wearing clothing brands together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth percentage.

9.0 Conclusion:
This department volition focus on inquiry aim together with questions, limitations of this inquiry projection together with recommendations.This inquiry projection finds that turn a profit growth of international wearing clothing brands is changing a lot comparison to Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth. Here, this changes are occurring to retailer’s wearing clothing pattern of collection together with consumer relationship. Moreover,apparel manufacturers turn a profit is non depending on International wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth. International wearing clothing brands turn a profit growth largely depends on trouble concern geographical area, trouble concern strategy together with marketplace penetration.

9.1 Limitation:
There are few limitations of this research. First ane is sample size of 7 international wearing clothing brands together with v wearing clothing manufacturers inward People's Republic of Bangladesh where is around 5000 garments inward People's Republic of Bangladesh (BGMEA2016).

The minute limitation is finding annual or financial study of Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturer. Though in that location are 5000 garments of People's Republic of Bangladesh but a real less number of manufacturing companionship publishes annual study publicly.

9.2 Recommendation:
This inquiry projection concludes that in that location is no partial correlation betwixt International Apparel Brands turn a profit growth together with Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers turn a profit growth. This resultant suggests Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufactures to concentrate on ain trouble concern project design to uncovering out competitors, marketplace size, marketplace potentiality together with evolution of merchandise relation with international buyer. In addition, providing amend working surroundings together with decent reward tin send away attract international wearing clothing buyers to seat order.

This study focuses on listed companies which are large companies.Future studies on pocket-size together with medium size manufacturers or wearing clothing retailer regarding turn a profit growth impact together with setting upwards turn a profit margin volition live beneficial for researchers, companionship owners or managers.

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11.0 Appendices:

Profit Imparity betwixt International Apparel Brands together with People's Republic of Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers Yaa Profit Imparity betwixt International Apparel Brands together with People's Republic of Bangladesh Apparel Manufacturers
Figure: Correlation betwixt 7International wearing clothing create together with 5Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers
Figure: Correlation betwixt 7International wearing clothing create together with 5Bangladeshi wearing clothing manufacturers
[1] Unit cost = Price of a unmarried commodity
[2] BGMEA=Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers together with Exporters Associations.
[3] BEPB=Bangladesh Export Promotion Bureau.
[4] ILRF=International Labor Rights Forum
[5] BDT=Bangladeshi Taka(CURRENCY)
[6] ILO=International Labour Organisation
[7] Net Profit=Actual turn a profit later on working expenses

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