Yaa Dyeing Of Cotton Fiber Cloth Amongst Reactive Dyeing Past Times Using Alkali Metal Buffer Solution

Dyeing of Cotton Material amongst Reactive Dyeing past times Using Alkali Buffer Solution
M Tech Department of Textile Chemistry
SSM College of Engineering
Komarapalayam – 638183, Ind
Email: pgpanbalagan@gmail.com
Mobile: +919965179080
Mr.P.Maheswaran M.Tech
Assistant Professor, Department of Textile Chemistry
SSM College of Engineering
Komarapalayam-638183, Republic of Republic of India

Reactive dyes are real large boon to Textile manufacture due to stay of application in addition to too due to skilful fastness properties. Cotton fibers are negatively charged in addition to Reactive dyes are too negatively charged, due to that both repels each other in addition to forms Zeta potential when immersed inwards water. In order to overcome this occupation huge quantities of common salt are used for exhaustion of dyestuffs. After the dye exhaustion, fixation is real important. In the fixation process huge sum of alkalis similar soda ash in addition to caustic soda were used. These alkalies are generating to a greater extent than effluent load. During dyeing the alkali dosing too create to a greater extent than leveling occupation on critical shades similar turquoise in addition to regal shades.

In this introduce study, the utilisation of multi portion buffer solution equally a replacement of soda ash in addition to caustic soda volition live investigated. The utilisation of buffer solution equally fixation agent volition generate less effluent load, in addition to create the skilful quality stuff inwards critical shades. In that reactive dyeing buffer solution fixation process less dye hydrolyzation occurs. So inwards the effluent handling the effluent color tin dismiss live easily removed.

In this written report reactive dyeing process past times conventional method in addition to past times using buffer solution volition live carried out in addition to are going to live analyzed inwards the terms of color strength, fastness, effluent load, stuff quality, etc.

In reactive dye a chromospheres comprise a substituent that reacts amongst the substrate. Reactive dyes cause got skilful fastness properties owing to the bonding that occurs dyeing. Reactive dyes are around commonly used inwards dyeing of cellulose similar cotton fiber or flax, but too wool is dye able amongst reactive dyes.

Reactive dyeing is the around of import method for the coloration of cellulose fiber. Reactive dyes tin dismiss too live applied on wool in addition to nylon; inwards the latter representative they are applied nether weakly acidic conditions. Reactive dyes cause got a depression utilization marker compared to other types of dyestuff, since the functional group too bond to water, creating hydrolysis.

Reactive dyes are real large boon to Textile manufacture due to stay of application in addition to too due to skilful fastness properties. Cotton fibers are negatively charged in addition to Reactive dyes are too negatively charged, due to that both repels each other in addition to forms. Zeta potential when immersed inwards water. In order to overcome this occupation huge quantities of salts are required to neutralize the Zeta potential to favor exhaustion of dyestuffs. Salts are to a greater extent than harmful to surroundings in addition to generating to a greater extent than effluent load.


Selection of materials in addition to dyes

Prepare the cotton fiber stuff for dyeing

Dyeing of cotton fiber stuff inwards conventional method in addition to Alkali plus method past times using Exhaust method

Compare Shade Alkali Plus method dyed sample amongst conventional method dyed sample

Test the Alkali plus dyed samples (Washing fastness, Rubbing fastness, Light fastness in addition to Color deference etc.)

Test the Effluents for Alkali Plus method in addition to Conventional method in addition to compare the examination results (pH, TDS, COD, BOD in addition to etc.)


Cotton fiber is a cellulosic fiber. It has worldwide popularity for its variety of use. Cotton fiber is the around used fibers for producing diverse types of stuff through all over the world. Cotton Fabrics are comfortable to wearable than the other fibers product. It is comfort to wearable inwards all the season.

Like all the textile fibers, cotton fiber has its ain physical in addition to chemic properties which are required to know for improve processing inwards spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, printing equally good equally finishing.

Characteristics of Cotton
Cotton, equally a natural cellulosic fiber, has a lot of characteristics, such as;
  • Comfortable Soft manus
  • Good absorbency
  • Color memory
  • Machine-washable
  • Dry-cleanable
  • Good forcefulness
Raw Cotton Components:
80 - 90%
6 - 8%
0.5 - 1%
Waxes in addition to fats
0 - 1.5%
4 - 6%
Hemicelluloses in addition to pectin’s
1 - 1.8%
Knitted Fabrics
Knitted fabrics are produced past times knitting technique. Knitting is the fine art of constructing stuff past times intermeshing of yarn loops past times unopen to knitting elements.

The knitted stuff has to a greater extent than H2O absorbency in addition to skilful extensibility. The knitted fabrics are around comfortable to wear. Mostly all type of sports wearing clothing are prepared past times the knitted fabrics.


Reactive Dyeing
The reactive dyes are amidst other dyes inwards that they cause got reactive organisation in the dye structure. These reactive systems are covalently bonded to the substrate that is the dye in addition to the fiber substrate from a bond of shared electrons. As the unloosen energy required splitting the bond is of the same lodge equally that required splitting carbon carbon double bond thus high marker of moisture fastness observed with these dyes.

Chemistry of reactive dyeing
Any reactive grouping that is capable of reactive amongst sites inwards the fiber such as OH group, inwards cotton fiber fiber is the potential reactive system. Reactive dyes for cotton dyeing are of ii types:
  1. Nucleophilic exchange reaction
  2. Nucleophilic improver reactions
1. Nucleophilic exchange reaction:
These reactions occur due to the attraction of a electron deficient carbon atom (present inwards the reactive dye) for the lonely twosome of electron on the nucleophilic (fiber). This reactive centre on the carbon atom is activated past times electron withdrawing grouping following to it (usually SO2 or CO). The reactive carbon atom is attached to the leaving group, commonly halogen, sulphato or quaternary nitrogen.

2. Nucleophilic improver reaction:
The full general of due containing polarized, unsaturated C=C double bond with nucleophilie tin dismiss live considered to live a 1,2-trans addition. The double bond is necessarily activated past times the presence of electron-withdrawing substituent such equally a carbony1 or sulphony1 group. The reaction of a viny1 sulphone dye.

Properties of Reactive Dyes:
  1. The reactive dyes, on line of piece of work organisation human relationship of the sulphonic acid groups inwards their molecules, are readily soluble inwards water.
  2. Unlike similar a shot dyes, the reactive dye molecules tend to live much less substantive to cotton fiber in addition to require much larger quantities of common salt for exhaustion.
  3. These dyes, dissimilar whatsoever other marker of dyestuff, react in addition to combine chemically (forming covalent bonds) amongst cellulose. It is this feature that gives them the raise “reactive dyes”.
  4. The highly reactive dye molecule, called the cold-brand type of reactive dye, has ii chlorine atoms. Its reactivity tin dismiss live reduced when desirable past times blocking ane of the reactive chlorine atoms, giving the hot-brand type of reactive dye.
  5. Textile materials colored amongst reactive dyes cause got moderate to skilful light fastness in addition to washing fastness.
  6. Textile materials colored amongst reactive dyes cause got to live thoroughly rinsed in addition to soaped. Reactive dyes tin dismiss react amongst the hydroxyl groups of the water molecule to create dye molecules amongst misfortunate substantively for the fiber. In fact it is these molecules, which cause got to live removed past times the washing of process, involving soaping at the boil in addition to rinsing. If these hydrolyzed dyes’ are not removed, misfortunate rubbing fastness volition result.
  7. The formation of the covalent bond betwixt the dye in addition to fiber occurs under alkaline metal status are both slightly acidic may impact textile materials colored amongst reactive dyes in addition to outcome inwards unopen to fading.
Sodium carbonate is an inorganic chemical compound used equally a moderate forcefulness base. It is too called soda ash or washing soda. The chemic construction of sodium carbonate is Na2CO3, in addition to its tooth volume is 106.0 g/mol.

Sodium carbonate is an ionic compound- a sodium common salt of carbonic acid, and is composed of ii sodium cations (Na+) in addition to a carbonate anion (CO3-). It has a crystalline heptahydrate structure. Sodium carbonate is a white crystalline powder amongst a density of 2.54 g/ml, in addition to a melting indicate of 851 °C.

Sodium carbonate is a stable but hygroscopic enterprise in addition to readily dissolves in H2O to shape weakly acidic carbonic acid in addition to the strong base, sodium hydroxide. Thus, the aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is overall a strong base.

Sodium carbonate is real essential auxiliaries inwards reactive dyeing. When as much exhaustion of dye into the stuff has accept place, add together the required of dissolved sodium carbonate. Sodium carbonate makes covalent bonding dyes and fibers.

The sodium carbonate is used dyes fixed on the cotton fiber material. Reactive dye fixation is carried on alkali ph, in addition to so sodium carbonate is used to keep the alkali ph gain of 10.5 to 11. The quantities of sodium carbonate are based on the depth of shades in addition to liquor ratios.

New alkali plus is used equally buffering agent inwards lodge to command alkaline metal pH of the can inwards dyeing cotton fiber in addition to other cellulosic textile substrates amongst reactive dyes in addition to too yous tin dismiss u novel alkali plus inwards pretreatment, washing, printing where soda is using according to below table.

It is non a by-product, it’s the principal ensured consistent quality.

Polycarboxylate Polyacrylic Base
  • Polycarboxylate polyacrylic base of operations are composition of inorganic buffered alkalies.
  • Important Polycarboxylates are homopolymers of acrylic acid which are generally used equally sodium salt.
  • The diverse polycarboxylates are distinguished past times the monomers used for their training acrylic acid in addition to their molecular weight.
  • In the homopolymers are designated past times codes consisting of the corresponding abbreviations.
  1. Its gratis from caustic soda alkali
  2. Higher pH gain 7.5-11.8
  3. It is a create clean pure white mightiness
  4. Longer storage stability
  5. No need of sodium bi carbonate inwards the dye can equally an additional buffer
  6. Can shorten the dye bike fourth dimension past times dosing this alkali inwards a shorter profile
  7. Idea to dose this alkali inwards the dye can at 40c thus trim the longer fixation fourth dimension in addition to salvage unloosen energy
  8. No peril of unlevel dyeing, thank yous to the gradual elevate inwards pH at higher temperature
  9. Reduce launder 0ff bike in addition to improve launder fastness due to the less hydrolysis of dyes
New alkali plus is applied amongst bifunctional reactive dyes in addition to vinlysulphones as follows:
Soda ash
New alkali plus
Most pop in addition to mutual method for dyeing in addition to it’s too unopen to fourth dimension referred equally exhaust dyeing. This procedure too called exhaust the dye molecules solely gets transferred from a comparatively large value dye can to the substrate or stuff that is dyed. The dye is hateful to exhaust from dye can to the substrate.

There are iii full general iii types of batch dyeing machines. The outset type is the ane where at that spot is circulation of fabric. The instant type ane where dye can liquor gets circulated. The 3rd type where both can liquor in addition to material to live dyed gets circulated.
Dyeing of Cotton Material amongst Reactive Dyeing past times Using Alkali Buffer Solution Yaa Dyeing of Cotton Material amongst Reactive Dyeing past times Using Alkaline Buffer Solution
Fig: Soft menses dyeing machine
The kitted stuff mostly dyed past times using soft menses in addition to winch dyeing machine. The soft menses dyeing machine is the advance dyeing machine for knitted fabrics. In this machine the dye can liquor in addition to stuff instruct circulated with consented presser in addition to speed.

The knitted stuff dyed past times using the soft menses dyeing machine inwards exhausted method. This is to a greater extent than suitable for the knitted fabrics.
  • First they carried out the pretreatment process similar combine scouring in addition to bleaching procedure for take impurities, increase the whiteness in addition to absorbency.
  • Then the laid dye can in addition to the dye can chemicals in addition to required sum of salt.
  • After the ii bike the add together the dyes solution inwards the dosing method
  • Based on depth of shade the exhaustion fourth dimension volition live allowed
  • After the exhaustion to add together the alkali solution is added inwards dosing method. Based on the depth the alkali sum is added. This alkali is used to maintain the pH during fixation
  • Then the fixation is carried. Then inwards later on handling warm wash, neutralization in addition to soaping procedure are carried out for take the un fixed dyes.
Testing Method:

1. Washing Fastness
2. Rubbing fastness
3. PH of the stuff
4. Color fastness to light
5. Color departure
6. Effluent charge nature: (WATER TESTING)
  • COD
  • BOD
  • TDS
  • Chlorides
  • Carbonate
  • Bi carbonate
We calculate the upraising technology scientific discipline inwards the processing manufacture improves a agency to heighten the character of the dyed material. The increase inwards TDS due to the improver of common salt in addition to diverse chemicals was reduced past times Alkali Buffer dyeing was implemented inwards processing of knitted stuff in addition to nosotros achieved dyeing result. The Alkali buffer dyeing mightiness to a maximum extract along amongst on eco-friendly approach. The fastness properties of the stuff are constitute to live certainly equal to the normal dyeing. Reduce the effluent handling toll in addition to achieve the shade matching in addition to the bird dyeing.

  1. Jone Shore., Colorants & Auxiliaries, Wiley in addition to Sons Ltd, New York, Volume I &II
  2. Shenai V.A., Organic Textiles Chemicals, Sevak publication, Mumbai
  3. Alenka Ojstrsek., Ales Doliska., in addition to Darinka Fakin “ Analysis of Reactive Dyestuffs in addition to Their Hydrolysis past times Capillary Electrophoresis – University of Maribor, Smetanova 17,SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia
  4. Vaidya A.A, Chemistry of Textile Auxiliaries, Wheeler Publishing New Delhi, 1999

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