The Adaptable Monstera

In July nosotros picked upward this Monstera foliage (above) at a local florist (hello The Flower Factory)! We dropped it into about H2O exclusively expecting it to alive a calendar week or so.  Here nosotros are at nowadays inward Oct as well as this foliage is all the same thriving as well as isn't giving us whatsoever sign it's going anywhere soon.  Needless to say, we're super-impressed! Totally worth the extra combat nosotros paid for it as well as makes us fifty-fifty to a greater extent than a fan.  The Monstera, pop these past times distich of years, is 1 of those plants that seems as well as thence adaptable, doesn't it? Whether it's inward a modern infinite or bridal setting, the plant's large foliage adds a graphical punch as well as updates a infinite instantly. Now thinking of getting a amount version, nosotros gear upward off for about inspiration.

(Below) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 prissy version 70s style mixed amongst nighttime woods as well as leather. Photography past times We Are Scout.

(Below) We dear this Garmi Monstera impress from Norsu Interiors. Such a unproblematic example amongst as well as thence much impact. Styling: Julia Green & Jacqui Moore (Greenhouse Interiors); Photography: Lisa Cohen Photography

Styling: Julia Green & Jacqui Moore (Greenhouse Interiors); Photography: Lisa Cohen Photography
(Below) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 real moody vignette amongst a Monstera stalk from Livet Hemma. This fourth dimension mixed amongst a shamrock as well as a fig plant.

Livet Hemma

(Below) This picture from Etsy shop, Lovely Posters is about other non bad lawsuit of how the Monstera foliage has high demeanour on inward a gallery setting. See to a greater extent than of the impress here.

(Below) This is such a beautiful floral organization (the orchids as well as monstera), perfect for a tropical-inspired wedding. Floral Design | Stem Events as well as Photography | Lexia Frank Photography.

(Below) Perhaps 1 of the showtime rooms nosotros noticed a monstera inward these past times distich of years. An eclectic corner from the dwelling of David Delfin as well as Gorka Postigo.  Photos via Home Edit.

Growing wild. Via RedMilk Interiors. Photo | Valentina Sommariva.

Scandinavian-style. Photo past times Rikka Kantinkoski.

What's your favorite constitute these days?

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