Important Fabric/Yarn Dyeing & Finishing Price

In Wet Processing Technology where pretreatment, dyeing, printing together with finishing areas direct keep some of import price similar equally hydrolysis, hygroscopic/hydrophobic, Leuco Compound, M:L ratio, mordanting, pantone, PFD, reactivity/substantivity etc.This is my 2nd ship service close textile dyeing terms. You tin encounter the other price to Textile Fiber, Yarn, Woven & Knit Fabric Dyeing Terms

Hydrolysis - The decomposition of a chemic yesteryear reaction alongside water. Some chemicals, such equally MX dyes, are effectively destroyed yesteryear hydrolysis. Others, such equally soda ash, are madeuseful because of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis volition occur when susceptible compounds are inwards aqueous solution, but tin likewise occur because of H2O absorbed from moist air, without the chemical compound always appearing moisture or damp. This is why many dry out chemicals must live kept inwards sealed containers.

Hygroscopic Tendency to absorb H2O (usually pregnant absorbing it from air). Some of the commonly used chemicals inwards dyeing are hygroscopic. If they are left exposed to moist air, they volition absorb H2O from the air.

Ion - An electrically charged particle resulting from adding or removing electrons to an atom or a grouping of bonded atoms.

Ionic bond - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 chemic bond equally a final result of electrical attraction betwixt positive together with negative ions; likewise called tabular array salt linkage. In ionic bonding, typically an electron is transferred from i atom to another, leaving i alongside a positive accuse together with i alongside a negative charge. These electrical charges make rigid attraction betwixt the differently charged ions

Leuco - refers to vat dyes inwards the reduced form; inwards full general a prefix pregnant white Vat dyes are converted from the insoluble pigment shape to the soluble leuco dye shape yesteryear agency of a reducing agent together with an alkali, oftentimes sodium hydrosulfite together with sodium hydroxide.

Level - Uniform inwards shade over the surface of a slice of dyed textile or along the length of dyed yarn.

Light Fastness This is a stair out of how resistant a coloring material, such equally dye, is to fading due to exposure to light.

Liquor ratio (M:L) This is the ratio of the weight of the dyebath or other processing bathroom to the weight of the goods existence dyed or processed.

Loom state - Fabric equally it comes from the loom, usually unbleached, containing size, together with perchance a combat dirty. Loom patch is essentially synonymous alongside greige or grey.

Mercerization - Treatment of cotton wool yarn or textile alongside a rigid solution of sodium hydroxide; named afterward its inventor, John Mercer. Mercerizing cotton wool tin significantly amend its dye uptake, specially if at that spot are young fibres present. Typically it is done using close 20% to 25% sodium hydroxide solution at approximately 20°C

Molecular weight - The weight of a molecule; the amount of all atomic weights of all the atoms inwards the molecule;

Mordant - a chemic that aids attachment of a dyestuff to fibres yesteryear bonding to both the fibre together with the dye. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mordant must direct keep high affinity for both the dye together with the fibre, acting to attach the dyestuff to the fibre.

Padding - a dyeing method alongside real depression liquor to goods ratio, where typically only plenty rigid dye solution is used to saturate the fabric. Padding tin direct keep the payoff of high dye yield.
Pantone - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fellowship together with its trademark. The Pantone Company produces a broad make of color guides useful inwards almost whatever manufacture dealing alongside color. The colors inwards the guide are widely accepted equally standards. Colors are former seen described equally a Pantone number: Pantone applies a unique position out to each color.

pH - a stair out of the concentration of hydronium (H3O+ , H+ attached to a molecule or water) inwards a solution. pH = -log[H30+ ] (that is, the negative base-10 logarithm of the concentration of hydronium) . Acids direct keep pHs less than 7; bases direct keep pHs greater than 7. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 pH of vii is neutral. The normal pH make is 0 to 14.

Pigment - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 colored centre that is insoluble inwards water, usually inwards the shape of a fine powder
Pigments are used to color many types of paint, including some textile paints, together with almost all “inks” used for covert printing. Pigments involve some kind of binder to concur them onto fabric.

Pigment dyeing - coloring textile alongside pigments mixed alongside a binder; this term is considered to live improper, since‘ dyeing’ is by together with large restricted to application of colorants that are soluble, together with pigments are insoluble

Precipitate - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 precipitate has depression solubility inwards the solution from which it was formed, giving a cloudy appearance, which sediments at the bottom of the solution.

Prepared For Dyeing (PFD) These are the textile or garment that is specially made to live dyed; sometimes “preferred for dyeing. PFD fabrics direct keep been desized, scoured, together with fully bleached, but direct keep been processed without optical brighteners or softeners which tin interfere alongside dye uptake. This fabrics are processed alongside cotton wool textile equally good equally made alongside cotton wool sewing threads..

Reduction clearing - Removal of unfix dyes on the surface of textile yesteryear purpose of a reducing agent.
Fine particles of disperse dye oftentimes stay on the surface of dyed fabric. These particles tin elbow grease wash
fastness problems, nonetheless are hard to fully take yesteryear washing alone. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mixture of close 2 grams per litre each of sodium hydrosulfite together with sodium carbonate is used at close seventy degrees Celsius for close xx minutes. Dye within the fibre is non affected yesteryear this treatment.

Scour (Scouring) - Essentially, thoroughly washing fibers, yarn or textile to take contaminants such equally oil, wax or whatever other impurities. Yarns together with fabrics may live dirty, comprise natural waxes or oils, or direct keep been treated alongside size or lubricants used inwards spinning, weaving or knitting. Usually Alkali handling is used to scour the substrates equally good equally this procedure is known equally scouring.

Singeing - an industrial defibrillation procedure where rapidly-moving textile passes over a flaming or a real hot plate inwards lodge to give the sack away fibres poking upwards from the surface. To take the projecting fiber from the surface of the fabric, passed through gas burner or roller is commonly known equally singeing.

Size (Sizing)The element applied to yarns or fabrics to brand them stiffer or temporarily bind fibers together. Sizing is used extensively, specially for cellulose fibers, to brand them easier to procedure or protect them from harm during high-speed weaving.

Soaping - With honour to dyeing, the procedure of washing dyed textile alongside real hot (often boiling) H2O alongside surfactants, rarely genuinely soap, to take dye that is non fixed to the fiber.

Stripping - Removal of dye from fabric. Stripping is usually done alongside a reducing agent such equally thiox, formosul or sodium hydrosulfite together with oftentimes requires hot to boiling conditions. Some dyes are hard to strip, together with the final result oftentimes is non white.

Stock solution - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 solution of known strength, made upwards alongside the intent of dilution or mixing earlier lastly use. Stock solutions are a convenient way of avoiding the involve to weigh chemicals each fourth dimension yous involve to purpose some. For example, if yous involve 0.27 grams of Smurf extract inwards a blueish dye formula, together with yous direct keep a stock solution of 10% extract, yous would stair out 2.7 milliliters of stock solution to teach that amount.

Sublimation - The conversion of a company direct to a gas, without passing through a liquid phase
Some disperse dyes volition sublime. This tin brand dyed textile dependent champaign to fading due to heating, equally from ironing at high temperature.

Substantive (Substantivity) - Tendency of a dye to motion from a solution onto fibers inwards the solution
A dye that is noun volition exit the dye bathroom together with live concentrated on the fiber inwards the bath. Without
substantivity, most of the dye would only stay inwards solution or dispersion inwards the bath. Dye substantivity is by together with large associated alongside the molecular construction of the dye, together with oftentimes large molecules direct keep high substantivity, piece minor molecules direct keep depression substantivity.

Subtractive - alongside reference to color, removal of colors from lite reflected from a surface
A surface that is illuminated yesteryear white lite together with that reflects all visible colors volition look white.

Tendering - Weakening of a fiber, commonly pregnant equally a final result of chemic degradation. Cellulose fibers tin live tendered yesteryear acids or yesteryear excessive activity of oxidative bleaches.

Union dye - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 dye that is a mixture of 2 or to a greater extent than dissimilar classes of dye, used typically to dye blends of fibers.

Van Der Waals forces Intermolecular forces equally a final result of localization of electrical accuse within molecules. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 molecule considered equally a whole is electrically neutral. Because of the way inwards which electrons are held, at that spot may live local areas that look to direct keep positive or negative electrical charge, either permanently or temporarily. These charges Pb to attraction betwixt molecules. These forces are weak together with easily broken, but they tin live of import inwards dyeing. They tin live of import inwards affinity, together with concur dye molecules on the fiber close to where a much stronger bond may ultimately live formed.

Wash Fastness - Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 stair out of the resistance of a dye to washing out of the fiber, yarn or textile equally good equally garments. Wash fastness tests are concerned non only alongside loss of dye from the
colored fabric, but likewise transfer of dye from the launder liquor to other items.

Washing soda (sodium carbonate) Washing soda, if “pure”, is usually sodium carbonate decahydrate (Na2CO3.10H20). Retail washing soda (Local Soda) comprise additives such equally detergents, tabular array salt together with optical brighteners, together with is thence non a adept substitute for soda ash for dyeing

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