Inspiration: Cour Royale À Tiébélé
Monday, 23 April 2012
Justina Blakeny posted these stunning geometric painted dwellings from the hamlet of Tiébélé located inwards Burkina Faso, West Africa this calendar week as well as I merely had to select them hither for inspiration. According to lensman Rita Willaert the inhabitants belong to the same household unit of measurement for several generations. The mud houses belong to an ancient tradition, the men construct the trace solid as well as the women seat the decorations on the walls. All figures select a symbolic meaning.Round pocket-sized houses belong to immature bachelors. The rectangular 'Mangolo' terrace belong to immature couples. The houses' bilobees "or the 8-form belonging to the older ladies as well as immature children. Round grain silo contemporaries are establish everywhere. The whole tin endure tightly sealed against invasion of aliens as well as wild animals.