Handmade For Mother's Day
Thursday, 26 April 2012
1. Spring Floral Necklace yesteryear Nova Lily
2. Candy Set of Two Mini Bowls yesteryear Wind & Willow Home
3. All Time Hero Mom (print) yesteryear Lemonni
4. Handprinted linen apron from Pony together with Poppy
5. Mother's Day Card, Fair Morning Blue
6. Custom Mother's Charm Necklace, Anchor Boutique
7. Pink & Black (fine fine art print), Janis Nicolay (Pinecone Camp)
8. Travel Case (hand dyed), The Made together with Found
9. Dahlia Tea Towel, Elkhorn
10. Reversible Apron, Dear Edna
11. Customized Oak Leaf Pendant (with your photo), Puur Anders
12. Woven Canvas Tote, The Happy Utilitarian
13. Large Stones Linen Tea Towel, Sometimes Jane
14. Rattlebox Moth Gauzy Cotton Scarf, Pretty Penny
15. Wood Block Colour Bands Card, Blue Sparrow Press
*All production from Handmade