Yaa Medical Cloth Injure Tending (Part-1)

Textile Technology, 
Jaya Engineering College, Chennai, India.
2Rajan.S,2srajusri123@gmail.com, Textile Chemistry,
SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal, India.


Medical textile is an emerging expanse amongst numerous uses, Medical textile products are produced from high functioning textile materials that are manufactured primarily for their functional as well as functioning properties rather than their aesthetic or decorative properties. Studies receive got carried out inwards the introduce piece of occupation to impart the properties of WOUND HEALING as well as antibacterial finishes inwards medical textiles producing a “MEDICATED HERBAL BANDAGE”. An eco-friendly natural complete has been prepared from the medicinal herb –extracts to accomplish the properties of wound healing as well as antimicrobial finish. Ethanol extract of the herbs were straight applied on % on cotton wool gauze past times pad- dry- cure method. Padding was carried out inwards padding mangle at pull per unit of measurement area of 3psi to instruct a pickup of 100% on weight of fabric. Drying as well as curing was carried out at eighty flat Celsius for iii mints respectively. Thus the medicated herbal bandage has been prepared. The treated as well as untreated samples are tested using exam methods similar SEM, FTIR as well as WOUND HEALING as well as ANTIBACTERIAL TESTS as well as ABSORBENCY TESTS.

Keywords: Mimosa Pudica, Cotton Gauze, Wound Healing, Antibacterial.

MIMOSA PUDICA also called every bit sensitive plant, sleepy institute as well as the touching me non is a creeping annual or perennial herb frequently grown, for its curiosity value, the chemical compound leaves bend inward as well as droop when touched or shake, to protect them from predators, reopening minutes later. It grows generally inwards shady areas, nether trees or shrubs. The stalk is erect inwards immature plants, but becomes creeping or trailing amongst age. It tin hang real depression as well as locomote floppy. The stalk is slender, branching as well as sparsely to densely prickly, growing to a length of 1.5m. The leaves of the mimosa pudica are chemical compound leaves. The leaves are bipinnately compound, amongst 1 or 2 pinnae pairs, as well as 10-26 leaflets per pinna. The petioles are also prickly. The fruit consists of clusters of 2-8 pods from 1-2cm long each, these existence prickly on the margins. The pods interruption into 2-5 segments as well as comprise pale chocolate-brown seeds unopen to 2.5mm. The flowers are pollinated past times current of air as well as insects. Mimosa pudica is good known for its rapid movement. The leaves also unopen nether diverse other stimuli, such every bit touching, warming, blowing, or shaking. These type of movements receive got been termed every bit seismonastic movement. The motion occurs when specific regions of cells lose turgor pressure, which is the strength applied onto the jail cellphone wall past times H2O inside the jail cellphone vacuoles as well as other jail cellphone contents. When the institute is disturbed, specific regions on the stalk are stimulated to liberate chemicals including potassium ions which flaming of the jail cellphone vacuoles as well as the H2O diffuses out of the cells, producing a loss of jail cellphone pull per unit of measurement area as well as jail cellphone collapse, this differential turgidity betwixt unlike regions of cells effect inwards the closing of the leaflets as well as the collapse of the leafage petiole.

  • Mimosa Pudica promotes wound healing inwards the shortest fourth dimension possible, amongst minimum pain.
  • It is a adept production which is real best for human health.
  • The leaves of Mimosa pudica receive got real adept anti-bacterial property.
  • To promote wound healing.
  • To trim the hurting of the wound.
  • To immobilize the injured constituent of body.
  • To protect the wound as well as surrounding tissues.
  • To proceed the wound build clean as well as forestall contamination past times unusual bodies.
  • To trim the jeopardy of bacterial infection.
An injury to living tissue caused past times a cut, blow, or other impact, typically 1 inwards which the peel is cutting or broken. Wound is breakdown inwards the protective business office of the skin; the loss of continuity of epithelium, amongst or without loss of underlying connector tissue (i.e. muscle, bone, nerves) next injury to the peel is called wound.

  • Acute wound
  • Chronic wound
  • Non-penetrating wounds: These are ordinarily the effect of blunt trauma or friction amongst other surfaces; the wound does non interruption through the skin.
  • Penetrating wounds: These results from trauma that breaks through the total thickness of skin; reaching downwards to the underlying tissue as well as organs.
The start regulation of wound assist is the removal of nonviable tissue, including necrotic (dead) tissue, slough, unusual debris, as well as balance stuff from dressings. The 2nd regulation of wound assist is to render a moist environment. This has been shown to promote re epithelialization as well as healing. Preventing farther injury is the tertiary regulation of wound care. This involves elimination or reduction of the status that allowed the wound to develop.
  • Prevention of wound complications as well as advertisement of wound healing.
  • Wound healing is the restoration of continuity of cells.
  • Wound healing involves the synthesis of several types of tissue as well as scar formation.
Dressings are of import to maintain sterility as well as absorb blood as well as serum. Moisture improves the charge per unit of measurement of epithelialization. The goal is a nation of optimal hydration of the wound margins – non besides wet or besides dry. Sutured or stapled lacerations should last covered amongst a non-adherent dressing for the start 1 to 2 days to also allow sufficient epithelialization to forestall gross contamination.


Plant collection as well as authentication:
Mimosa Pudica leaves were collected from the fields as well as the leaves of the mimosa pudica are chemical compound leaves. The leaves are bipinnately compound, amongst 1 or 2 pinnae pair, as well as 10-26 leaflets per pinna. Mimosa pudica is good known for its rapid movement. The leaves also nether diverse other stimuli, such every bit touching, warming, blowing or shaking. All the 5 parts of institute leaves, flowers, stems, roots as well as fruits are used every bit medicines inwards the traditional healthcare systems. It has mightiness to promote wellness jail cellphone growth. Leaves receive got been pop usage for treating diverse ailments since long. Mostly, leaves of mimosa pudica are showed maximum pharmacological activity every bit emmet diabetic, antitoxin, antioxidant, as well as antibacterial as well as wound healing activity.
Fig 1: Mimosa Pudica Plant leaves
Cotton GAUZE
Gauze is the bleached woven cloth used for dressing, bandages as well as absorbent sponges. It is a lean translucent cloth amongst loose opened upward weave. Weave construction is arranged inwards such a agency that the twosome of weft yarns cross earlier as well as after each warp yarn keeping the weft yarn firmly inwards house which gives stability to the fabric.


    Fig 2: Cotton Gauze
    Preparation of Herbal Extraction
    The leaves of Mimosa Pudica were collected from the lands as well as it has been dried nether shadow of sunlight to take away the wet content introduce inwards the leaves. The dried leaves were grinded into pulverization for farther process. The powdered leaves was mixed amongst ethanol inwards soxhlet apparatus inwards the ratio of 1:10 as well as made to boil it for 1 sixty minutes at fifty flat Celsius for nearly 1 cycle. After the completion of 1 total cycle, the extract was separated to instruct the residue at the bottom. The extract was filtered as well as hence the herbal extract is produced.
    Fig 3: Extraction inwards soxhlet
    Padding Process
    The extract of mimosa pudica was followed for cloth padding. The cotton wool gauze has been taken to padding mangle maintaining the room temperature as well as normal pH. The padding mangle used is 2 bowl padding mangle amongst each bowl of 1kg. The cotton wool gauze were impregnated inwards the herbal extract for nearly one-half sixty minutes at room temperature as well as it has been squeezed using twosome of bowls amongst the pull per unit of measurement area of 0.75 psi so the padding was done uniformly inwards the total width of the cloth as well as excess total of liquor receive got been squeezed out. Thus the herbal finished cloth is taken for drying as well as the finished cloth is named every bit “Medicated Herbal Bandage”.

    Medicated Herbal Bandage
    Ethanol extracts of herbs were straight applied on cotton wool gauze past times padding method to promote wound healing inwards curt fourth dimension as well as to trim the jeopardy of bacterial infection. Since mimosa pudica institute has abundantly available inwards many of the countries, the ambit of implementation as well as commercialization of herbal extract to impart finishes inwards textile is volition last high as well as raw stuff is 100% natural resources, it is ecofriendly having economic, social as well as environmental benefits. Thus the medicated herbal bandage is prepared as well as diverse functioning exam receive got been carried out. The exam follows are FTIR, SEM, absorbency test, antibacterial, phytochemical analysis as well as wound healing activity.
    Fig 4: Medicated Herbal Bandage 

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