Yaa Tragic Burn Incidence Inward Garment Manufacture Too The Moments For Alive Telecast

Tragic burn incidence & the moments for alive telecast

Mohammad Nurul Alam
Senior Merchandiser | Asmara BD Pvt. Ltd. | Dhaka | People's Republic of Bangladesh
Cell: +8801930540035,
E-mail: alamnur09@yahoo.com / alam@bd.asmaragroup.com

The soul was rescued from gravels & stones. He was injured seriously & inwards a life & decease situation. Then came closed to other soul belongings a microphone & camera. He came nigh & asked - how you lot feel? Yes, I am talking nigh large industrial incidence that tumble out inwards Bangladesh. Rana plaza tragedy withal haunting us. But it was a scenario that mentioned higher upwards when a journalist inquire this enquiry to seriously injured person. No affair what he asked but the affair is alive telecast. So his rational feeling never handgrip his dorsum to foreclose quest stupid question.
Fire inwards Tongi
Actually why this one-time matters came again? The argue is recent burn incident that tumble out at the Tongi inwards a garment industry. This is a really tragic burn incidence when everyone is preparing for 2d Eid holiday. I was surprisingly shocked to imagine what the hereafter behaviour on waiting for us inwards the wearing clothing industry. So really scared for childish activities that our media is doing inwards yell of alive telecast.

I am non concur to enshroud whatever ting when a garment possessor responsible for decease of working people. The soul who never intend of life direct chances & security he must hold upwards punished past times the laws. So that other wearing clothing manufacturers must intend nigh security & don't force the life inwards direct chances inwards yell of profit. If he fails to offering proper businesses procedures thence he should non come upwards inwards the garment businesses. Because nosotros don't desire to loss life fifty-fifty if he or she is really ordinary worker. This should non hold upwards allowed to throw whole garment manufacture inwards challenge & large direct chances for a few net maker.

My theme was alive telecast for whatever serious incidence that should non hold upwards spread panic amidst the mutual people. Even closed to fourth dimension this may convey worse situation. The Gulshan tragedy is the best examples when terrorists are watching the alive telecast & updating themselves thence the province of affairs gone towards worse. Because terrorists desire the tidings should hold upwards spread throughout of the globe & our media is doing the same unconsciously what they are trying to do. Very funny!!

Now come upwards to alive telecast of Tongi incidence. I was watching the TV tidings thence came to know nigh the tragic accident & loss of casualties. But the reporter is seeming talking unnecessary. He is talking to soul who is crossing him. The reporter halt him & asked - practise you lot know what happened? How burn caught & how many people died? The passerby equally he himself watching the burn move he give response what is rumored. Many people died! Many injured! This a large fire. OK thence the study tried to grab a burn worker who is trying to extinguish fire. Hi man, tin john you lot tell us what happen? The burn human being was thence busy that he could non demonstrate his facial expression upwards inwards front end of camera. The reporter continuing his nonstop report. What supposed to be, what may happen, what is the loss similar this many update. Surprisingly everything is coming from his ain explanation & imagination. No authorized soul is proverb what is the loss & how the burn tumble out & why.

This is genuinely our media trends. Everyone is trying to give latest update. So utter to a greater extent than & brand the province of affairs worse fifty-fifty if it is bad for overall business. Actually every unmarried tragic incidence keeping us scared for our wearing clothing business. Gulshan tragedy, the wound is withal non cured where wearing clothing personnel lost life. The novel burn incidence 1 time to a greater extent than a large stupor inwards the industry. We don't know what is waiting adjacent but should receive got to intend for overall delineate of piece of job organisation likewise equally to punish responsible for tragic incidence.

Articles are published past times the same author:
  1. The Way of Smart Merchandising
  2. Career inwards Merchandising: Factory vs Buying House
  3. Copy-Paste Worksheet, H5N1 Big Reason for Big Mistake inwards Merchandising

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